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[1.3 & 1.2] KSP-AVC Add-on Version Checker Plugin - MiniAVC - KSP-AVC Online (2016-10-13)


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I just noticed that KSP AVC doesn't show the updates of my mod, is this an issue with avc or am I doing something wrong?

[TABLE=width: 50%]





"\u03a3ModExpansion: OPM Bundle",




















"\u03a3ModExpansion: OPM Bundle",




















it looks like avc doesn't like the ":" inside the mod name.

that's odd since when I tried the first time it was working fine

Edited by Sigma88
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This may sound a little silly, but have you actually changed the version number? Looks like they're both set to 0.5.2. AVC will only show that there's an update if it sees a remote version that's greater the local one.

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This may sound a little silly, but have you actually changed the version number? Looks like they're both set to 0.5.2. AVC will only show that there's an update if it sees a remote version that's greater the local one.

yeah that was an error in copy-pasting in the thread sorry :D

the cfg in the new download files have 0.5.3, but when I load the game with 0.5.2 it is green

also, the check counter is at 0 which is weird.

I just tried to make a "ΣMETest" and it works fine, I have no clue about what could be wrong


so, this is very weird. I've deleted the mod version from the ksp.avc site, and I've created a new one with the same name and specs.

The new one is working (even with the old cfg files) I really have no idea why

could it be that I have too many versions that start with the same name?

Edited by Sigma88
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Ahh... I didn't catch it either... The URL field should point to the remote version file, it's currently pointing to the forum thread. If you're using KSP-AVC Online, the URL will need to be "http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=[version id]". Also the CHANGE_LOG_URL should point to a text file (not the forum) as this is shown under the "CHANGES" button, allowing the player to view the change log in-game (can be left blank and the button will not be shown).

I have just checked the database and the URL's you should have set for your mods are:

OPM Bundle - http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=170

OPM Pluron-Khato : http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=169

OPM Recolor : http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=168

OPM Recolor & UrlumTilt : http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=166

OPM UrlumTilt : http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=167

ME RT Antennas : http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=131

Hope this helps :)

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Ahh... I didn't catch it either... The URL field should point to the remote version file, it's currently pointing to the forum thread. If you're using KSP-AVC Online, the URL will need to be "http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=[version id]". Also the CHANGE_LOG_URL should point to a text file (not the forum) as this is shown under the "CHANGES" button, allowing the player to view the change log in-game (can be left blank and the button will not be shown).

I have just checked the database and the URL's you should have set for your mods are:

OPM Bundle - http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=170

OPM Pluron-Khato : http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=169

OPM Recolor : http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=168

OPM Recolor & UrlumTilt : http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=166

OPM UrlumTilt : http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=167

ME RT Antennas : http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=131

Hope this helps :)

thank you! I'll check that out :)


yeah, that was definitely it.

Idk why but at some point I switched the correct url with the forum page... now they're working properly :D

Edited by Sigma88
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  • 3 weeks later...

This may get lost in the other items here, but I'd like to point out an unwanted behavior that causes significant game play interruption.


In the situation where an internet connection is present, but sufficiently degraded, AVC continues the lookup process maintaining the version update status window in a position that makes the game difficult to play. I have not experienced the updater making any progress once the game menu loads. In every event that I have experienced this error appear, it remains onscreen until game shutdown.

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Possible solutions:

  • default timeout version check upon KSC load
  • minimize window upon KSC load
  • manual timeout/stop check option

Edited by aquilux
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I'd like to report a bug with this:

The following file installed by the CraftHistory mod:


gets reported at startup time as being that the mod was compiled for 1.0, not 1.0.2

I did report this as an issue on GitHub

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Just came here to report the same issue aquilux has reported above. I'd like to add that it's an issue not only when your internet connection is slow, but whenever the website for the add-on's or AVC's website doesn't respond for a while.

+1. This is a dealbreaker-- it means that an outage on somebody else's website can stop me from playing KSP.

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Don't worry, I'm currently working on a new version of KSP-AVC; a complete re-write from the ground up. I'd like to get it finished and available for you lot very soon, as AVC has been in need of an overhaul for quite some time. Rest assured that it doesn't have this checking window bug :)

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I'd like to report a bug with this:

The following file installed by the CraftHistory mod:


gets reported at startup time as being that the mod was compiled for 1.0, not 1.0.2

I did report this as an issue on GitHub

I was having the same problem so I decided to just remove the KSPmin and KSPmax entries

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  • 3 weeks later...

Question: I thought that I could override the local version file's compatible version numbers using the remote file. Does this not work the way that I think? Did I do something wrong? Or is it related to issues that others have had?

