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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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  planeguy868 said:
*celabratory dancing*

A new Soyuz! :D

Once I get the .psd for the new parts, I'll set to work on TMA yet again!

EDIT: Beale added the psds to the Repo, so consider the new Tantares TMA underway!

What software do you use for texturing? Photoshop? Gimp? MS Paint?

I highly doubt MS Paint, but it can't hurt to ask.

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Hurray! New release, Thanks! :D And I also just figured out how to replace engine FX and sound on my own. I won't have to wait for NearFuturePropulsion to update anymore, instead I can enjoy Tantares' engines with future tech effects! Oh heck yeah!!! :cool:

Nice station by the way Beale. Looks like something out of Star Trek in KSP. :)

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No! Stop it! I'm trying to finish unlocking the new 1.0 tech tree with stock-only parts before I start using lot of mod parts again! Ahhh! ;)

This thing looks way too nice. You've come quite a long way in the (what? Year? 2 Years?) you've been making neat stuff for us in KSP. Really like the larger sized docking port, and the APAS / NDS ports.

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  Comm Cody said:
Real Chutes support for the parachutes in the pack, how hard would it be to implement it?

RealChutes is already supported, although, heads-up @Bealse, the TKS radial chute may be broken. Not sure if it's my install, or the mod, so you might want to check that out when you get a chance.

@CommCody, I'm not really sure what your question is.

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  curtquarquesso said:
RealChutes is already supported, although, heads-up @Bealse, the TKS radial chute may be broken. Not sure if it's my install, or the mod, so you might want to check that out when you get a chance.

@CommCody, I'm not really sure what your question is.

Hm. I haven't played with the new version yet, so maybe I shouldn't have commented until I played with it. My fault.

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  Beale said:

Tantares 28


  • - Revamp Soyuz
  • - Docking light
  • - Apas Ports

With such a great deal of parts totally re-made, there are certain to be some issues that have slipped through the cracks. Let me know :)

Saves should not be affected heavily, though I strongly suggest caution.

Enjoy & áÿðÑÂøñþ!

By god.. It's happened!

The APAS and the revamped soyuz parts look awesome.

Too bad I wont be able to play with them until after I've taken my finals

  curtquarquesso said:

those screenshots are amazing!

Edited by gooddog15
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Love the new APAS ports! A question, though: I've been parts-trimming (forgive me, Beale! though to be fair, I have done that to other mods as well) , though, to maximize as much RAM in a challenge playthrough as possible, so if I wanted to keep the ports (all sizes), which files would I have to keep in which folder?

EDIT: also the docking light, please!

Edited by B-STRK
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To celebrate the new release, I took a cue from HGR and added some stock fairings to the Soyuz escape tower and the TKS docking module. Soyuz is almost perfect now:

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All I need is a part that flares to just beyond the radius of the service module to attach the fairing to, and it will be perfect. Perfect except, of course, that I can't fit the solar panels in the fairing and the Soyuz boosters smoke constantly on the launchpad.

Here's the config:

@category = Utility
@stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER

@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] {
!atmosphereCurve {}
atmosphereCurve {
key = 0 215
key = 1 245
key = 7 0.001

@MODEL,0 {
%scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
%rescaleFactor = 1
@category = Utility
@stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1

name = ModuleProceduralFairing

nSides = 32
nArcs = 2
TextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff

panelGrouping = 3
pivot = 0,-1.5,0
axis = 0,-1,0

baseRadius = 0.3125
maxRadius = 2
capRadius = 0.3
snapThreshold = 0.05

xSectionHeightMin = 0.05
xSectionHeightMax = 2

edgeSlide = 0.15
edgeWarp = 0
noseTip = 0.6

UnitAreaMass = 0.03
UnitAreaCost = 6

ejectionForce = 50
name = ModuleCargoBay
DeployModuleIndex = 0
closedPosition = 0
lookupRadius = 0.75
@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] {
!atmosphereCurve {}
atmosphereCurve {
key = 0 215
key = 1 245
key = 7 0.001

@MODEL,0 {
%scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
%rescaleFactor = 1
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
name = ModuleProceduralFairing

nSides = 32
nArcs = 2
TextureURL = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairings_diff

panelGrouping = 3
pivot = 0,-0.05,0
axis = 0,1,0

baseRadius = 1.26
maxRadius = 2
capRadius = 0.375
snapThreshold = 0.25

xSectionHeightMin = 0.3
xSectionHeightMax = 5

edgeSlide = 0.15
edgeWarp = 0.00
noseTip = 0.5

UnitAreaMass = 0.03
UnitAreaCost = 10

ejectionForce = 50
name = ModuleCargoBay
DeployModuleIndex = 0
closedPosition = 0
lookupRadius = 1.25

I put some slightly more realistic Isp numbers on the escape towers to help the burn time, fixed the staging icons, and put the LES in the utility category, but that's not important. The fairings work without that. The tricky part is that stock fairings only work with parts at rescaleFactor=1, so I had to add some model scaling.

To make the fairing stick with the abort stage instead of separating you have to launch, revert to editor, and detach and then reattach the service module. It's a weird bug, but a useful one sometimes.

An aside: shouldn't the 0.9375 m docking ports be "size1"? They match the other size1 ports perfectly, but definitely not the size0 ports.

