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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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  DMagic said:
Reasons... Ideal altitude is anything above what's labeled "ideal" up to the max altitude. Many of the scanners could probably use some rethinking.

i've actually edited mine so that all the parts are ideal at 250km so i can just load up a single satellite to throw in orbit, its a bit of an ordeal to get all your scanning done on distant planets/moons with a disparity of 500km on the parts.

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  BobsYerUncle said:
i've actually edited mine so that all the parts are ideal at 250km so i can just load up a single satellite to throw in orbit, its a bit of an ordeal to get all your scanning done on distant planets/moons with a disparity of 500km on the parts.

how does the "optimal distance" affect the scan?

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  MeCripp said:

Care to tell me what I should be looking at/for? I've read those a few times since the whole debacle started, and I still think they are a bit ambiguous ;)

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  Vladthemad said:
Care to tell me what I should be looking at/for? I've read those a few times since the whole debacle started, and I still think they are a bit ambiguous ;)
5. Contacting another network or computer system

Add-ons that contact another network or computer system must tell users exactly what it's sending or receiving in a clear and obvious way in all locations it is offered for download. <--- Maybe but pretty much # 5 is for ModStatistics

6. Gathering of information

Add-ons that gather personally identifiable information and send this information to another network or computer system must:

Provide the user with an opt-in system within the game that requires the user to agree unambiguously with the information gathering and sending before any such information is sent; this opt-in system must inform the user of the goal and extent of the information gathering;

Provide the user with an option in the AppLauncher to disable the data gathering that is visible in at least the Space Center scene; and

Grant a user the option to review and remove all personally identifiable information that is within control of the person who maintains the add-on.

For the purpose of this rule personally identifiable information does not include information that is sent beyond the control of the add-on author when establishing a connection to another network or computer system, such as IP addresses, so long as this information is not coupled and stored with the other gathered information. Personally identifiable information is defined as information that can be linked to a specific user.

5 is about it you have to read 6 close, look at the red.

EDIT-Don't get me wrong, I think ModStatistics is a joke from what, I seen on the websight before it went down that couldn't help anything need more info on the sight, But all in all, I don't like mod that buddle other mods just leave people with outdated plugin and double copy for most people.

Edited by Mecripp2
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  MeCripp said:
5 is about it you have to read 6 close, look at the red.

EDIT-Don't get me wrong, I think ModStatistics is a joke from what, I seen on the websight before it went down that couldn't help anything need more info on the sight, But all in all, I don't like mod that buddle other mods just leave people with outdated plugin and double copy for most people.

Not trying to kick off a modstats debate, god knows we don't need another one of those. Right now I can't find the post where a moderator clarified that Modstats had to be opt in or it was against the new rules going into effect. All other mods have either pulled it out or have had their download links removed from the forums I've noticed. That explains why the released link is now dead if modstats wasn't removed...but I was still surprised to find it in the dev version when directed to download that instead by other forum members. Irritating too, gave me one of those "Oh god dammit! Shut down EVERYTHING!!!!" moments when I saw it crop up. Then I had to spend time tracking it down and deleting it. Ok maybe I'm being dramatic, but you get the point and that's what led to my post.

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  Vladthemad said:
Not trying to kick off a modstats debate, god knows we don't need another one of those. Right now I can't find the post where a moderator clarified that Modstats had to be opt in or it was against the new rules going into effect. All other mods have either pulled it out or have had their download links removed from the forums I've noticed. That explains why the released link is now dead if modstats wasn't removed...but I was still surprised to find it in the dev version when directed to download that instead by other forum members. Irritating too, gave me one of those "Oh god dammit! Shut down EVERYTHING!!!!" moments when I saw it crop up. Then I had to spend time tracking it down and deleting it. Ok maybe I'm being dramatic, but you get the point and that's what led to my post.

LOL yes and it's still in ScanSat 6.1 and 7* but on # 5 offered for download that, I had in blue not sure how to read it that could why they might have to pull it and the rules was change from when it was first posted, I'm about sure of it but sorry to derail.

Edit- And Aethon yes

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  Aethon said:
Can you just delete Mod stats from your game data folder without messing everything up?

you have to find which mod it came with. the .dll included will AUTOFREAKINGINSTALL modstatistics every time it runs.

and THAT is the part where all my own frustrations with it came. if you bundle a mod together, it should be actually bundled so you know EXACTLY what you are installing, not a shadow install that pops up without your consent.

edit: "your experiences will vary" just my point of view, i also dont want to start another debate either

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There are no links because SCANSat is not currently in compliance with the forum rules. technogeeky et al are working on making it compliant, but are very busy; please be patient.

In the meantime, please *don't* post links to other ways to download it, as I will have to remove them.

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For anyone that can't download look at this post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80369-0-24-SCANsat-v6-1-Real-Scanning-Real-Science-at-Warp-Speed%21-Jul-18?p=1397092&viewfull=1#post1397092.




There are no links because SCANSat is not currently in compliance with the forum rules. technogeeky et al are working on making it compliant, but are very busy; please be patient.

In the meantime, please *don't* post links to other ways to download it, as I will have to remove them.

Edited by Mecripp2
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  optimusjamie said:
Does this mod still work in 24.2?

I got what I think is the latest version. The parts are there all right, but they don't seem to do anything. There's no menu that comes up when I right click them.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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