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[.24.2] DISCONTINUED July-27- Asteroid Cities V2.0


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Epic Mod, First thread I have gone back and read all the post.

Some Ideas for Parts, (not sure if any of this is Possible).

Shield Generator, Put 2 on ea Polls so you have 6x on the 3x Axies, With alot of power it creates and Force Field.

Then with your Fuel Valve (or A new version) We can dump, Oxygen into forcefield and make A atmosphere.

(Not sure if you could do it .. but once that is all set up and running the Asteroid would then have gravity of say Gilly)

Another part that would be cool, not too sure of the usefulness, A 3.25 part that tunnels into the Asteroid. The end that is Protruding will have A bay or fold open and show and inter hub of rooms or something ..

Maybe have room for some parts Like A nuclear reactor for energy.

Any how, I know its A long shot. But just the First things that came to mind.

Love your Mods, (on A side note, if you have time, make some nice deployable Wheels that can hide inside parts LOL)

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  Tangle said:
Uhhh, the crew bunker isn't docking... I lightly bonk it against the asteroid and nothing happens.

I had the same troubles for a long time. Eventually I found that you must pick a nice wide flat face on the asteroid and "lightly bonk it" perfectly square and flat against that surface. Then it locks right up.

Edit: Here are some pics to try to illustrate what I mean. This asteroid has two different terrain types. In the first image you can see the side with a very rough terrain profile. Don't try to land the big 3.25 m diameter bunker in there you will be bouncing off the bumpy asteroid surface all day. The second image shows the other side of the same asteroid. The big wide relatively flat and smooth terrain on this side is perfect for attaching the large bunker part. I put 4 RCS pods around the edge of the bunker and then just flew it in to land by itself. That seemed to be easier than pressing it against the asteroid while it was attached to a larger craft.

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  Fraz86 said:
Does anyone have a screenshot of the bunker's IVA?

I do have a screenshot of the bunker IVA but posting it would be a big spoiler. My opinion is that it is very good. It gave me a smile to see it. Sure it is a little bit basic at present but IVA's are notoriously difficult to make and as far as I know this is dtobi's first attempt at one so that makes it especially good. I would like to see a Rasterprop monitor inside and an internal switch to turn on a light visible through the windows from outside to show someone is at home, that would also be nice, but I expect these are things that could come along in a later version?

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  dtobi said:
This message means that you ran out of one of the input resources. Do you have eclss or interstellar installed? Can you post a mod list. Maybe some other mod has a different water definition active.

I am running Interstellar but the resource names are different. Its lqdwater in Interstellar.

No other mod uses water.

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I've been looking for a biomass replacement and saw this mod. It's pretty interesting. :) I could see the greenhouse working with TAC to turn Waste into Compost, and then turn Compost, Water, and CarbonDioxide into Food and Oxygen. There would be loss so no indefinite life support systems.

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To the Greenhouse: I think it's overpowered (compared to TACLS resource consumption of kerbals) and maybe should need carbone dioxide (to get oxygen) and use a litle bit less energy.

  Angel-125 said:
I've been looking for a biomass replacement and saw this mod. It's pretty interesting. :) I could see the greenhouse working with TAC to turn Waste into Compost, and then turn Compost, Water, and CarbonDioxide into Food and Oxygen. There would be loss so no indefinite life support systems.

I agree, that would be great.

At least a small impression of my "Gaya" greenhouse testing station:


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Nice greenhouse pic!

This definitely needs tweaking, but here's what I've come up with for my greenhouse. I use TAC Life Support.

// --- resource parameters ---



name = TacGenericConverter

converterName = Greenhouse

// Number of units to convert per day (24 hours)

conversionRate = 8.4

// A comma separated list of resources to use as inputs.

// For each resource, list the resource name and the amount (which

// is multiplied by the conversionRate)

inputResources = CarbonDioxide, 1, Waste, 1, Water, 1, ElectricCharge, 1000

// A comma separated list of resources to output. Same as above

// but also specify whether it should keep converting if the

// resource is full (generating excess that will be thrown away).

outputResources = Oxygen, 0.9, true, Food, 0.01, true, WasteWater, 2.218, true


After many attempts to dock a command bunker to an asteroid, I've given up the attempt. I simply cannot get an armed command bunker, with saw pointed towards the asteroid, to dock. I even tried docking to a flat surface. It would be much easier for me to use the stock claw at this point. Maybe you could make the command bunker part extend some sort of tube that would dig into lumpy asteroids and make it easier to dock.

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Is anyone else having trouble getting the Philly unit to re-engage contact with an asteroid after releasing it? Mine are OK on the first try, but if I try to release and re-dock in a better location, the unit doesn't want to capture the second time. Is the Philly a "one-time-only" device?

ADDENDUM: Looks like maybe I'm not the only one seeing this problem. The post by Morgan above sounds like the same issue, just with a different part. FWIW, I'm trying to limit my contact velocity to 0.2-0.3 m/s.

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  Angel-125 said:

After many attempts to dock a command bunker to an asteroid, I've given up the attempt. I simply cannot get an armed command bunker, with saw pointed towards the asteroid, to dock. I even tried docking to a flat surface. It would be much easier for me to use the stock claw at this point. Maybe you could make the command bunker part extend some sort of tube that would dig into lumpy asteroids and make it easier to dock.

