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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Looks stunning! A plethora of thanks, and a merry christmas as well to you!
Wow, looks great! I applaud your fantastic art skills, bravo!

Very kind, thank you both! :)

Hey Beale! What kind of methods do you use to launch the Fuji? I'm mid download and that just came to my mind :D lol

Apollo style! (OM below Fuji with docking port) The docking port / parachute thing makes it fairly doable now, quite easily :)

Also makes abort much easier!

Launchers: I've been using the Proton, if you have a H-II lying around, go for it!

Random trivia:

Final size of Fuji on disk: 4MB

Size of Soyuz on disk: 20MB

Texture sharing, man :)

Edited by Beale
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Hey Beale! What kind of methods do you use to launch the Fuji? I'm mid download and that just came to my mind :D lol

There were actually four ways to launch it in the original proposal:

Minimum: just the capsule and propulsion

Standard(1): Apollo style

Standard(2): Soyuz style

Economy: Minimum, but with a sattelite underneath.

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Hey, I do like that! Mini-things are cool.

The fact that you plan to move it is even cooler!

Lemme see the end result!

here it is


i made it although just barely. i knew it wouldn't be able to make it with what it had so i filled up all the extra fuel tanks, parked a full pollux and 2 Hamals. I would then empty out the fuel tank for the Farshot every maneuver and then refill with the extra fuel from the fuel tanks. After i consumed the resources of the Hamals, i would drop them and move on. I did the same with the pollux and now i have a pretty good orbit around mun

Edited by Helix935
whoops forgot picture
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Haha, Beale :) Can't believe it's finally solved :) Congrats! You're the man )

Ah, both the real chutes should also be fixed this version :)


*checks files*

You didn't fix the reaction wheels :huh:

MM to the rescue!


That should finally bring some sanity until you get a chance to tune them individually :wink:

Dang it.

Erm, I will push a patch out soon...

Thankyou for the MM patch, in the time being.

Huzzah! Downloading now.

Thanks :)

here it is


i made it although just barely. i knew it wouldn't be able to make it with what it had so i filled up all the extra fuel tanks, parked a full pollux and 2 Hamals. I would then empty out the fuel tank for the Farshot every maneuver and then refill with the extra fuel from the fuel tanks. After i consumed the resources of the Hamals, i would drop them and move on. I did the same with the pollux and now i have a pretty good orbit around mun


I like it when the missions do not always go quite to plan :)

But if it is a success in the end, good!

Oooooh!! Best Christmas ever! Merry Christmas to you too Beale. :)

Haha, thanks :)

Merry Christmas Herr Beale, Great Job on the ATV and Fuji!

Glad you enjoy :)

Hey Beale, Any Plans for some "Original" Spacecraft? I would love to see what your beautiful bread brain might come up with.

Not at the moment, ehm... It was discussed a while back. I do not have any ideas for the time.

Hey Beale, I remember that discussion about why Soyuz rocket is white... That is how it looks in winter ;) :


Snow? In MY desert?

Ooh! Nice.

This is what I think of when I imagine Russian rockets.

Does anyone have a CLS config updated for all the new parts? The last one I see is back in July.

Ah, I'm afraid it was scrapped when 0.25 and stock crew transfer became available... Ehm, I should remove it from the mod compatibility list.

I know the stock system is less refined, but at the cost of maintaining the CLS list, I

I considered it best to go with.

Well, that's a nice Christmas present! Maybe a tiny bit too soon, but who cares. I'll need a couple of hours before they stop exshploding anyway.

Hope to enjoy! :)

At leas you got some snow, here in Milan we have only fog. Lots of fog. :(

Beale, thanks for the Christmas present! New Fuji looks great!

Also thanks for the modding tutorial! I love it!

Ah, but Firenze is no better, from what I see, lots of rain...

Thanks! And I am glad you enjoy the modding tutorial :)

Here is the depature of my Duna-Ike mission:


That's an awesome interplanetary ship!

I must build this! :cool:

Cannot wait to see more.

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Ah, but Firenze is no better, from what I see, lots of rain...

Ha, Alabama is the worst place on earth when it comes to weather. One day it will be 100 degrees Fahrenheit (I don't know what that would be in Celsius), the next it's 30 degrees out and raining! No snow though, so Christmas is always a little boring.

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Hmm... Beale I got an idea. How about a Stock-alike International Space Station? Nobody Ever Done anything like that before! Btw, I Finally started construction on mein Wilhelm Orbital Research Station. (Named after Kaiser Wilhelm I) 4G4NuUj.jpgK9zCxEf.jpgwqtYZ7y.jpg

Edited by HuntsmanThe8
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Merry Christmas Beale!

You gave us all a early christmas present!

Thanks! :)

Ha, Alabama is the worst place on earth when it comes to weather. One day it will be 100 degrees Fahrenheit (I don't know what that would be in Celsius), the next it's 30 degrees out and raining! No snow though, so Christmas is always a little boring.

Bah, I'd take 100 degrees, Fahrenheit or Celsius about now...

I'll move to Norway, at least I know what I'm getting with the weather over there.

Hmm... Beale I got an idea. How about a Stock-alike International Space Station? Nobody Ever Done anything like that before! Btw, I Finally started construction on mein Wilhelm Orbital Research Station. (Named after Kaiser Wilhelm I) http://i.imgur.com/4G4NuUj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/K9zCxEf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wqtYZ7y.jpg

Stockalike ISS - it has been brought up before... Erm, I don't think it is doable, me alone.

Tantares + FusTek, you have a pretty mean ISS building kit right there!

The station is nice also, it is like a next-gen Mir, almost :)

ATV Interior

Boxes will be cardboard (?), looking for things to put on them. One is reserved already for the lovely N1-Chan.


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The only one showing outrage and far too much concern is you, right now.

a)It could've been Wilhelm I, too.

b)For that matter, why is the (practically 100% naval) arms race important as a starting factor of WW1? German Imperialism? You mean their "share" of the big cake the French, British, heck even the Americans and Belgium had already eaten up?

c)Oh, and also:


Willy really didn't want the war... there are telegrams to the Habsburgs in which, multiple times it is stated that he does NOT want A-H to start a war. Oh, and you know the Serbians accepted most points of the Austrian ultimatum, yet a single one which they couldn't accept pushed the Austrians into war. The Brits joined after Germany wandered through neutral Belgium, and before that saw Germany as their ally.

Blaming Germany (and, in essence, Wilhelm II) for WW1 led to the 2nd world war. So please...

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