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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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Welcome to the forums!

That's an installation problem: mods have to be installed directly in the KSP/GameData folder, so you'll need to move the SCANsat folder back out. In the end, you want this:

Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SCANsat\Plugins\SCANsat.dll

The same goes for the Outer Planets mod.

In other words, if the mod zip contains a GameData folder, put everything inside it into your KSP/GameData folder.

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I've found a potential mod clash... Installing CTT using CKAN seems to remove ScanSat parts from the tech tree in career mode. They still appear in the parts list in sandbox mode.

Removing CTT restores ScanSat parts to their rightful places in the tech tree.

No other part packs seem to be affected (as near as I can tell).

Anything I can do to help you track this down?

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  SmarterThanMe said:
I've found a potential mod clash... Installing CTT using CKAN seems to remove ScanSat parts from the tech tree in career mode. They still appear in the parts list in sandbox mode.

Removing CTT restores ScanSat parts to their rightful places in the tech tree.

No other part packs seem to be affected (as near as I can tell).

Anything I can do to help you track this down?

If you install CTT, you need to select the CTT tech tree because they will not show up in the stock tree

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This is a follow up from my previous post (page 90).

I have two new ships I've sent to Mun, in an effort to try and duplicate the earlier mentioned problem I thought I'd perceived. I've not landed them yet, getting ready to, but I do have a question about what I'm seeing already. Maybe I'm misunderstanding how SCANsat works?... and/or missed something in the documentation?

Should the SCANsat map be showing all objects/satellites in orbit?... or only those with SCANsat parts installed and active on them, like a BTDT scanner?

Of the two ships I have in orbit (call them shipA and shipB), only the active ship shows in the mini map and large map. If I turn on the BTDT scanner on shipA, and then switch to shipB, both ships show in the mini map, but only the active ship (shipB) shows in the large map. If I turn on the BTDT scanner on both ships, both ships show in the mini map, but still only the active ship shows in the large map. Does that sound right?

I have screenies to post if desired.

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I am new to the modding system, and I need you help.

I have installed this mod (which I really like it) using KSP MOD Adimn v1.4.0, with those reccomended extra mods (toolbar 1.7.8 and rasterpropmonitor).

First of all, I am getting a sort of warning message at launch, saying 64bit version may crash bla bla blaa (in fact i am using windows 8.1)

However, my main "issue" so far, are the fully upgraded buildings. I am playing on career mode (moderate difficulty) and I don't want my buildings fully upgraded at start. Is there any way to solve this issue?

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  Bersagliere81 said:
First of all, I am getting a sort of warning message at launch, saying 64bit version may crash bla bla blaa (in fact i am using windows 8.1)

However, my main "issue" so far, are the fully upgraded buildings. I am playing on career mode (moderate difficulty) and I don't want my buildings fully upgraded at start. Is there any way to solve this issue?

No. The fully upgraded facilities are a "feature" (bug) of Win64 KSP, not something to do with this or any other mod. It's seriously ustable, as Squad themselves acknowledge, and as a far as I know won't be included with the 1.0 release of KSP.

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  IntoSpaceAgain said:
No. The fully upgraded facilities are a "feature" (bug) of Win64 KSP, not something to do with this or any other mod. It's seriously ustable, as Squad themselves acknowledge, and as a far as I know won't be included with the 1.0 release of KSP.

I solved the issue. It was not related to the mod itself, but launching the game using KSP MOD Admin will make you buildings fully upgraded. I just run the game from the normal launcher and I am fine.

Thank You for the answer

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  LordFerret said:
Should the SCANsat map be showing all objects/satellites in orbit?... or only those with SCANsat parts installed and active on them, like a BTDT scanner?

Both the big and small maps will always show your current vessel, even if it doesn't have any SCANsat parts.

The small map will also show any other vessels in the same SOI that have active SCANsat modules, you can also double-click the vessels in the list below the map to switch to them.

The big map will only show asteroids and flags, no other vessel types are displayed. It could be changed to behave the same way as the small map, but it wouldn't be able to show the orbit lines, that would be prohibitively taxing for the CPU. I suppose an extra toggle to allow for the big map to display inactive SCANsat vessels might be a good idea. It would be especially helpful when viewing planets outside of your current SOI.

