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The unofficially official 0.24-Kerbapalooza Thread - Now extra #HYPETRAIN!


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  Mirean said:
I got like 2 hours of sleep maximum last night, and if there won't be any announcement of bugs (delay), I will most certainly get even less sleep tonight. Have to go to work in 5 hours, but I don't care, Hype train must go on!

Well, of course you don´t have to care about sleep ... another liter of coffee or Red Bull will easily replace it :D

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  Godot said:
Well, of course you don´t have to care about sleep ... another liter of coffee or Red Bull will easily replace it :D

You're goddamn right! Although there are no shops open when I go to work (4 AM) :/ I guess I will have to somehow survive it for the few hours until first shops open

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I've been super-keen on the whole 'economy' update since I first caught wind of it. I quite enjoyed career-mode KSP, but had less fun in sandbox mode. My particular gaming style can be quite goal-focused, but also requires external goal-setting. I enjoy the idea of contract goals, whereas, for whatever reason, my mental infrastructure doesn't do well at self-set goals.

In other news, gib me update please!

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Always room for more boosters - even if you have to mount them on other boosters. Why? Because just rebuilding with a larger lifter assembly is like admitting defeat.

This hypetrain needs more boosters.

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  WillHop said:
Looks like another experimental went up on the Linux platform - likely means no update today :(

Oh noes! Well, it's time to go to bed anyway. Hopefully it'll be out by the time I wake up tomorrow.

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  Mischief said:
Always room for more boosters - even if you have to mount them on other boosters. Why? Because just rebuilding with a larger lifter assembly D's like admitting defeat.

This hypetrain needs more boosters.

Then I will need more hype fuel and room on the train, because we already have too much Hype boosters! I know terrible!

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  WillHop said:
Huh. They usually use scratchpad early on in the dev process. Weird.

They use scratchpad2 for early dev stuff. They use scratchpad for QA and testing. Sounds like it's going out for an RC now. But I don't know for sure.

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  WillHop said:
Huh. They usually use scratchpad early on in the dev process. Weird.

No, that's the Release Candidate. Scratchpad - "QA Builds and Staging Area". First it's on experimental (dev), now it's QA.

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