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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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21 minutes ago, MashAndBangers said:

Beale, what was the reason you didn't do waterfall for the N1 first stage?

Anyway, here's waterfall:



	// Removes the stock effect block, and replace it with one that has no particles

                channel = Ship
                transformName = thrustTransform
                clip = TantaresLV/sounds/sound_rocket_kero
                volume = 0.0 0.0
                volume = 0.1 1.0
                volume = 1.0 1.0
                pitch = 0.0 0.5
                pitch = 1.0 1.0
                loop = true
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_vent_soft
                volume = 0.5
                pitch = 1.0
                loop = false
                prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
                transformName = thrustTransform
                oneShot = true
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_explosion_low
                volume = 1.0
                pitch = 1.0
                loop = false

		name = ModuleWaterfallFX
		// This is a custom name
		moduleID = Engine
		// This links the effects to a given ModuleEngines
		engineID = ClosedCycle

		// List out all controllers we want available
			name = atmosphereDepth
			linkedTo = atmosphere_density
			name = throttle
			linkedTo = throttle
			responseRateUp = 0.005
			responseRateDown = 0.1
			name = random
			linkedTo = random
			range = 0,1
			// This is the name of the template to use
			templateName = waterfall-kerolox-lower-RD170-1
			// This field allows you to override the parentTransform name in the EFFECTS contained in the template
			overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform
			// scale the templated effect
			position = 0,0,-0.005
			rotation = 0, 0, 0
			scale = 1.9, 1.9, 1.9



Me to my computer rn:


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1 hour ago, MashAndBangers said:

Are you seeing a performance hit?  I detected nothing on my end.

I think it should actually be better,  the stock plume system (and real plume) aren't very efficient. Waterfall uses meshes instead of particles so it should be faster, especially when there are that many engines

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6 hours ago, king_killer12390 said:

Hello everyone, I'm new to tantares and I'm having a problem with loading up any ISS module from it as all of them show up missing the Octans Docking Port any idea how i can fix it 

The craft files need updating - it's on my To Do list.  In the meantime you can rebuild the modules following the guide here: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-Tantares-Wiki/wiki/ISS (though the actual name of the Octans docking port might have changed here too so you'll need to find the equivalent part!)

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On 10/5/2021 at 3:47 AM, MashAndBangers said:

Beale, what was the reason you didn't do waterfall for the N1 first stage?

Anyway, here's waterfall:



	// Removes the stock effect block, and replace it with one that has no particles

                channel = Ship
                transformName = thrustTransform
                clip = TantaresLV/sounds/sound_rocket_kero
                volume = 0.0 0.0
                volume = 0.1 1.0
                volume = 1.0 1.0
                pitch = 0.0 0.5
                pitch = 1.0 1.0
                loop = true
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_vent_soft
                volume = 0.5
                pitch = 1.0
                loop = false
                prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
                transformName = thrustTransform
                oneShot = true
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_explosion_low
                volume = 1.0
                pitch = 1.0
                loop = false

		name = ModuleWaterfallFX
		// This is a custom name
		moduleID = Engine
		// This links the effects to a given ModuleEngines
		engineID = ClosedCycle

		// List out all controllers we want available
			name = atmosphereDepth
			linkedTo = atmosphere_density
			name = throttle
			linkedTo = throttle
			responseRateUp = 0.005
			responseRateDown = 0.1
			name = random
			linkedTo = random
			range = 0,1
			// This is the name of the template to use
			templateName = waterfall-kerolox-lower-RD170-1
			// This field allows you to override the parentTransform name in the EFFECTS contained in the template
			overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform
			// scale the templated effect
			position = 0,0,-0.005
			rotation = 0, 0, 0
			scale = 1.9, 1.9, 1.9



I did the N1 waterfall configs for the other stages and tbh I thought even with Waterfalls efficiency brute forcing 30 plumes (especially large ones since waterfall perfomance is affected by how much screenspace the fx take) would be a bad idea.

Tbh I didnt actually test it and R7 ends up with a similar number of individual effects between all the nozzles. I intended to make a custom (very large) plume that would add a single plume to the N1 first stage and use symmetry effects to fake multiple nozzles. Sort of like the old Tundra realplume for Falcon 9. However I never got around to doing this and got a bit burned out on plume template development.