On another note; the new options for resource, biome and slope colors are getting closer to a usable state.

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The color management window will have four tabs now, the standard altimetry options haven't changed.

An HSV color picker is used to specify the upper and lower bounds for each of the other map types. The hue is selected moving around the circle, the saturation increases going from the center towards the edge, and the brightness value is controlled with the slider (unlabeled for now :confused:) in the middle.

For biomes you can switch between regular SCANsat colors and using the stock biome colors, you can also adjust the transparency for showing the terrain underneath the biome map.

For resources you can select from the available resources in a drop down menu (which should match the resources available in the big map's menu) and adjust each one's values. The colors and transparency values will be shared for each planet, but the min and max values are saved separately. So Water will share the same colors and transparency everywhere, but you can set the max value much higher for Kerbin than the Mun, or anywhere else.

The sliders for the min and max also have a "Fine Control Mode". In the standard mode each slider runs from 0-100% (their limits update like the altimetry terrain sliders do to prevent having min values higher than the max, or the reverse), in fine control mode the limits zoom in to +- 5% of the current values.

This is all saved on a per-game basis, but I'm thinking it might be a good idea to have an option for a separate config file, so that everything doesn't have to be adjusted for every new save.

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  DMagic said:
Both the big and small maps will always show your current vessel, even if it doesn't have any SCANsat parts.

The small map will also show any other vessels in the same SOI that have active SCANsat modules, you can also double-click the vessels in the list below the map to switch to them.

The big map will only show asteroids and flags, no other vessel types are displayed. It could be changed to behave the same way as the small map, but it wouldn't be able to show the orbit lines, that would be prohibitively taxing for the CPU. I suppose an extra toggle to allow for the big map to display inactive SCANsat vessels might be a good idea. It would be especially helpful when viewing planets outside of your current SOI.

On another note; the new options for resource, biome and slope colors are getting closer to a usable state.


The color management window will have four tabs now, the standard altimetry options haven't changed.

An HSV color picker is used to specify the upper and lower bounds for each of the other map types. The hue is selected moving around the circle, the saturation increases going from the center towards the edge, and the brightness value is controlled with the slider (unlabeled for now :confused:) in the middle.

For biomes you can switch between regular SCANsat colors and using the stock biome colors, you can also adjust the transparency for showing the terrain underneath the biome map.

For resources you can select from the available resources in a drop down menu (which should match the resources available in the big map's menu) and adjust each one's values. The colors and transparency values will be shared for each planet, but the min and max values are saved separately. So Water will share the same colors and transparency everywhere, but you can set the max value much higher for Kerbin than the Mun, or anywhere else.

The sliders for the min and max also have a "Fine Control Mode". In the standard mode each slider runs from 0-100% (their limits update like the altimetry terrain sliders do to prevent having min values higher than the max, or the reverse), in fine control mode the limits zoom in to +- 5% of the current values.

This is all saved on a per-game basis, but I'm thinking it might be a good idea to have an option for a separate config file, so that everything doesn't have to be adjusted for every new save.

I for one would like to have that option. While I don't need to see its orbit, it would be nice to at least see its position.

Agreed. Would you also be putting provisions for saving window positions? That would be helpful. Either that, or how about linking the Instruments window to the bottom of of Mini map?

I very much-so look forward to a more useful Slope view.

With regard to targets in the BTDT display: Would it be possible for the display to also show a relative bearing as well as distance to target?

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  Jodo42 said:
Is there a way I could find the highest between a given set of latitudes from this mod's maps? Or make true-color maps of bodies?


Not sure you can do it within SCANsat, but the following wiki page shows heights for the Mun.


Which leads to this source sheet:


Which was (I would guess) parsed from the game assets? Not sure how the parse was done or whether things have changed since that parse was done.

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I'm doing a biome-anomaly scan of Kerbin and open the Big Map and see this:


At first I think it's just a deliberate smudge from one of my room mates. So I clean my screen and find that the smiley is still there.

Is this something from you or Squad?

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Something I've noticed: Zooming in on the big map can end up with Anomaly text appearing in (over top of) the zoom window, as such...

