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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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I'm wondering if too many scansats can cause a performance issue.

I recently launched 6 satellites, 3 for the Mun and 3 for Minmus. Each set has two satellites with one scanner per satellite, and one satellite with two scanners. The satellites are all in polar orbits, and are all active.

I noticed that launching a low part count ship (22 parts) had low FPS and was somewhat laggy. So I'm wondering if the scanners and satellites would be causing the problem.

My system specs are way too high for that to be an issue:

32 gig memory


nVidia GTX760

If so, then how many satellites/scanners are recommended to be in use at any time?


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I am currently running it using the Windows x64 temp fix. I understand that this is not supported and if that's the problem

It isn't supported, but if it were I would need to see log files. :D

I'm wondering if too many scansats can cause a performance issue.

They can, but it shouldn't be in the way you are describing.

The actual parts themselves don't have much to do, so loading up a vessel with scanners, active or not, shouldn't make much of a difference. The part models themselves also shouldn't be much of a problem, the animations aren't terribly efficient, and some of the parts are made of way more objects than they should be, but unless you start adding 50 scanners per vessel that shouldn't really be an issue.

The actual scanning mechanism is separate from the parts themselves, even for the active vessel. It only updates once per second though, so the performance impact you see from having too many scanners active at once (that is, all active scanners, on any vessel, loaded or not) manifests as a slight hiccup once every second. Except for some worst case scenarios (very low-end CPU, with hundreds of active scanners) the only time you should see this is at the highest, or next-to-highest, time warp level. If that becomes a problem you can always lower the scanning resolution in the settings menu, I usually leave it at medium, since minor gaps in scanning coverage rarely matter at max time warp.

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It isn't supported, but if it were I would need to see log files. :D

Well, that's the thing - there aren't any. It doesn't actually crash the game. For all intents and purposes, the game is still "running", I just lose any real UI functionality (in that when I go to a ship, there's no ship [since the camera is somewhere randomly in the galaxy] and, even though I have a navball, doing any control input makes nothing happen - and going back to space center and then into tracking station causes the UI bug I mentioned before where I can't select a ship or exit the tracking station).

So, at that point, all I'm left with is alt-tabbing and closing the window, which doesn't seem to generate a crash report or output log - unless I'm missing something.

If you've got no input otherwise, no biggie - I haven't seen anyone else mention something like this, so it's certainly possible it's just an anomaly on my end with my setup of installation and mods.

EDIT: My mod list, just in case it matters. I'll mark ones that are only in my most recent installation with "(new)" - all others were in the previous installations where the problem also existed

-[x]Science checklist

-Blizzy toolbar (new)

-Roverdude's USI suite and Karbonite suite (Karbonite is new, USI I've been using for a while)

-Ambient Light

-EVE and some textures (new)


-Community Tech Tree


-Interstellar Extended suite (new)


-Distant Object Enhancement

-Orbital Science


-OPM and Kopernicus

-Infernal Robotics (new)


-NearFuture suite


-notes (new)


-PortraitStats (new)




-AlarmClock and TransferWindowPlanner


Edited by Lexan
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Likewise, I will check the first post of the forum thread, and then if that fails the github wiki (if one exists).

And now there is one. The wiki has some basic info on how to scan and how to find a decent orbit using the orbit overlay. It also includes a fairly in-depth guide on how stock resource scanning works, how SCANsat resource scanning works, and how they differ.

Well, that's the thing - there aren't any. It doesn't actually crash the game.

There is always a log file. In the main KSP folder there is the KSP.log file, and in the KSP_Data folder there is the more verbos output_log.txt file. Both are updated every time KSP starts, so make sure to get a log file from a session in which you see the problem.

I have a small request: could the BTDT scanner module be activated by EVA? I thought of bringing it around with my scientists, using KIS, but I can't do anything with it unless I also bring and setup a probe core.

I keep meaning to add KIS and EVA support. You wouldn't be able to use the scanner while attached on EVA, it requires power, but I could at least add proper KIS support and the ability to toggle scanners while on EVA.

