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KSP 64bits on Windows (this time, it's not a request)


How does the 64-bits version of KSP work for you?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. How does the 64-bits version of KSP work for you?

    • It worked with no or minor glitches/bugs with DirectX
    • It worked with no or minor glitches/bugs with OpenGL
    • None, it crashed/caused major game breaking/is unplayable.

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Worked fine for me. Disabled LoadOnDemand and Active Texture Management and comfortably runs at ~6 GB memory usage.

Mods that caused trouble?

I only identified TextureReplacer: For some reason, the default settings caused KSP to hang during startup load at random times or cause OutOfMemory errors. Disabling the MipMap-Generation in the TextureReplacer @Default.cfg (and KSPRC.cfg, as I use the renaissance pack) fixes this issue entirely.

The game still crashes randomly with OutOfMemory errors or similar messages, but that happens extremely rare and independent of current memory usage.

It's very refreshing no longer having to monitor memory usage constantly, trying to anticipate when the next quicksave is necessary before the next crash rolls in :) . And being able to run with full texture resolution and no compression and low-texture workarounds any more certainly made the game experience a whole lot nicer.

An amazing and incredible find, Lillemann!

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  boxman said:
Exactly. For many of us who use mods it will be more stable than 32bit even if it still has issues. So it makes no sense to to not release it with a disclaimer like you said.

I feel like forum topics like this one are the best place for highly experimental things of this sort. Since it's historically not been ready for wide release, it makes a lot of sense for it to be something available in a do-it-yourself format like in this thread. That way you get a more dedicated and (ideally) more savvy crowd of testers who aren't afraid to poke around at unproven things and aren't afraid of dealing with the random bugs and glitches that come from doing so.

Of course if the sample size grows larger and results continue to be encouraging, it could always move on to a wider release. As of this post there are 49 responses to the survey over 2 days. That's a nice number but there are still more results that could be generated just from this thread and word of mouth. It doesn't hurt to let the thing keep going for a while longer before deciding if a more broad distribution is needed.

Edited by FenrirWolf
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  KAO said:
what is with all these mono.dll access violation errors?

Did you overwrite KSP's version of mono.dll with the proper file? Check your install to make sure you didn't put it in the wrong directory or something.

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Eventually figured out why Kethane was freaking out, still had pieces from ActiveTextureManagement running. Oops.

Re-installed Kethane after cleaning up (properly this time) the ActiveTextureManagement leftovers and have been playing without any trouble.

I did run into some stability issues with certain engine effects (RT-10 boosters in my case, crash as soon as you try to launch a craft with them firing, no identifiable stack references) that were resolved by updating SmokeScreen to 2.1.0. Probably a specific issue to my install but if anyone else runs into funky crashes when firing engines that's something to look at.

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Even I think this is a good thing to have just those files (it's painful to download a 1Gb archive just for 15MB of files there), it's just a legal thing:

I don't want this thread to be closed because it cause people to redistribute files without Unity consentment.

Can we avoid links on this thread? Even I appreciate the attention.

Also, some people complain about the first page instructions being "vague".

Does it need some editing? Remember, I won't be able to edit the first page this week.

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I feel like performance is better for me too. I didn't take exact FPS measurements but when using my Jool explorer ship the MET is no longer flickering between yellow and green. It stays green the whole time and I don't feel the slowdown I was getting before. Then while hopping around between the Joolian moons I wasn't seeing those annoying flickers in the patched conics either. More testing is needed in that regard but I like what I see.

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I know, it's really not a big deal but I want to let you know my opinion about it.

Also, last call if there is something that needs to be added in front page, or make a new poll?

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I tested this last night with ATM removed. 5.8 gigs or so used (only 3 or so with ATM). No problems. Slightly higher framerate, but I wasn't recording at the time so that might be the bigger factor. But yeah, the only issue I had was with the astronaut complex screen flash thing. Very awesome find.

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  Lilleman said:
I know, it's really not a big deal but I want to let you know my opinion about it.

Also, last call if there is something that needs to be added in front page, or make a new poll?

Wait with changes in the poll till monday. most ppl just have the time for this during the weekend, like me, I try it tomorrow morning.

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Working fine without mods, will test with as I had soooo many issues with B9.

i5 4670k

GTX 660


All driver updated and as stock...I get 60fps and I...I just can't believe how amazing this is.

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Before I vote "unplayable," when I start the game I get the error: Unable to load mono library from "d:/KSP_64/ksp_Data/Mono/mono.dll" (error = 193).

I downloaded the full Unity 4.3.3 install from the link in the first post and copied the two files as instructed (player_win.exe to KSP.exe and mono.dll to mono.dll). I just verified that both are indeed the same (byte for byte) as in the Unity install directories. Any thoughts?

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  5thHorseman said:
Unable to load mono library from "d:/KSP_64/ksp_Data/Mono/mono.dll" (error = 193).

Aha! The forum got me on this one. I misread the first post becuase the forum software inserted a space. I did not get my mono.dll from the correct location. I R Dummy.

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  Ravyne said:
Interesting. Whenever the KSP process is up, my computer decides that every click is a left click. Can't click on tabs in Chrome either.

I get that too, I right click and then it works again. Strange error.

Also I get a crash to desktop with B9, it loads up and lets me select my career or sandbox but then freezes on the astro complex start up screen this mod now brings us.

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  Ravyne said:
Interesting. Whenever the KSP process is up, my computer decides that every click is a left click. Can't click on tabs in Chrome either.

Mine did that if I had it running in windowed mode so I switched to running it firescreen

Otherwise no issues to report with x64, been running for ~3 hours with no other oddities

[Edit] And now for the next trick, to install all the mods I wanted to play with and see if it asplodes

Edited by NoMrBond
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