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I just finished watching it, and in my opinion it's awesome and now my favourite anime.

Absolutely agreed. I've not found its equal.

I'll admit that I had fun watching Rocket Girls; even though it's not nearly as rigorous, the twist on the standard "high school girls get unusual jobs" anime was entertaining, I liked the growth of the main character (Yukari), and they do manage to get a little bit good science in there as well (as well as explaining why, in rocket science, "the better is often the enemy of the good").

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Loved Planetes. But there's better. Look up Space Brothers. An amazing anime that takes place in the 2020s. You get to see Orion/Altair being depicted in use. It's not the most accurate anime in areas, but it's the smartest I've ever seen. There is some REALLY good stuff in it. Stuff that could actually apply to real life space travel. You'd do yourself a great injustice not watching it. It's the most inspirational anime I've ever seen. It made me actually consider going for more schooling and becoming an Astronaut.

Here's a trailer. Mind your volume.

And heres what I mean when I say "good stuff"

An actual JAXA Astronaut makes a cameo stating why we need to venture into space.


Edited by Motokid600
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Interestingly in Space Brothers they use the Ares I / V system, but the first stage of the Ares I has side boosters too. I guess they figured out the pogo oscilations by 2025. :P

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I really like the tandem mirror engine and the opening song... I already love anime/manga, so someone combining this with hard scifi is better

Space Brothers seems cool though

EDIT: Nyrath where are you!!! You need to put the seal of... oh wait, Planetes already have it. Now the Space Brothers probably need it

Edited by Aghanim
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I saw this one several months back (around the same time I started really getting into KSP, as a matter of fact) and found it quite enjoyable. I don't consider myself a huge anime fan as such, but I do keep my eye out for anything that stands out from the run-of-the-mill fare, and I wasn't disappointed with this one.

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Massive anime fan here, and I have to say, Planetes is pretty good. That said, it never really captured me. I'd have to say my favourite anime is Code Geass, with a close second of Mirai Nikki or Shingeki No Kyogin. While they aren't so realistic, I find them a bit more immersive, more real to me, than planets was.

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To much KSP and other games, to much activity on the weekend, to many other series to watch - I only managed to get to episode 2 in ... months ... and only half of Space Brothers first episode - the subtitles do not make it any easier for me ... :P

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There is also a live action movie, with Buzz Aldrin in it as Deniel Young.

?! I heard about the movie, but I never would've imagined they got Buzz to play Daniel Young lol... Well I know how I'm spending my Friday night.

As for subtitles.. well.. it's something you have to get used too. Most anime is much better with subtitles instead of being dubbed.

Edit: Uhm... What's with the thumbs down above my post? o.O

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