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I keep meaning to add KIS and EVA support. You wouldn't be able to use the scanner while attached on EVA, it requires power, but I could at least add proper KIS support and the ability to toggle scanners while on EVA.

I've put a config in MonkeyWrench that does the trick -- feel free to swipe it. Regarding the power requirement, MW also allows Kerbals to equip batteries and solar panels, and there are other addons that give Kerbals an intrinsic power supply.

I hadn't thought the others would be useful on EVA, so I didn't make configs for them, but maybe it's better to make configs for them anyway and let people find good reasons to walk around with radars on their backs?

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... I'm wondering if too many scansats can cause a performance issue. ...
... They can, but it shouldn't be in the way you are describing. ...

I have a SCANsat probes orbiting every planet in the system (except Jool) and most of the moons, and I find the performance hit minimal. I've seen the 'hiccup' mentioned by DMagic, but that's it.

Upon starting the game, jumping to a ship (any ship) I'll notice from time to time the SCANsat database rebuilding, or rather 'updating'... that can take a few moments, but it doesn't really lag the game, just the display of a map until it's done.

Other than that, what is slowing my game down is debris... lots of it. Have you looked into that, linuxgurugamer?

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There is always a log file. In the main KSP folder there is the KSP.log file, and in the KSP_Data folder there is the more verbos output_log.txt file. Both are updated every time KSP starts, so make sure to get a log file from a session in which you see the problem.

Cool man, I didn't realize that - I only ever knew of the logs that were made in the dated folders when the game crashed. You'll be happy to know, though, that I started a new installation without SCANsat and I have managed to get the issue to occur, so it's definitely not something on SCANsat's end. Now I just have to see if I can figure out which mod it is from my long list of them.

I looked through the log and found the "scene change" where the issue happened - but I don't see anything obvious as the culprit, so I guess I'll just have to keep isolating and testing. The good news for me, at least, is... SCANsat is coming back into the list of active mods! :D

EDIT: deductive reasoning led me to look at the previous scene change and the one where there error occurred and see what was different. all is the same until "Initializing flight mode" where this section appears in the one that produced the problem. I know we've eliminated SCANsat, but thought maybe you'd see if there's anything here you recognize:

[LOG 16:18:59.934] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------

[LOG 16:18:59.952] Target vessel index: 32 vessel count: 34

[EXC 16:18:59.953] NullReferenceException

UnityEngine.Component.get_transform ()

FloatingOrigin.setOffset (Vector3d refPos)

FloatingOrigin.SetOffset (Vector3d refPos)

FlightDriver.Start ()

Everything, as far as I can notice, before and after that on each scene is the same. Doesn't look like there's any mods specifically tied to that set of code, so maybe it's just purely a x64 problem?

Edited by Lexan
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Simple answer to your problem is use the 32bit version and see if you have the same issue x64 isnt really supported

Yes, I know. Fortunately for me (and many more of us), this won't be an issue for long! UNfortunately, I have too many mods for 32-bit to not hate life and crash all of the time due to memory overload - so I'll just have to deal until the 1.1 release. Crossing my fingers for sometime in the next month since they've started QA testing.

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Lets say I'm setting up my scanners to use these types, how do I tell the scanner to do them all? I know if I want to scan for the entire list of sensorTypes, I just take the last numeral at the end of the list, not yet assigned, and use it to do everything "X" number and lower, but how do I tell the scanner, to selectively scan the 4 types I have listed? BTW: the last sensorType is the final resource in the SCANresource cfg.

sensorType = 512

sensorType = 8192

sensorType = 2097152

sensorType = 4194304

I have been given a bit of instructions earlier in this thread, but it didn't quite explain what I am currently trying to set up. Thx guys and keep fingers crossed for the Unity5 release.

EDIT: Ok I think I have figure it out, didn't think it was as simple as just adding the values together, but that seems to be the answer. Thx for helping me earlier with this, I'm finally getting it.

Edited by ArkaelDren
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I'm trying to set up some resources only found in the Oceans and I keep running into a couple problems.

