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You know you're a noob in KSP when...


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Well, arguably, you know you're a noob when you attempt a Mun landing before you've done a Minmus one.

Back in the demo I made a landing (successfully) on the Mun. I'm pretty sure Minmus didn't exist in the demo, but then maybe I was just such a noob I didn't realize it was there.

You know you're a newb when you attach a rover directly beneath the poodle engine on your lander and fail to at least attach radial engines.

Edited by Russoft
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You build a tier 0 rocket in Career, but, when you launch it, the parachute opens.

NASA is guilty of that IRL.

You know you're a noob (or newb) in KSP when you think one standard docking port connection won't act like rubber when subjected to anything above 2 LV-N's thrust on a Class-E asteroid (required a redesign of the thrust frame of my multi-launch constructed asteroid capture ship)

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You know you're a noob in KSP when you try to dock two spacecraft in orbit without any docking ports, just because both spacecraft looked like they had them. I must have spent at least 10 minutes bumping the two spacecraft against each other trying to get them to dock. It wasn't until after I realized there were actually docking ports in career mode that needed to be unlocked.

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When u watch bill flying majestic into eternety while u shout at the monitor not knowing u need to press r to make him do anithing more then floating. He flew there for month before i was able to get him back :D

When u decouple a rover from the side of ur lander anf forgot to hit its breaks before. And there it rolls and horribly crashes down the big ass canion u came to visit...

when u transport a ssto all the way to laythe on a big mission that u had to prepare for hours just to realise that it is way to heavy all fueled up to ever land there

proudest moments of my space program^^

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You know you're a noob in KSP when you try to dock two spacecraft in orbit without any docking ports, just because both spacecraft looked like they had them. I must have spent at least 10 minutes bumping the two spacecraft against each other trying to get them to dock. It wasn't until after I realized there were actually docking ports in career mode that needed to be unlocked.

bahaha! I just imagined that scene in my head and I could imagine the ridiculousness and facepalming afterwards.

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You know you are a newb when you manually transfer fuel and oxidizer to an engine's connected empty fuel canister without throttling said engine down first.

It's a good thing kerbal vomit isn't a thing yet.

Edited by corvustech
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When you put a plate behind an engine and expect to move.

I had some kids I was teaching play simple rockets, SO MANY OF THEM PLACE ENGINES BELOW ENGINES BELOW ENGINES and thought it would work. Of course, SimpleRockets isn't KSP, but i have a feeling they'd do the same in KSP.

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When you finally get near to that asteroid, separate from your delivery stage, wait a few moments, then flip and burn in the opposite direction to match speeds and come back and hit your delivery stage destroying the ship ...

(Capsule now on escape trajectory from Kerbin, likely into a Kerbolcentric Orbit)

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You know you're a noob when you try to dock with a ship... On a reversed orbit.

Did this on my first attempt to refuel with Klaw. I successfully ripped the capsule off the target and blew up. Quick save for the win...

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You know you are a noob at KSP when your girlfriend hasnt left you because of KSP.

You know you're a noob if your wife hasn't started commenting on the amount of time you spend playing KSP and not spending time with her.

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