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Release: BobCat Ind. Space&Planet products


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Yes! I thik so too.

The soyuz... the mir... the buran... and h.o.m.e. (all versons!) too! All so very very fine parts. It would be a desaster if the couln't be used any longer.

I am so happy nearly all this works at 0.90. (I miss the horizontal landing legs! The fell off again and again!)

So it would be so nice if all the mods would be supported longer.

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For anyone watching this thread and not the CSS thread

Dragon news

"Sorry for the delay, but I came down with a fever, so the whole deal with the website is delayed (just about a week, I hope). I still need to test the mods to be released on 0.90, and for that, I need to feel better. That said, once that happens, the 0.90 releases hopefully won't be far behind."

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Yes. And I would like to have the fuel tanks from the old HOME-1 module.

And a blank shield too. With nothing in but the blank shield. So I can attatch othe parts like the inflatable parts from Umbra Space Industries. I do so now, but it looks way better if there could be the protection shield in front as it is with the original parts.

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Does anybody know where I can find a good config for the Soyuz pack for RSS and Realism Overhaul?

I'm not really sure if there are any out there.

I just edited the mods configis using the specs I find about the rockets (Soyuz FG & Soyuz FG Fregat) on the interwebz.

This website it pretty neat for creating your own RO craft -> Spaceflight101

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