The remote file

The local file:

"NAME": "TAC Life Support",
"URL": "http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=9",
"VERSION": "",
"MAJOR": 1,
"MINOR": 0,
"PATCH": 2


Executing: MiniAVC -
Assembly: C:\Games\KSP_win-1.0.4\GameData\TacFuelBalancer\MiniAVC.dll

[Log 22:10:17.2058047]: Starter was created.
[Log 22:10:17.6018274]: Starter was destroyed.
[Log 22:10:18.1808605]: C:\Games\KSP_win-1.0.4\GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\TacLifeSupport.version
NAME: TAC Life Support
URL: http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=9
CompatibleKspVersion: False
CompatibleKspVersionMin: True
CompatibleKspVersionMax: True
CompatibleGitHubVersion: True
[Log 22:10:18.1828606]: http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=9
NAME: TAC Life Support
URL: http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=9
DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/wiki/Download
CompatibleKspVersion: False
CompatibleKspVersionMin: True
CompatibleKspVersionMax: True
CompatibleGitHubVersion: True
UpdateAvailable: False

[Log 22:10:18.1828606]: IssueGui was created.
[Log 22:10:18.4718771]: C:\Games\KSP_win-1.0.4\GameData\TacFuelBalancer\TacFuelBalancer.version
NAME: TAC Fuel Balancer
URL: http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=20
CompatibleKspVersion: False
CompatibleKspVersionMin: True
CompatibleKspVersionMax: True
CompatibleGitHubVersion: True
[Log 22:10:18.4718771]: http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=20
NAME: TAC Fuel Balancer
URL: http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=20
DOWNLOAD: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25823
CompatibleKspVersion: False
CompatibleKspVersionMin: True
CompatibleKspVersionMax: True
CompatibleGitHubVersion: True
UpdateAvailable: False

[Log 22:10:20.1329721]: IssueGui was destroyed.
[Log 22:10:20.1369724]: IssueGui was created.
[Log 22:10:21.1020276]: IssueGui was destroyed.
[Log 22:10:21.1050277]: Starter was destroyed.

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I need some help with my set-up. I release my mod via GitHub. The tags used for the releases look like "v0.4.1-beta". However, the README says that, when using the GITHUB property, update notifications won't appear if the GitHub version doesn't match the remote .version file's version. Will my tag naming scheme be a problem here, or will things be fine?

Here are my releases, and here is my .version file:

"NAME" : "Kerbal Sorter",
"URL" : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JonDahm/KerbalSorter/master/KerbalSorter.version",
"CHANGE_LOG_URL" : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JonDahm/KerbalSorter/master/CHANGELOG.md",
"MAJOR" : 0,
"MINOR" : 4,
"PATCH" : 1,
"BUILD" : 0
"GITHUB" : {
"USERNAME" : "JonDahm",
"REPOSITORY" : "KerbalSorter",
"MAJOR" : 1,
"MINOR" : 0,
"PATCH" : 4
"MAJOR" : 1,
"MINOR" : 0,
"PATCH" : 4
"MAJOR" : 1,
"MINOR" : 0,
"PATCH" : 0

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To answer my own question, after some testing: If your latest github release is tagged "v0.4-beta" and your remote .version file has version 0.4, an update notification will, in fact, appear. It seems that AVC will trim that extra text in the tag. However, if your remote .version file has 0.3 or 0.5 instead, an update notification will not appear.

Remember to keep your .version file up to date, y'all!

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TaranisElsu, I've set up a similar test to yours and not had any problems. Perhaps you need to update your Mini-AVC installation?

My local file:

"NAME":"Kerbal Sorter",

My remote file:

"NAME":"Kerbal Sorter",


Executing: MiniAVC -
Assembly: G:\Kerbal Space Program Modding\KSP 1.0.4 Test Install\GameData\Test\MiniAVC.dll

[Log 19:27:14.6872803]: Starter was created.
[Log 19:27:16.3513755]: Identical remote version found: Using remote version information only.
[Log 19:27:16.3513755]: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=hMeyn99E
NAME: Kerbal Sorter
DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/JonDahm/KerbalSorter/releases/tag/v0.4-beta
GITHUB: JonDahm/KerbalSorter
LatestRelease: 0.4
AllowPreRelease: False
CompatibleKspVersion: False
CompatibleKspVersionMin: True
CompatibleKspVersionMax: True
CompatibleGitHubVersion: True

[Log 19:27:16.3563758]: Starter was destroyed.

I've also tested with the local's version set to the string "0.4.0" rather than an object, with the same results.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't worry, I'm currently working on a new version of KSP-AVC; a complete re-write from the ground up. I'd like to get it finished and available for you lot very soon, as AVC has been in need of an overhaul for quite some time. Rest assured that it doesn't have this checking window bug :)

Any word on this?

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Any word on this?
+1 to that. It leaves me feeling uncertain about the current state of KSP-AVC. Especially as this thread title hasn't even been changed to reflect the 1.0.4 release, though I see the AVC website is reporting mods being updated to 1.0.4 which suggests KSP-AVC is also fine.
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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be nice if there was a way to acknowledge a particular warning. I don't really need to see the same warning about RandomMod-X.Y.Z. being build for KSP U.V.W. unless one of the version numbers involved changes. Perhaps a checkbox toggle on the 'Show Add-ons' dropdown?

This is especially wanted when setting up a new pack of mods to play with, as you may end up starting the game several times in rapid succession and having several dialogs from KSP-AVC pile up on the loading screen is somewhat... irritating.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
How do you hide the window? I have this window up that's stuck on "checked 48 of 49 add-ons" and it won't go away and I can't move it.

You can't. The window is not hideable or moveable, and it will never time out.

It's a known issue, see the thread starting at this post.

Either ignore it until whatever site it's checking comes back online, or temporarily remove KSP-AVC.

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