Edited by NonWonderDog
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I haven't checked this build, but yeah. The TKS radial chutes are flatly borked. You can place them, but they don't show up in the staging list or respond to right-clicking.

As for the rest of the revamp... holy friggin' Christmas cake! Awesome work, Beale! I've very nearly abandoned my fiddling with American designs and gone strictly Russian. Üы ôþûöýы øôтø ò úþÑÂüþѠò ÿþñõôу! (We must go to space in victory!)

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  biohazard15 said:
Okay, this is nice and all, but how do I delete these new 0.9m parts? I don't like them, and I don't want them.

Go into the Tantares folder, go to the SOYUZ folder, and delete:




You'll be one of us someday. I, for one, welcome our new 0.9375m overlords.

  gooddog15 said:
By god.. It's happened!

The APAS and the revamped soyuz parts look awesome.

Too bad I wont be able to play with them until after I've taken my finals

those screenshots are amazing!

Thanks! :)

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This update seems to have broken my sub-assemblies. The Soyuz CSM assembly from 27 loads as individual pieces. Some of the parts seem sized differently also, particularly the T-OMS part.

  biohazard15 said:
Okay, this is nice and all, but how do I delete these new 0.9m parts? I don't like them, and I don't want them.

I think I have to agree. This mod seems to be going from a stock-alike Soviet inspired pack to a Soviet realism mod and it's now seems awkward and confusing.

Edited by Gristle
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  Gunslinger1 said:
something in this new update messed with the MianBao module texture...

Yup. Confirmed bug.

  Gristle said:
This update seems to have broken my sub-assemblies. The Soyuz CSM assembly from 27 loads as individual pieces. Some of the parts seem sized differently also, particularly the T-OMS part.

I think I have to agree. This mod seems to be going from a stock-alike Soviet inspired pack to a Soviet realism mod and it's now seems awkward and confusing.

I can see where you're coming from. There has been substantial pressure from players, myself included, for accurate "IRL" parts, in with regards to modeling, proportions, and scaling. Beale has had to make some boundaries as to what he will and won't do for the sake of historical accuracy, and most of those have been good choices or compromises. I support the decision for 0.9375m as a node size. The jump from 1.25m to 2.5m was always a little jarring, so 1.875m became the default transition scale for mod authors, and I think it was a great decision. It makes for much more desirable aesthetics. For me, the jump from 1.25m to 0.625m was always a little visually jarring, and now 0.9375m fills that gap perfectly. If it's an catalog clutter thing for people, I understand, but just remember that it's not using any more or less RAM really. Beale is always really good at doing that.

Tantares may have some growing pains as the mod really fleshes out. It's getting to be a big mod. At it's current rate, it's becoming a stock part replacement, rather than a Soviet stock-alike expansion. I barely use Squad's parts anymore, because it just has so many stylistic inconsistencies compared to a lot of modded parts I download. Porkjet's and RoverDude's are the only ones that have really have committed to sticking to a agreed-upon visual standard for obvious reasons. Have faith in the almighty loaf.

  gooddog15 said:
your welcome. also I've found that your first ASTP screenshot can be a good background.

Woop! Thanks! :)

  NonWonderDog said:
To celebrate the new release, I took a cue from HGR and added some stock fairings to the Soyuz escape tower and the TKS docking module. Soyuz is almost perfect now:


All I need is a part that flares to just beyond the radius of the service module to attach the fairing to, and it will be perfect. Perfect except, of course, that I can't fit the solar panels in the fairing and the Soyuz boosters smoke constantly on the launchpad.

Here's the config:

I put some slightly more realistic Isp numbers on the escape towers to help the burn time, fixed the staging icons, and put the LES in the utility category, but that's not important. The fairings work without that. The tricky part is that stock fairings only work with parts at rescaleFactor=1, so I had to add some model scaling.

To make the fairing stick with the abort stage instead of separating you have to launch, revert to editor, and detach and then reattach the service module. It's a weird bug, but a useful one sometimes.

An aside: shouldn't the 0.9375 m docking ports be "size1"? They match the other size1 ports perfectly, but definitely not the size0 ports.

I'll try out the config and see how it works for me. Kudos. Also, here's my fairing setup for Procedural fairings. It basically uses interstage on the top and bottom. Works like a charm. HUvuInH.png

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Dat new docking probe! My suggestion is that you leave both 0.9375m and 0.625m parts, but 0.9375m one will get a long "base", to be like early Soyuz:


It could appear earlier in the tech tree, be heavier (same for 0.9375m OM) and have no fuel transfer. The 0.625 could be a T/TM/TMA port of the second generation. :)

For the APAS, I'd vote for 1.25m one.

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  Beale said:
But, I think not to introduce dependence - there will be know male/female ports, but for example the Soyuz port should not be able to dock with the stock 0.625m port?

I agree, actually - especially as ADN is a relatively uncommon mod. Maybe you already know it, but the docking node type is "just" a string (I remember someone explaining that IACBM nodes in another mod just use iacbm_025 or something like that). ADN is much more configurable, and allows gendered ports, but that's already a big win.

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Just a couple of minor niggles with the new stuff so far

Could the next update have the new orbital module added to Extra_Tac and Extra_KIS?

Also did the progress have a KIS entry? I thought it did but might be misremembering

Beautiful parts Beale

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