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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Figured that this is an appropriate place to finally show this off to people since most of the parts are derived from the tantares Zenit. the engines are from Eisenhower and the other components are from various other places.

The full album and mission report can be found here if anyone desires more images.

Antares 240 Launches Cygnus Mass Simulator- December 01, 2023.



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  On 12/1/2023 at 1:03 PM, Beale said:

Боже мой! Это было неинтересно читать! :D
Спасибо, что обратили на это внимание, и приношу извинения, если пропустил эту ошибку, если о ней сообщили ранее.

Я выпустил пропатченную версию, все fuelcrossfeed = false были удалены, кроме разделителей.

Tantares 25.2 для KSP 1.12.X

В этом обновлении:
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые детали были неправильно помечены FuelCrossfeed = False



Ладно, а как насчет фактического обновления, вы отвратительный взлом мошенничества?

Да, извините за то, что дразнили кучей причудливых новых переделок «Союза», а затем исчезли (хотя, вы можете получить их прямо сейчас, если скачаете последнюю ветку на GitHub).
Я купил новый дом, устроился на новую работу, сменил гражданство, а затем снова устроился на новую работу, что, как правило, заставляет меня сосредоточиться на том или ином хобби (и, к сожалению, на этот раз KSP проиграла).

Я надеюсь отдать вам все готовые детали «Союза» и 3МВ «Венера» в декабре, но обещать не могу.

Помимо этого (и я знаю, что говорил это миллион раз), я хотел бы перейти к моддингу KSP 2 после этого. Всякий раз, когда это становится вещью, если это становится вещью?
Тантаресу уже почти 10 лет, и это очень круто! Но мне было 20 лет, когда я начинал, а сейчас я дряблый человек средних лет, поэтому мне бы очень хотелось перейти к чему-то более свежему





Hello, thank you for coming back, of course, but maybe it’s worth saying this before going to ksp 2 to completely update all the models in the mod?.. I think it would be cool to see an updated block DM-03, a frigate, or parts of alternative ships of the USSR?.. the same module Zarya, or new parts of world 2, н1 ?

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My prototype is UR-700 using non-toxic Kerosene and LH2/LOX. Originally inspired by Zarbon44's UR-700 variants (kudos to that guy for the repaint and a bunch of cool ideas)
However, I didn't find his original crafting file or full details (because there weren't any)
Therefore, I decided to make my own design based on the available data, well, here it is (and it works).

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Also sorry for the poor quality, my RTX 3070 Ti was a RIP and while I'm waiting for warranty service, I built this UR-700 on an integrated 7600X GPU (double pain).
Well, I know that the UR-700 should be in KSP2, but in its current state (low FPS and krakens) and without the Tantares 2.0 mod this is impossible.
So let's develop and improve the UR-700 in the current game now)

By the way, I’m thinking of making a custom absolute TOXIC RD-270M (RIP green ecology) ((based on the RD-0122 model)), which uses Pentaborane (the pentaborane waterfall config is in the folder of the latest version of RO) . And yes, in this case, there will be nuclear engines on the upper stages (as in the Zarbon screenshots), but in LH2/LOX or Methane mode for more thrust.

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Zelenaya-zelenaya trava...
The peak of Soviet rocketry in an alternative story (Atomic Heart)

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RD-270M (based on RD-0120 "Erebus" from CryoEngines)
Weight: 4.5 tons (since the RD-270 itself was lighter than the F-1)
Maximum thrust: 1800 kN (for UDMH/N2O4 I set the value to 1650 kN)
Specific impulse: 365s (322s - UDMH/N2O4 )
Specific impulse SL: 340s (301s - UDMH/N2O4)

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A hastily made ordinary UR-700, using a template LK-700. One thing is clear here - the central module of the LK-700 needs to be hidden under the fairing, but the 3 accelerator blocks most likely do not.

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It’s probably worth reducing this design, by optimizing the LK-700 yourself, for a better look.
Just replacing the junk 11D49 with a stock LV-909 will do a lot - it will both increase productivity and reduce the height of the LK-700 complex.

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  On 12/1/2023 at 1:03 PM, Beale said:

Dear god! This was not fun to read! :D
Thanks for flagging this to attention, and apologies if I missed this bug if reported before.

I have released a patched version, all fuelcrossfeed = false has been removed, except for decouplers.

Tantares 25.2 for KSP 1.12.X

This Update:
    - Fixed bug where certain parts were incorrectly marked FuelCrossfeed = False



Okay, what about the actual update you disgusting hack fraud?

Yes, sorry for teasing a bunch of fancy new Soyuz rework and then vanishing (though, you can get them right now if you download the latest GitHub branch).
I've bought a new house, started a new job, changed my citizenship, then started a new job again, which tends to make me focus on one hobby or the other (and sad to say KSP lost out this time).

I'm hoping to give y'all the finished Soyuz, and 3MV Venera probe parts in December, but I can't promise nuffin.

