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Community Mun Base

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Okay I have a problem, on updating to 14.1 my Mun has turned around to face away from Kerbin.

I just checked 0.14 and thats fine, but on both my 0.14.1 installs (one with mods, one with stock only) the three craters you normally see on the side facing Kerbin are now on the far side.

I also just tested a fresh install and update, and again the Mun is backwards.


I had taken KSP on a memory stick to the girlfriends as well, and updated it there on windows xp, the Mun is also backwards on that version and I have noticed only that version has the updated landing leg part.cfg file.

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A new base suits me, can we have it where we get a nice view of Kerbin on the horizon though?

We may have to take into consideration future Mun flips, so a new base should start slightly on the far side.

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A restart would be nice in a new thread, and may I also suggest the OP to contain a clear list of what mods are in use, who is in charge of the current flight, and what his deadline is?

Oh, and a rule to post the result of your flight... however it may have ended :).

One last idea... If you start it on the exact north/south pole of the Mun, wouldn\'t that give us a great view?

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I hate having second thoughts, I don\'t mind a restart but if this bug is dealt with in 0.14.2, which seems likely, then we can continue with the current base, debris and all.

It\'ll be fun having to deal with that rather than just restarting, but I\'m sure there will be new mishaps :)

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Harvester has already said that 14.2 will break the current persistence files. This means everyone will have to start again. No point starting a community project right now because it will only be wiped in a few days/weeks anyway.

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Harvester has already said that 14.2 will break the current persistence files. This means everyone will have to start again. No point starting a community project right now because it will only be wiped in a few days/weeks anyway.

Ahh I missed that, had to go to work, and I\'m working on something that needs persistence, I guess I can at least practice.

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