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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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Really promising update!

But... What's going on with the position of the small map window? In earlier versions I hat to reposition it every time I started KSP. Now in version 10 I have to reposition it every time I switch between vessels. I think position should be saved when closed. So what use has the button to reset all window positions? Did I miss something? I tried that reset button and every way of closing the window or leving it open while switching via Alarm Clock or the standard ways, but none of that helped.

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I can't seem to find any API docs. I was wondering, since SCANtype/sensorType are bitwise numbers, can I have a single SCANsat module that can do multiple resources/scan type. EG:

2 = Colour Altimeter

8 = Biome

16 = Anomaly

128 = Ore

8192 = Water

So 8474 does all 5?

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  Felson said:
I can't seem to find any API docs. I was wondering, since SCANtype/sensorType are bitwise numbers, can I have a single SCANsat module that can do multiple resources/scan type. EG:

2 = Colour Altimeter

8 = Biome

16 = Anomaly

128 = Ore

8192 = Water

So 8474 does all 5?

that's should work

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  Felson said:
I can't seem to find any API docs. I was wondering, since SCANtype/sensorType are bitwise numbers, can I have a single SCANsat module that can do multiple resources/scan type. EG:

2 = Colour Altimeter

8 = Biome

16 = Anomaly

128 = Ore

8192 = Water

So 8474 does all 5?

Yup thats how it works.. :)

on that note,does anyone have a complete list of supported resources? (and their numbers =) )

Edited by rabidninjawombat
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  Felson said:
I can't seem to find any API docs. I was wondering, since SCANtype/sensorType are bitwise numbers, can I have a single SCANsat module that can do multiple resources/scan type. EG:

2 = Colour Altimeter

8 = Biome

16 = Anomaly

128 = Ore

8192 = Water

So 8474 does all 5?

Well, that's how it works in theory. But you need to add up the numbers correctly, and both altimetries are 3, not 2; 8347 not 8474.

  rabidninjawombat said:
on that note,does anyone have a complete list of supported resources? (and their numbers =) )

Yes, you do, and everyone who has downloaded SCANsat does. It's in the SCANsat/resources folder.

Edited by DMagic
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Hi all,

I somehow have a save game in which scansat just will not generate a map. Both big and small maps just show grey while scanning no matter what map type I try to display. I can start a new game, put the same satellites into orbit and get it working just fine. It seems to be something in that one save game.

Are there files I can delete to reset everything? In the broken game I've already cleared the map data, and deleted/reinstalled the Mod. Mod version 10, KSP 90 on windows 32.

Thanks for any tips.


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  rabidninjawombat said:
Yup thats how it works.. :)

on that note,does anyone have a complete list of supported resources? (and their numbers =) )


(you can also find a local copy in gamedata\SCANsat\Resources\SCANresource.cfg)

and for the default scanners:

[TABLE=width: 595]


[TD]Nothing = 0 // MapTraq (Legacy Background Scanning - Depreciated)[/TD]

[TD=align: right]0[/TD]



[TD]AltimetryLoRes = 1 // low resolution altimetry - RADAR (limited zoom)[/TD]

[TD=align: right]1[/TD]



[TD]AltimetryHiRes = 2^1 // high resolution altimetry - SAR (unlimited zoom)[/TD]

[TD=align: right]2[/TD]



[TD]SCANsat_1 = 2^2 // Unused, Reserved for future SCANsat scanner[/TD]

[TD=align: right]4[/TD]



[TD]Biome = 2^3 // biome data - Multispectral[/TD]

[TD=align: right]8[/TD]



[TD]Anomaly = 2^4 // anomalies - Multispectral (position of anomaly)[/TD]

[TD=align: right]16[/TD]



[TD]AnomalyDetail = 2^5 // anomaly detail - BTDT (name of anomaly, etc.)[/TD]

[TD=align: right]32[/TD]



- - - Updated - - -

  bmyers831 said:
Hi all,

I somehow have a save game in which scansat just will not generate a map. Both big and small maps just show grey while scanning no matter what map type I try to display. I can start a new game, put the same satellites into orbit and get it working just fine. It seems to be something in that one save game.

Are there files I can delete to reset everything? In the broken game I've already cleared the map data, and deleted/reinstalled the Mod. Mod version 10, KSP 90 on windows 32.

Thanks for any tips.


Edit: Note to self, read to completion not satisfaction...