Beyond that (and I know I've said this a million times) I'd like to move on to KSP 2 modding after this. Whenever that becomes a thing, if it becomes a thing?
Tantares is nearly 10 years old now, which is very cool! But, I was in my 20s when starting it, and now I'm a flabby middle-aged person, so I'd really like to move onto something a bit fresher :)





I wonder if this will be the truly last Tantares major update. Tho we basically have everything we need right now, and anything that tackles 90s > Russian spacecraft should be a separate mod, done by someone else. Tantares suite is one of my must have mods, they are very Lego-esk and fit nicely with everything.
As always im doing my part to share and have fun with this lovely mod.

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By the way, in addition to the N-1 Korolev and UR-700 from Chelomey, there was also the R-56 project from Yangel. There were 3 versions R-56: Monoblock, Polyblock and polyblock alletrant configuration. This rocket was to be created at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau in Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine).

There is very little information on it - but I found a very high quality image.

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The most important thing to know is that the R-56 is a rocket for flights to the Moon, with the caveat that 2 launches of the R-56 will be required (because the payload was about 40 tons).

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Waterfall for Tsyklon 
Based on Proton (which makes sense) 

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  On 12/2/2023 at 2:47 PM, EvilSpace said:

My prototype is UR-700 using non-toxic Kerosene and LH2/LOX. Originally inspired by Zarbon44's UR-700 variants (kudos to that guy for the repaint and a bunch of cool ideas)
However, I didn't find his original crafting file or full details (because there weren't any)
Therefore, I decided to make my own design based on the available data, well, here it is (and it works).

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Also sorry for the poor quality, my RTX 3070 Ti was a RIP and while I'm waiting for warranty service, I built this UR-700 on an integrated 7600X GPU (double pain).
Well, I know that the UR-700 should be in KSP2, but in its current state (low FPS and krakens) and without the Tantares 2.0 mod this is impossible.
So let's develop and improve the UR-700 in the current game now)

By the way, I’m thinking of making a custom absolute TOXIC RD-270M (RIP green ecology) ((based on the RD-0122 model)), which uses Pentaborane (the pentaborane waterfall config is in the folder of the latest version of RO) . And yes, in this case, there will be nuclear engines on the upper stages (as in the Zarbon screenshots), but in LH2/LOX or Methane mode for more thrust.


Pretty incredible job, definitely not a rocket that lends itself to being remade in KSP with all its quirks. Love it!

  On 12/3/2023 at 12:55 PM, Zarbon44 said:

I wonder if this will be the truly last Tantares major update. Tho we basically have everything we need right now, and anything that tackles 90s > Russian spacecraft should be a separate mod, done by someone else. Tantares suite is one of my must have mods, they are very Lego-esk and fit nicely with everything.
As always im doing my part to share and have fun with this lovely mod.


The last one until the next last one. Love the station!





Now has the green colour. @Zarbon44 may provide some recolour to be included in the mod, but I will leave the mystery of what colour it is to him.



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A "custom" Mir. The only major changes are on the docking adapter, which has compatibility for SOCK as well as the Artemis. The only minor change is the giant boom on the Kvant 1. It has a hinge so it would fold properly in the Proton.

There is also a Progress-M docked.

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  On 12/2/2023 at 1:31 AM, CollectingSP said:

Figured that this is an appropriate place to finally show this off to people since most of the parts are derived from the tantares Zenit. the engines are from Eisenhower and the other components are from various other places.

The full album and mission report can be found here if anyone desires more images.

Antares 240 Launches Cygnus Mass Simulator- December 01, 2023.




That looks fantastic, how did you put this together?

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  On 12/4/2023 at 5:22 PM, Beale said:

Pretty incredible job, definitely not a rocket that lends itself to being remade in KSP with all its quirks. Love it!

The last one until the next last one. Love the station!





Now has the green colour. @Zarbon44 may provide some recolour to be included in the mod, but I will leave the mystery of what colour it is to him.




My intelligent brain scrolled right past this. I'm downloading this immediately lol

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April 6th, 1995

The USSR fell back in 1994 Since then, Mir has been dormant, until the newly-founded Russian Federation permits development on Mir again.

The module is called Cosmos. It begins construction in 1996.

August 1st, 1999

Word begins to spread that the module is ready, and soon after, it is. A proton rocket gets launched and preforms well. 4 hours later, the Mir crew notices the module and begins preparations to dock with it. After another hour passes, it begins to dock.

It docks to the core module and becomes the newest module to the Mir since Priroda in 1996. It became one of the more primary modules, as it had an integrated science laboratory, as well as crew quarters and better storage.



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  On 12/10/2023 at 5:49 AM, Blufor878 said:

That looks fantastic, how did you put this together?


Thank you!

Really hard to explain and describe exactly how I constructed it, I’d say almost impossible in one post, actually.

I’m a sucker for realism and strive to have the most realistic Antares ever built. It’s constantly being tweaked and reworked.

(also don’t really wanna give up all my secrets lol, as it’s taken me many hours to perfect. Maybe someday.  :))

Though I will tell you this!

the largest portion of the LV is made up of tantares Zenit parts, as the irl Antares is derived from Zenit.