Ro3jC5Q.png ... XGXBMs6.png

Also, for future consideration: Can the zoom window be made larger, or at least an option for a scalable window?

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Hi everyone. I am having an issue with ScanSat that i hope you can help with.

A week ago I cleared my entire modfolder and reinstalled the newest modpacks (ScanSat and Regolith amongst them), the earlier version of ScanSat was 9.0 Release Candidate 4.

I am an issue, where ScanSat seems to be working like a charm, except the resources button in the big map does not appear. I have regolith and MKS installed and i'm mining like crazy, and the scanners are working and providing readings when you rightclick on them.

Even with the planetary camera and karbonite detectors, i still see no resource button.

Have anyone experienced something simliar?

(When i say the "resource" button i mean the named button next to the planetoids button)

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  DMagic said:
On another note; the new options for resource, biome and slope colors are getting closer to a usable state.

Was waiting badly for this update! I'm up for beta testing.

Quick question: is there any option to see other types of maps in the "small map" window?

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A couple of questions:

First, correct me if I'm wrong, but the way the mod is coded now means that the swath width of each scanner (as noted by the fov in the part configs) represents some kind of percentage instead of a width in km. This means that on a large planet, you will get a large swath width and on a small planet you get a swath that is the same size proportionally, but much smaller in reality on the surface. In other words, the swath on Kerbin will be 3 times as wide as the swath on the Mun because Kerbin has 3 times the circumference.

Is there a way to make the swath width a specific fixed value (like 15km wide for stock KSP scales) so that every planet will have realistic scaling for how long it would take to map the surface. After all, a large object should take much, much longer.

Second, is there a way to modify the minimum and maximum altitude settings for the colormaps of planet scans. I ask because on RSS many planets have terrain heights higher than the values that the mod limits the slider bar to. For example, Mars (Duna) is limited to 17,500m for the max value, yet Mars' terrain goes up past 29,000m.

Overall, the mod is fantastic, but I was just curious about these things in particular.

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  LordFerret said:
Also, for future consideration: Can the zoom window be made larger, or at least an option for a scalable window?

Several improvements are planned for the zoom window; I'm not sure about re-sizing though.

  niceundtidy said:
Hi everyone. I am having an issue with ScanSat that i hope you can help with.

A week ago I cleared my entire modfolder and reinstalled the newest modpacks (ScanSat and Regolith amongst them), the earlier version of ScanSat was 9.0 Release Candidate 4.

I am an issue, where ScanSat seems to be working like a charm, except the resources button in the big map does not appear. I have regolith and MKS installed and i'm mining like crazy, and the scanners are working and providing readings when you rightclick on them.

Even with the planetary camera and karbonite detectors, i still see no resource button.

What version of all the relevant mods? Do you have log files?

  Enceos said:
Was waiting badly for this update! I'm up for beta testing.

Quick question: is there any option to see other types of maps in the "small map" window?

Nope, and that's not likely to change.

I'm not sure when I'll get an update out for this, it won't be any time soon though.

  VonFrank said:
A couple of questions:

First, correct me if I'm wrong, but the way the mod is coded now means that the swath width of each scanner (as noted by the fov in the part configs) represents some kind of percentage instead of a width in km. This means that on a large planet, you will get a large swath width and on a small planet you get a swath that is the same size proportionally, but much smaller in reality on the surface. In other words, the swath on Kerbin will be 3 times as wide as the swath on the Mun because Kerbin has 3 times the circumference.

Is there a way to make the swath width a specific fixed value (like 15km wide for stock KSP scales) so that every planet will have realistic scaling for how long it would take to map the surface. After all, a large object should take much, much longer.

Second, is there a way to modify the minimum and maximum altitude settings for the colormaps of planet scans. I ask because on RSS many planets have terrain heights higher than the values that the mod limits the slider bar to. For example, Mars (Duna) is limited to 17,500m for the max value, yet Mars' terrain goes up past 29,000m.

Overall, the mod is fantastic, but I was just curious about these things in particular.