Clearing the map data should have done it. since the data is saved in the persistence file....

you used this, kArtbSx.png <=- right there, under data management to purge it right?

If that is what didn't work about the only thing I can think of is removing it from your persistence file by hand in notepad. But I'm not sure how well that will go for you.

I'll get back in a sec to see what you would need to look for and delete to do it manually...

Edited by Tebryn
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Thanks for the quick reply Tebryn, I've tried both the reset map and reset all buttons already.

going to just add to this to keep from polluting this thread.

As the problem began after I transmitted the map (i think, I'm learning this mod and was playing around) I just tried deleting the science code blocks that mentioned SCANsat from the file and all SCANsat and MKS part bearing satellites, then hyperediting a new sat into position. The same sat known to work from my previous tests. No luck. I'm not an advanced programmer but I am a front end web developer equipped with SublimeText so I'm not afraid to mess around... especially since I've backed it up.

I suppose I'll escalate my hacking by deleting everything scansat related from that file next


Arighty, I removed any line that had the word SCANsat in it and the block that had the actions etc for the part. Back in game I had to R&D the parts again (a good sign I think). I launched another sat and no luck.

Anything else I should be deleting?

Edited by bmyers831
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Alright... MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP YOUR SAVE before you go into this.

Open up your saves persistence.sfs file in notepad (or preferably notepad++ but not required)

you are going to searching for

name = SCANcontroller
scene = 7, 5, 8
colours = 0
map_markers = True
map_flags = True
map_orbit = True
map_asteroids = True
map_grid = True
map_ResourceOverlay = True
projection = 0

Just search for 'name = SCANcontroller' there should only be one entry. (although if you have more than one there is more weirdness going on than I thought... eh, kill them all you made a backup right?)

you're going to delete all the nested information under that SCENARIO module. Everything from that { to the corresponding ending }. There will be nested brackets with more information, they all go too. once you have killed all the nested information, you can then delete that empty SCENERIO module (killing everything inside first helps keep track and prevent you from going too far)

Make sure that you do not go into the next SCENARIO module in the persistence.sfs file, as you will likely corrupt other parts of your game. again MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP YOUR SAVE

what you are doing here is removing ALL the information that SCANsat saves into your game. all the information on vessels with active and inactive scanners, settings for your windows, current progress for all scanning, all of it. Which might get rid of whatever corruption you have going on. I would think that the reset all data button would already do this, but who knows.

If this doesn't work, then you are going to need more professional help, since you said it's working on other saves.

Edited by Tebryn
typo etc, god it must be getting late...
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catching up on your edit, nothing under the ResearchAndDevelopment SCENARIO entry should be affecting map rendering in any way. Killing entries there get's rid of your experiment history and researched parts, which only affects future calculations for science value and what you have unlocked.

the only parts that would affect map rendering would be under the SCANcontroller SCENARIO entry. Which will be in one large-ish chunk all in one spot.

tell you what, put the persistence.sfs file up on dropbox and I'll take a quick look and see what I can find. no promises. preferably the backup, before any edits or purges.

edit: and I have no idea why this didn't just update instead of making a new post. sorry for the spam DMagic.

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Tebryn you nailed it!

It was indeed the SCANcontroller block.

Easy to deal with in Sublime- collapse the brace, select and delete. It took 10 seconds.

Wayyy easier than editing myself back to where I was in a new career file.

Thanks a ton!

(funny, I didn't see your new post because my reply to you was the last of the page. doh)

Bryan :confused:

Edit- speaking of dropbox I'll keep the file around in case DMagic wants to see it... not sure if it will help since I'm not sure what steps I took to get it there.

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  Mythos said:
What's going on with the position of the small map window? In earlier versions I hat to reposition it every time I started KSP. Now in version 10 I have to reposition it every time I switch between vessels. I think position should be saved when closed. So what use has the button to reset all window positions? Did I miss something? I tried that reset button and every way of closing the window or leving it open while switching via Alarm Clock or the standard ways, but none of that helped.

No hints so far would mean this is normal behaviour?

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My high-res scan of Kerbin seems to be stuck at 99.9% completion for some reason, yet I see no blank spots in the map, not even tiny ones. I've already done the low res and multispectral scans, so the overall completion for Kerbin is also at 99.9%

I've tried warping around for a bit (which helps to get that last tiny piece), but doesn't help. Going to try resetting the map for Kerbin maybe.

Edit: Resetting the map for Kerbin did the trick apparently.

Edited by smjjames
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