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[1.2] NavHud - a NavBall inspired Heads Up Display - 1.3.3


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Awesome! I discovered this about the time 5thHorseman did and this is ... , well I'm speechless. I remember a very violent episode of lost jaws on this forum quite vividly right now - I can't find mine again. There's two things I'd like to propose: An anti-heading marker - like the one mentioned before or maybe just a little x (or this: ҈ ) - and a velocity/throttle indicator, possibly in the vicinity of the prograde marker (Like 10% ¤ 2254 m/s; I'd do a picture but I broke Gimp). Then we just could drop the navball completely off our screen!



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...a velocity/throttle indicator, possibly in the vicinity of the prograde marker (Like 10% ¤ 2254 m/s; I'd do a picture but I broke Gimp). Then we just could drop the navball completely off our screen!

Yes! or instead of near prograde/heading/whatever, down near the bottom of the screen where the navball is used to be. Maybe even hidden behind it so you don't see it unless you've minimized the navball. Throttle, velocity (has to be changeable or show all 3), RCS/SAS icons, and I suppose G forces and HDG but I never notice those :)

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This mod is amazing. When performing maneuvers you're not staring at a tiny navball, you're inside a giant one seeing your ship at the same time. It's not quite enough to completely replace the navball yet, I still look at it for speed, throttle and maneuver node delta-V info. But the primary function of ship attitude control is much better controlled through this mod. Giant transparent navball means greater precision in manual alignment.

The one place is doesn't work so well is landing. When landing I want to be looking prograde at the LZ while the ship faces retrograde, so the node and crosshair are behind me using this. For every other situation I've tried so far (launch, docking, executing maneuver nodes, manual orbit adjustment), it is superior to the stock navball.

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This mod is fantastic. It's one of those things where I had no idea how much I needed it, and now I'll never play without it again.

I was always staring at my navball before, neglecting the majestic beauty of my ships, and in some cases neglecting the way they were bending and twisting in the atmosphere during launch. Now I can look at my ship and navigate at the same time, and do so much more precisely to boot - I've noticed that headings that look "close enough" on the navball are sometimes significant distances from my desired heading in the HUD.

I have a couple of suggestions that would improve this further:

- Others have suggested an anti-heading vector, and I second this.

- An anti-node vector would also be useful; Enhanced Navball has this, and it can be helpful especially when touching up a maneuver with RCS.

- Speed/thrust indicators like MarrusQ suggested, except I would put speed next to the velocity vector, thrust next to the heading vector and maneuver delta-v next to the node vector. Duplicating these indicators for the retrograde, anti-heading and anti-node vectors would also be a nice option.

- What you might call "rotation vectors": an arrow for yaw/pitch rate (direction of rotation) pointing from the heading vector, along with possibly arrows pointing from heading toward prograde, normal, and node that could be enabled/disabled to help rotate into position.

That last one is inspired by playing with Realism Overhaul, where magic-torque reaction wheels aren't available and I have to use RCS for almost all rotation; to conserve RCS fuel, I like to turn off SAS, give my craft a little push in the right direction and then be very patient while it rotates, and it would be nice to know that I'm actually rotating in the right direction. The gridlines on the HUD already help immensely with this compared to the navball, but when I need to change both my pitch and compass heading, I'm still half guessing.

Anyway, thanks for the great mod! Even this initial version is a great enhancement to my KSP experience. I hope you can keep working on it.

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This mod is fantastic.

I was always staring at my navball before, neglecting the majestic beauty of my ships

I've noticed that headings that look "close enough" on the navball are sometimes significant distances from my desired heading in the HUD.

anti-heading vector

anti-node vector

Speed/thrust indicators

maneuver delta-v next to the node vector

I agree with most everything you said, but I cut it down to the bare essentials here. All of these would be wonderful.

I tried last night to play with the HUD only and the new Enhanced Navball shrunk and down to the side. I found I just couldn't do it and ended up putting the size back but still off to the side. If I could get those essential readouts on the HUD...

I may look into VOID and see what it can do. I'd love to leave the navball off for good :)

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Hey there, Im curious if anyone is having ksp crash when using this mod? Its fine when off but im getting a memory crash when I enable it and then rotate my ship. The only time I encounter this is when the HUD is active? Im not saying its the cause but just a possible issue?

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  • 3 weeks later...
AFAIK, it works fine with 0.24 x64, no change needed.

Not sure about x64, havent tried it yet but I was geting an awful memory leak in x32 in .24 any time I had the hud up KSP's mem ussage would start climbing at about 20mb a second resulting in a out of mem crash shorthly there after. pulled navhud and while something is still leaking a bit its slow enough that hours of gameplay can go by before I'm out of mem instead of just a few minutes. I like the mod but I can cope till we get an update.

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This is marvelous! Really, this gave KSP a whole new feel :cool:

The only thing I can think of to improve, is having the lines sort of "merge" with the skybox, so that it stays behind vessel, but the markers stay in front. That would make this mod one of THE best for KSP :D

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I compiled my own version with taniwha's patch on 0.24.2. Figured since the license (MIT) allows it, I would share it until Ninenium updates it. You can find it on my Dropbox here:


Note that I haven't tested taniwha's patch, personally. I did make sure NavHud came up and seemed to work as usual. Should be fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just built a new version of NavHud, based on an excellent suggestion by shimmythejj. As well as taniwha's docking patch, it adds new alpha value sliders in the settings. These will set the level of transparency for the various elements. Rather nice, actually. Keep in mind that there's a serious memory leak when the settings window is open. It doesn't seem to leak unless that window is open. I'm looking into it, but just a heads up. Easy workaround: don't leave the settings window open long.