This placed within the part cfg of the scanner.



name = ModuleResourceScanner

ScannerType = 1

ResourceName = LqdMethane


Then I have placed this inside the MM patches within the SCANSat folder.





name = ModuleSCANresourceScanner

sensorType = 2097152

fov = 3

min_alt = 50000

max_alt = 750000

best_alt = 350000

scanName = LqdMethane Scan

power = 0.75



I have the resources in the community folder, they are correct. But when I try and scan it seems to work but ScanSat says "no scanner found" Could you possibly show the correct way to set this up, I have every other scanning process doing its thing with all of the crustal type resources, but for some reason these wont function. If you don't have the time no sweat, you guys are busy i get it. Time doesn't slow for any of us.

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SCANsat doesn't do liquid resources.

If you want to setup liquid methane to be found on the surface, like the CRP has water setup, then you'll need to add it as a planetary resource (ResourceType = 0, in the resource config), and add the appropriate stock scanning module (ScannerType = 0). You can limit planetary resources to ocean biomes using a BIOME_RESOURCE config, the same way that stock ore is excluded from oceans.

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well that could explain a bit for sure. ;.; Any plans in the future to doing resources like this? I will go ahead and adjust all the liquid resources to Biome specific. Thx for the help again. Wanted to know if you have thought about doing a few Resource scanners of your own? Your science models are amazing and I think doing a few resource scanners would be a great way to cut out the middle man for some of us. I hardly use Mods that expand resources like Kethane or Karbonite for the intended purpose, I just need scanners for SCANSat. :D

Edited by ArkaelDren
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Using SCANsat together with the latest version of Kerbal Galaxy causes an infinite flood of NullReferenceException messages in the log.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at PQSMod_VertexHeightMap.OnVertexBuildHeight (.VertexBuildData data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PQS.Mod_OnVertexBuildHeight (.VertexBuildData data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PQS.GetSurfaceHeight (Vector3d radialVector) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SCANsat.SCANUtil.getElevation (.CelestialBody body, Int32 lon, Int32 lat) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SCANsat.SCAN_Data.SCANdata.generateHeightMap (System.Int32& step, System.Int32& xStart, Int32 width) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SCANsat.SCANcontroller.checkHeightMapStatus () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SCANsat.SCANcontroller.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Looking at the stacktrace, I suspect the newly added Moon "Krush" and its unusual shape to be the cause.


Could it be?

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I'd like to add the same error messages are flooding my logs as well. Unlike the previous poster, I havne't added any new planetary bodies other than OPM a while back. I'm using the recently 14.2 version. Maybe I'll roll back to 14.1 to see if I get the same messages.

[EXC 19:14:43.325] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
PQSMod_VertexHeightMap.OnVertexBuildHeight (.VertexBuildData data)
PQS.Mod_OnVertexBuildHeight (.VertexBuildData data)
PQS.GetSurfaceHeight (Vector3d radialVector)
SCANsat.SCANUtil.getElevation (.CelestialBody body, Int32 lon, Int32 lat)
SCANsat.SCAN_Data.SCANdata.generateHeightMap (System.Int32& step, System.Int32& xStart, Int32 width)
SCANsat.SCANcontroller.checkHeightMapStatus ()
SCANsat.SCANcontroller.Update ()

EDIT: So late last night I did some additional troubleshooting. I belive what was happening was a recent update to OPM 1.8. Some of the file structure got messed up and SCANsat was looking for height maps that were missing or in the wrong spot. I deleted OPM and installed a fresh download of OPM 1.8 and that has appeared to fix this issue. SCANsat is no longer generating any exceptions. For those having similar issues, check to make sure any planetary addon file structure to make sure the config files aren't calling for files that are either in the wrong spot or missing.

Edited by thunder175
Troubleshooting Successful
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Using SCANsat together with the latest version of Kerbal Galaxy causes an infinite flood of NullReferenceException messages in the log.
I'd like to add the same error messages are flooding my logs as well. Unlike the previous poster, I havne't added any new planetary bodies other than OPM a while back. I'm using the recently 14.2 version. Maybe I'll roll back to 14.1 to see if I get the same messages.