Swath width is calculated based on the scanner's FOV value and the radius of the planet. It varies based on the square root of the ratio of Kerbin's radius (600km, hard-coded :confused:) to the current body's radius, but is clamped between 1 and 20 X FOV. It also decreases linearly based on altitude when below the ideal scanning height. The resulting value is an integer number of degrees lat and long on all four sides that the vessel will scan during each tick.

So basically, smaller bodies scan much faster than larger ones (just try scanning Minmus), but there is a limit to how much everything scales, and the minimum will be scanning the integer lat/long position directly under the vessel.

All of the scanning and map generating is based on integer values of lat and long (about 65000 of them for each planet), so trying to set the scale any lower won't work.

More configuration options for the terrain altitude limits will be coming in the next update.

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  DMagic said:

Swath width is calculated based on the scanner's FOV value and the radius of the planet. It varies based on the square root of the ratio of Kerbin's radius (600km, hard-coded :confused:) to the current body's radius, but is clamped between 1 and 20 X FOV. It also decreases linearly based on altitude when below the ideal scanning height. The resulting value is an integer number of degrees lat and long on all four sides that the vessel will scan during each tick.

So basically, smaller bodies scan much faster than larger ones (just try scanning Minmus), but there is a limit to how much everything scales, and the minimum will be scanning the integer lat/long position directly under the vessel.

All of the scanning and map generating is based on integer values of lat and long (about 65000 of them for each planet), so trying to set the scale any lower won't work.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Ok, so what I get from your explanation is, Swath width is calculated as follows:

Swath Width in degrees = sqrt(Kerbin radius in km (600) / orbiting body radius in km) * fov value in config

So for Earth in RSS, the formula for the SAR sensor would be:

SW = sqrt(600/6371)*2

SW = 0.61 degrees

Please correct me if I'm wrong in some way, because I am attempting to set the fov values on the scanners to represent values for real life remote sensing satellites for function in RSS.


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  VonFrank said:
Thanks for the quick reply.

Ok, so what I get from your explanation is, Swath width is calculated as follows:

Swath Width in degrees = sqrt(Kerbin radius in km (600) / orbiting body radius in km) * fov value in config

So for Earth in RSS, the formula for the SAR sensor would be:

SW = sqrt(600/6371)*2

SW = 0.61 degrees

Please correct me if I'm wrong in some way, because I am attempting to set the fov values on the scanners to represent values for real life remote sensing satellites for function in RSS.


Not quite. The multiplier is limited to between 1 and 20: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/blob/release/SCANsat/SCANcontroller.cs#L862-L871

So the minimum swath width at or above the ideal altitude would be 1 * FOV * 2 degrees.

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I ran into an odd problem the other day that I think is SCANsat related. I was using an ALCOR capsule in IVA, with SCANsat up on one of its RPM MFDs (using RasterPropMonitor-dev19), orbiting Jool and getting the lovely map of static. I was on a transfer orbit to Bop, and the instant I entered its SoI (I had already fully scanned it with the three included antenna on an earlier probe) KSP froze--or so I thought initially. Its frame rate had actually dropped to about 1/15 (that's 1 frame every 15 seconds). At first I thought this was just related to changing SoIs while in IVA, but it happens even if I only enter IVA after changing SoIs.

What's odd is IVA worked perfectly as long as I removed SCANsat's map from all of the MFDs, and SCANsat would still work perfectly if I used it in its normal windowed mode. So, I'm assuming this is some problem related to interaction between SCANsat and RPM or ALCOR, or all three. But, where do I start debugging such a problem? Nothing shows up in the log and attempting to do anything in KSP at such an insanely slow framerate is nearly impossible.

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  DMagic said:
Not quite. The multiplier is limited to between 1 and 20: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/blob/release/SCANsat/SCANcontroller.cs#L862-L871

So the minimum swath width at or above the ideal altitude would be 1 * FOV * 2 degrees.

Okay. that explains why many of the planets & moons in RSS were resulting in the scanner giving the same swath width for all of them. It's because they were mostly all over 600km in diameter, meaning the multiplier was always 1.0.

Since this is the case, is it possible to modify the code to reference Kerbin's radius (whatever that may be after mods have altered it) instead of a fixed 600,000m?

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