You may find it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7rvf0mdvqrcsm3i/NavHud_1.0.1%2Bmmd2_0.24.2.zip

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I've been working on fixing the memory issue in NavHud, and appear to have succeeded. It required a bit of intensive surgery, but the memory leak seems to be fixed. For reference, it seemed to be creating and destroying objects so quickly that the garbage collector couldn't keep up. It no longer creates that object churn.

If you have any issues, please let me know and I'll see what I can do. Please don't bug Ninenium about it. Hopefully, when he comes back, he will take my changes into consideration for the next version. And, Ninenium, this is a really great mod and an excellent idea. Thanks for that, I really love it.

Here is a link to my version in Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/11cx433agb9i7yu/NavHud_1.0.1%2Bmmd3_0.24.2.zip

The source is included, but I've also put it into my Github. Just keep in mind this is hot off the presses, and I'll be cleaning things up soon. The source is here (quality pull requests appreciated): https://github.com/RealGrep/NavHud

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Hey, here's a little update. I'm back from my vacation and continuing work on a major update of this mod. Seems like i've quite a bit of catching up to do though :P.

The next version the HUD will be rendered by a separate camera. This will remove the jitter and clipping issues and gives the possibility to show the HUD in map mode (if anyone cares for that).

I can also confirm the memory leak. In the current version the gameobjects are re-instantiated with every update of the settings menu without destroying the old ones. I've already completely reworked this part of the code the objects are now instantiated only on start.

Thanks taniwha, I haven't tried EL but will include your patch anyhow.

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I've been working on fixing the memory issue in NavHud, and appear to have succeeded.

Hey Addle, thanks for cleaning up my mess :D. I will upload my latest sources tomorrow so you can have a look at it. I will put your version in the OP for now.

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Hey Addle, thanks for cleaning up my mess :D. I will upload my latest sources tomorrow so you can have a look at it. I will put your version in the OP for now.

Yay, you're back! :) Hope you enjoyed your vacation. NavHud has been getting quite a lot of (deserved) attention in ShimmyTheJJ's twitch channel. The alpha transparency was his idea (and is super useful).

Any chance you can check your sources into github? I can then fork it and make pull requests back to you, if I make any changes. Very much looking forward to seeing your changes. Great mod.

FYI, I was pondering ghosting the markers like Enhanced Navball. That would nice really nice.

Lastly, thanks for the thanks, it's really appreciated! :D

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I've just released version 1.1. The code has been drastically cleaned up and there are a lot of internal changes since v1.0.1. Consequently the memory leak should now be gone.


version 1.1

- Changed settings window layout.

- Added alpha channel option. (Thanks to Addle/ShimmyTheJJ)

- Improved target alignment support for mods. (Thanks to taniwha.)

- The HUD is now rendered by its own camera positioned in the origin. This removes jitter and clipping issues.

- Added anti-heading marker.

- HUD is visible in the mapview (option is off by default).

- Fixed bug: memory leak when settings window is open.

Beware that updating to this version will reset your settings.

Edited by Ninenium
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Ninenium, I've made one change and one fix to that version. One where I just replaced the & operator with the short-circuit && operator in MainBehaviour.SetActive(), which is more correct and efficient, but not a huge deal. The other is that the alpha values are not being saved and restored (reported by shimmythejj, who is obviously a fan of your mod). Other than that, the new version is quite nice, thank you!

You can find those changes on my github at https://github.com/RealGrep/NavHud

Hopefully you get your version into your own github so we can collaborate more easily and save you some headache. If you need help with that, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd be glad to help.

Edit: I've also make the secondary lines start with 0.1 alpha (suggested by overloadut), and after seeing kofeyh accidentally click the time warp (as I did once) due to the windows defaulting to the corner, they now start more centrally. You can find my unofficial build if you click on "releases" in my github. Again, do not bother Ninenium about bugs in my version.

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Good job Addle! I have to admit I haven't thoroughly tested alpha channel option. Obviously not playing enough KSP :P.

After studying some tutorials on yt you can find me on GitHub now: https://github.com/Ninenium/NavHud. I think I'm getting the hang of git. bad pun is bad

Any possibility to add in your orbital path, in order to make it easier to navigate sub-orbital hops?

I think that putting the map functionality into flight view is something for another mod. Some landing predicion might be nice but is not something i've planned.

PS: The alpha channel doesn't really add any more color options because rendering is done with an "additive" shader. This means that (as a workaround) you can multiply the red green and blue values with the alpha you wish to have and set the actual alpha to 1. This should give you exactly the same result.

Edited by Ninenium
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I'm thinking of adding this to my modlist, but I have a question:

Does it add the markers for normal/antinormal and radial/antiradial?

2nd sentence on the first page:

"It also features the target, normal, radial, retro/pro-grade, maneuver and docking alignment indicators."


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