EDIT: So late last night I did some additional troubleshooting. I belive what was happening was a recent update to OPM 1.8. Some of the file structure got messed up and SCANsat was looking for height maps that were missing or in the wrong spot. I deleted OPM and installed a fresh download of OPM 1.8 and that has appeared to fix this issue. SCANsat is no longer generating any exceptions. For those having similar issues, check to make sure any planetary addon file structure to make sure the config files aren't calling for files that are either in the wrong spot or missing.

I should probably add a check to that system so it doesn't carry on trying to calculate the planet's height map if something weird like this happens. But if the error persists it's likely to cause problems beyond SCANsat.

well that could explain a bit for sure. ;.; Any plans in the future to doing resources like this? I will go ahead and adjust all the liquid resources to Biome specific. Thx for the help again. Wanted to know if you have thought about doing a few Resource scanners of your own?

Scanning for liquid resources? I've never really bothered with it because there isn't as much complexity as there is with planetary resources, and Ore doesn't use it, so there isn't as much need for more accurate ocean scans. And there's really only two stock planets where it matters anyway, so I don't want to create another resource handling system just for that. I'll look into it though.

As for custom resource scanning instruments. I don't see much need for it. Resource scanners are already provided, either by stock for Ore, or by other mods when they are actually used. Creating my own would just a be a duplication of efforts.

I was wondering if there's gonna be an imaged version of the maps?

That's been a suggestion for a very long time. I might get to it eventually, but it's not something that I've ever considered a priority.

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I'd like to add the same error messages are flooding my logs as well. Unlike the previous poster, I havne't added any new planetary bodies other than OPM a while back. I'm using the recently 14.2 version. Maybe I'll roll back to 14.1 to see if I get the same messages. [...]

OPM is also based on Kopernicus, like Kerbal Galaxy. So you are probably right that this issue is caused by an unlucky interaction with Kopernicus. AFAIK it creates a cache of planets data in GameData/Kopernicus/Cache. I try and delete and see what happens.

Btw: The flooding didn't start immediately, but after some time in the game.

Edit: Ok, deleting the cache folder turned out to be a bad idea. It completely broke my KSP. Glad I made a backup ... :D

I should probably add a check to that system so it doesn't carry on trying to calculate the planet's height map if something weird like this happens. But if the error persists it's likely to cause problems beyond SCANsat.

That would be great. :D

Edited by nuclearping
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SOme bugs I've noticed:

Something is wierd with the small map and overlay for the RADAR instrument for Tylo, most of the moon is just blank. The big map is fine. All other instruments are fine and I haven't noticed that problem elsewhere.


When I leave the overlay on a body and switch craft or switch to KSC, when I view the same body, the overlay goes all wierd.


I've also seen a wierd mirror type effect. Fortunately, it's just a texture anomaly, toggling the draw overlay clears it.


Output log while doing all that: http://sta.sh/0wb3t9avju2

When I go from one ship to another via the map with the small map open, it gives this rather big error:

ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: input
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace (System.String input, System.String replacement, Int32 count, Int32 startat) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace (System.String input, System.String replacement) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace (System.String input, System.String pattern, System.String replacement, RegexOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace (System.String input, System.String pattern, System.String replacement) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SCANsat.SCAN_UI.UI_Framework.SCANuiUtil.readableLabel (System.String text, Boolean active) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SCANsat.SCAN_UI.SCANmainMap.scannerInfo (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SCANsat.SCAN_UI.SCANmainMap.DrawWindow (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.SCAN_MBW.DrawWindowInternal (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0



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Wierd, when I try to use tooltips while in the tracking station, I get spammed with an error.


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at SCANsat.SCANUtil.MouseIsOverWindow () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SCANsat.SCAN_UI.SCANoverlayController.mouseOverToolTip () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SCANsat.SCAN_UI.SCANoverlayController.OnGUIEvery () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.SCAN_MBE.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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