If this works and the performance is not terrible may be worth integrating if Beale ever does a minor patch update.

Edited by Zorg
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  I'm having some issues with the latest version of Tantares. I'm running KSP 1.12.2 and it seems some of the deprecated parts are missing - see log file below. 

So far I have tried the following (in order):

  • Re-install the mods via CKAN
  • Remove mods via CKAN & install manually
  • Deleted the MM cache file

It's also worth nothing that, along with the Andromeda tanks, there are at least two other parts missing - atria.antenna.srf.1.2 and sargas.control.s1p5.2. Whilst this isn't a massive issue it would be nice to be able to open the affected craft files so I can remove the deprecated parts. I also hope what I've shared is helpful - this is a great mod and I'd be lost without it!


[ERR 23:56:23.342] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.347] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Vostok_Antenna_2
[ERR 23:56:23.349] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.354] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Vostok_Avionics_1
[ERR 23:56:23.356] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.356] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1_NRM' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.361] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Vostok_Crew_1
[ERR 23:56:23.364] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.365] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1_NRM' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.365] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Emissive' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.370] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Vostok_Decoupler_1
[ERR 23:56:23.372] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.373] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1_NRM' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.378] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Vostok_Engine_1
[ERR 23:56:23.381] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.382] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1_NRM' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.387] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Vostok_FuelSphere_1
[ERR 23:56:23.388] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.389] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1_NRM' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.394] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Vostok_FuelSphere_2
[ERR 23:56:23.396] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.396] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1_NRM' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.400] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Vostok_MonoSphere_1
[ERR 23:56:23.402] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.402] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1_NRM' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.407] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Vostok_MonoSphere_2
[ERR 23:56:23.408] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.409] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1_NRM' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.414] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Vostok_Parachute_1
[ERR 23:56:23.416] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.417] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_General_1_NRM' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.418] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_8/Texture_Andromeda_Canopy_1' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.422] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_9/cursa_solar_srf_1_1
[ERR 23:56:23.425] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_9/texture_cursa_general_1' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.426] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_9/texture_cursa_general_1_NRM' not found!

[LOG 23:56:23.431] Load(Model): Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_9/cursa_solar_srf_1_2
[ERR 23:56:23.433] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_9/texture_cursa_general_1' not found!

[ERR 23:56:23.434] Texture 'Tantares/parts/z_deprecated_9/texture_cursa_general_1_NRM' not found!


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10 hours ago, Friznit said:

See my post above about the craft files

Ah, apologies for the confusion but I am referring to my own craft files.  The update to Tantares made two of my in-flight craft disappear and I am unable to edit the crafts in the VAB either so I can replace the missing crafts like for like.

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35 minutes ago, Wackenhut said:

Just installed this mod again, made a small orbital station using the Aquila lab parts and noticed they dont have a 'start research' button. Im guessing there is supposed to be one so....is there a simple way to add it with a mm patch until it might get fixed?

Don't think Tantares parts have that feature, I think the lab parts are just cosmetic.

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6 hours ago, Minmus Taster said:

Don't think Tantares parts have that feature, I think the lab parts are just cosmetic.



This one does, hence the confusion.  :D  Added lab functionality now to the Aquila parts, when playing with tormentingly low science rewards, labs are quite essential lol

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3 hours ago, Galileo chiu said:

You should add the RD-704 tri propellant engine

The developer of this mod has already announced the termination of its support. In addition, this is voluntary work and no one is obliged to do anything. Plus Tantares is an arcade mod for Soviet rockets, if you want RD-7XX you should take a look at MAKS from Raiz space


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9 hours ago, EvilSpace said:

The developer of this mod has already announced the termination of its support. In addition, this is voluntary work and no one is obliged to do anything. Plus Tantares is an arcade mod for Soviet rockets, if you want RD-7XX you should take a look at MAKS from Raiz space


or you could look at nertea's RD-701 with the tripropellant patch with NFLV

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9 hours ago, EvilSpace said:

The developer of this mod has already announced the termination of its support. In addition, this is voluntary work and no one is obliged to do anything. Plus Tantares is an arcade mod for Soviet rockets, if you want RD-7XX you should take a look at MAKS from Raiz space


That’s a mod for RO, and doesn’t really match the visual fidelity of this mod, which is probably why they’re were asking. 
@Galileo chiuNFLV has a very nice RD-704/1 

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