I don’t use an SRM/castor For the second stage, it’s also Zenit derived.

decals are custom made. Adding more next launch, including an LO2 boiloff decal.

fairing will also be reworked the next launch. It’s custom, and the new one looks far better than the current one.

if you think my Antares is good, wait until you see my Cygnus. It’s really realistic. 

stay tuned to my thread in mission reports- it’ll have more pictures soon enough.

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  On 12/4/2023 at 6:48 PM, Beale said:

Found a fun thing:



Even with my absolute potato PC, I'm itching to redownload this mod.  The Soyuz is even better than when I last played Tantares! Great job!

Oh yeah, I only now spotted your other mods from your signature and now I feel I should punish my PC a bit :)

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  On 12/1/2023 at 1:03 PM, Beale said:

Beyond that (and I know I've said this a million times) I'd like to move on to KSP 2 modding after this. Whenever that becomes a thing, if it becomes a thing?


I don't think it'll ever become a thing. KSP2 is a soulless cashgrab made by different developers, and now months after its release still doesn't have any kind of modding support, let alone even a small fraction of the features that were supposed to be included on release. Please, please don't fall into the trap. The game already caused plenty of damage to the KSP modding community before it was even released by putting just about every major mod on hold for over a year. I love Tantares and I don't ever want to see it end. You have made something truly wonderful and unique, and you don't deserve to throw it away for such a game as KSP2.

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  On 12/13/2023 at 1:48 PM, Entr8899 said:

I don't think it'll ever become a thing. KSP2 is a soulless cashgrab made by different developers, and now months after its release still doesn't have any kind of modding support, let alone even a small fraction of the features that were supposed to be included on release. Please, please don't fall into the trap. The game already caused plenty of damage to the KSP modding community before it was even released by putting just about every major mod on hold for over a year. I love Tantares and I don't ever want to see it end. You have made something truly wonderful and unique, and you don't deserve to throw it away for such a game as KSP2.


Second this 100% @Beale

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  On 12/13/2023 at 1:48 PM, Entr8899 said:

I don't think it'll ever become a thing. KSP2 is a soulless cashgrab made by different developers, and now months after its release still doesn't have any kind of modding support, let alone even a small fraction of the features that were supposed to be included on release. Please, please don't fall into the trap. The game already caused plenty of damage to the KSP modding community before it was even released by putting just about every major mod on hold for over a year. I love Tantares and I don't ever want to see it end. You have made something truly wonderful and unique, and you don't deserve to throw it away for such a game as KSP2.


Couldn't agree more. Was so hyped for KSP2 back in 2019, then 2020. Then 2021. And then 2022... all for it to be a pile of mud thats just got no soul or gameplaly.

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  On 12/13/2023 at 1:48 PM, Entr8899 said:

I don't think it'll ever become a thing. KSP2 is a soulless cashgrab made by different developers, and now months after its release still doesn't have any kind of modding support, let alone even a small fraction of the features that were supposed to be included on release. Please, please don't fall into the trap. The game already caused plenty of damage to the KSP modding community before it was even released by putting just about every major mod on hold for over a year. I love Tantares and I don't ever want to see it end. You have made something truly wonderful and unique, and you don't deserve to throw it away for such a game as KSP2.

  On 12/13/2023 at 2:48 PM, CollectingSP said:

Second this 100% @Beale

  On 12/14/2023 at 9:29 AM, Unbreakify said:

Couldn't agree more. Was so hyped for KSP2 back in 2019, then 2020. Then 2021. And then 2022... all for it to be a pile of mud thats just got no soul or gameplaly.


I do appreciate the input fellas, but simple fact is I only really have a huge enjoyment (with legs) for games when I enjoy playing them at the same time.
KSP is bled dry, I've done planet packs, parallax, realism, blah blah blah - everything. I don't play it anymore. I'm not going to drop names, but I know for a fact this rings true for many other people who modded the game for years alongside me.

Needs fresh ground and fresh ideas, KSP 2 has had a very rocky start yes, but I like the direction it has taken, the presentation, the atmosphere.
I have faith in the devs, and they're a good bunch of people. If you haven't tried the recent update yet, the performance is really improved in it, and the science update is just around the corner.

  On 12/10/2023 at 4:11 PM, Unbreakify said:


April 6th, 1995

The USSR fell back in 1994 Since then, Mir has been dormant, until the newly-founded Russian Federation permits development on Mir again.

The module is called Cosmos. It begins construction in 1996.

August 1st, 1999

Word begins to spread that the module is ready, and soon after, it is. A proton rocket gets launched and preforms well. 4 hours later, the Mir crew notices the module and begins preparations to dock with it. After another hour passes, it begins to dock.

It docks to the core module and becomes the newest module to the Mir since Priroda in 1996. It became one of the more primary modules, as it had an integrated science laboratory, as well as crew quarters and better storage.




Love this stuff, thanks for it.

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