I've found it almost impossible to attach the thing with any kind of large vessle. My first attempt was on the end of a very large 2.5m rocket core built around a KSPI fusion reactor. That one took dozens of attempts before I got it to stick and I think it was more luck and persistance than any real technique that got a lock. On the other hand if you have it stuck to a small RCS drone you can push it right up agianst the roid and just sort of rock it in there while thrusting forward with RCS and it will normaly latch on eventualy. its really sensitive to being absolutly flush with the surface and you just cant swing the thing around with a big rocket accurately or fast enough to get it set before you bump the roid or the ship out of position.

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  Morgan said:
got bugged :(

The 2.5m Claw isnt grabbing after releasing and repositioning. It just bumps on the roid and nothing happens.

Looks like its not properly resetting after release.

  BARCLONE said:
Is anyone else having trouble getting the Philly unit to re-engage contact with an asteroid after releasing it? Mine are OK on the first try, but if I try to release and re-dock in a better location, the unit doesn't want to capture the second time. Is the Philly a "one-time-only" device?

ADDENDUM: Looks like maybe I'm not the only one seeing this problem. The post by Morgan above sounds like the same issue, just with a different part. FWIW, I'm trying to limit my contact velocity to 0.2-0.3 m/s.

I have not written a plugin for the grabbers but use the stock logic. If this is a problem, the stock grabber should have the same problem. Does quicksaving and reloading help?

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  dtobi said:
Does quicksaving and reloading help?

No but constantly pushing into the roid made it. It took 4-5 seconds for the grabber to attach.

I dont know if its of interest but now I got repeadtly attacked by the "Ghost Kraken" when launching the same construction from KSC.

I will try to replicate the Kraken attack tomorrow and also try it without the 25m Grabber attached.

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  Morgan said:
No but constantly pushing into the roid made it. It took 4-5 seconds for the grabber to attach.

I dont know if its of interest but now I got repeadtly attacked by the "Ghost Kraken" when launching the same construction from KSC.

I will try to replicate the Kraken attack tomorrow and also try it without the 25m Grabber attached.

Please keep me posted. The grabbers seem to be problematic in general. I wonder what it takes to make my own grabber plugin.

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  dtobi said:
Please keep me posted. The grabbers seem to be problematic in general. I wonder what it takes to make my own grabber plugin.

The problem may be very simple "under the hood". It feels like a "dirty flag" being set when contact is first made, but not being "cleaned up" when contact is broken. Since I try to make contact at about the same m/s as a docking (0.15-0.2 m/s), there shouldn't be any "stress fractures" from the connection. But don't rule that out -- as you said, the stock grabbers have their own problems, and I've had breakages in docking ports from otherwise gentle bumps.

Having any remaining sideways residual motion might be "tearing" at the joints without us realizing it.

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  BARCLONE said:
The problem may be very simple "under the hood". It feels like a "dirty flag" being set when contact is first made, but not being "cleaned up" when contact is broken.

Sense, it makes.

  dtobi said:
Please keep me posted. The grabbers seem to be problematic in general. I wonder what it takes to make my own grabber plugin.

OK, I tried several things now after I gave up last night.

- Launched a new ship, same config etc., NO Kraken this time.

- Grabbed a roid, success.

- Quicksave

- Released, repositioned and grab attemp again. Only bumping. :(

- Restart of computer.

- Released, repositioned and grab attemp again. Only bumping. :(

- Quickload

- Release

- Quicksave

- Restart of computer.

- Repositioned and grab attemp again. Only bumping. :(

- Back to VAB

- Swapped 2.5m Claw for NASA Grabber

- Arm, approach, grab, success.

- Release, disarm, arm, approach, grab, success.

- Release, approach, grab, success.

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So far I know the claw stuff uses the docking logic. So I guess there is a time you have to wait until you can grab again, like you have to wait until you can redock to a docking port. But just guessing...

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Actually I just experienced it ; I released my advanced grabbing unit and tried to re-dock, but the button said "release" instead of "arm" so I pressed it and it did nothing, so I reloaded, on reload I got absolutely bombarded with Nullreference exceptions and my game lagged up, then when trying to revert flight it wouldn't work, so I tried going to the space centre, that didn't work either, so I closed ksp (using task manager) and here I am now

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  Boamere said:
Actually I just experienced it ; I released my advanced grabbing unit and tried to re-dock, but the button said "release" instead of "arm" so I pressed it and it did nothing, so I reloaded, on reload I got absolutely bombarded with Nullreference exceptions and my game lagged up, then when trying to revert flight it wouldn't work, so I tried going to the space centre, that didn't work either, so I closed ksp (using task manager) and here I am now

I am sending a expedition with a couple of claws to my new testing asteroid. I'll try to get a hold on the problem. For now, please assume the claws are single use only.

Hope to bring good news soon.

Edit1: Qucksaving and instantly quickliading worked for me. The philly docket twice that way. But its still tricky. I'll keep working on it.

Edit2: I might have found the issue. Testing now.

Edit3: I successfully grabbed a large tank several times and released it. The pivot functionality was broken and did crash the module. After a release, the crashed module was unable to dock again. I'll release the update soon.

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  dtobi said:
Edit3: I successfully grabbed a large tank several times and released it. The pivot functionality was broken and did crash the module. After a release, the crashed module was unable to dock again. I'll rekease teh update soon.

I hope thats it! Cuz after more testing, my debug log shows nothing.

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  dtobi said:
Edit3: I successfully grabbed a large tank several times and released it. The pivot functionality was broken and did crash the module. After a release, the crashed module was unable to dock again. I'll release the update soon.

It's a shame the pivot couldn't be free to move about during the docking. A lot of the grabs I've seen with the Philly have only one or two touch points making contact, with the third one "hung" above the surface. It's more a visual thing, I realize, but it visually looks odd.

Looking forward to the update.

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