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[1.1.2] Kerbin-Side (v1.1.0) & Supplements


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  Rayheat said:
I kinda have a issue. All the kerbinside icons are black sqaures.

This happened to me when I installed Active Texture Management. If you did as well, you need to find out how to tell that mod to not compress the folder(s) with all the icons in it(them).

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  5thHorseman said:
This happened to me when I installed Active Texture Management. If you did as well, you need to find out how to tell that mod to not compress the folder(s) with all the icons in it(them).
Is it because I have texture replacer?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello guys! My team is creating a server and we need to move something on the Laythe. I know how to change body, but I don't know how to change coordinates. Can someone explain me how to do that?

UPD. The problem solved.

Edited by MrKerbMan
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  MrKerbMan said:
Hello guys! My team is creating a server and we need to move something on the Laythe. I know how to change body, but I don't know how to change coordinates. Can someone explain me how to do that?

UPD. The problem solved.

Can we have the solution for less code-minded individuals?

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KerbinSide is causing all my buildings in a brand new fresh career save to already be fully upgraded. I know it's KS because I uninstalled it and the buildings start off at their lowest level. How can I enjoy KerbinSide, but have my buildings start off at a low level at the same time?

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  TaintedLion said:
KerbinSide is causing all my buildings in a brand new fresh career save to already be fully upgraded. I know it's KS because I uninstalled it and the buildings start off at their lowest level. How can I enjoy KerbinSide, but have my buildings start off at a low level at the same time?

That should be fixed. Make sure you have the latest version of KerbalKonstructs.

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  T.Lancer said:
In regards to the Latitude/Longitude Problem with Ground stations for Remote tech 2:

Using VOID, MechJeb or Hyper Edit to obtain the coordinates doesn't work as they display the wrong values for Remotetech. However I have determined that SCANsat DOES display the Remote Tech compatible coordinates. That means one can now very easily add new ground stations anywhere on Kerbin without any weird and complicated conversion equations.

I have made all rocket launch pads ground stations. you can paste this in your RT cfg file:

Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488
Name = Mission Control
Latitude = -0.131331503391266
Longitude = -74.594841003418
Height = 75
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc501
Name = Tracking Station 2
Latitude = 78.608117
Longitude = 147.491623
Height = 2817.58
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc502
Name = Tracking Station 3
Latitude = 20.45392
Longitude = -78.093832
Height = 3684.54
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc503
Name = Tracking Station 4
Latitude = 20.986161
Longitude = -117.304872
Height = 4204.48
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc504
Name = Tracking Station 5
Latitude = 14.733632
Longitude = -127.017657
Height = 2999.19
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc505
Name = Tracking Station 6
Latitude = 16.043645
Longitude = -156.864196
Height = 4704.55
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc506
Name = Tracking Station 7
Latitude = 3.329209
Longitude = -37.145679
Height = 2230.51
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc507
Name = KKVLA
Latitude = 10.3559
Longitude = 227.3936
Height = 430
Body = 1
Omni = 2.55E+08
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc508
Name = Arakebo
Latitude = 8.2517
Longitude = 179.4219
Height = 430
Body = 1
Omni = 2.55E+08
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc509
Name = Kosmodrome
Latitude = 0.138
Longitude = 217.1527
Height = 430
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc510
Name = Central lakes
Latitude = -15.3
Longitude = 91.3
Height = 50
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc511
Name = Great Basin
Latitude = -6.4
Longitude = -178.7
Height = 1500
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc512
Name = Kraken's Belly
Latitude = 20.7
Longitude = -146.4
Height = 500
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc513
Name = Great Ez Kape
Latitude = 21
Longitude = 145.8
Height = 150
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc514
Name = Sea's End
Latitude = -34.1
Longitude = 79.8
Height = 10
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc515
Name = Toofar Kape
Latitude = -45.5
Longitude = 78.9
Height = 10
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc516
Name = Sanctuary Mouth
Latitude = 23.7
Longitude = -39.9
Height = 20
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc516
Name = Sanctuary Mouth
Latitude = 23.7
Longitude = -39.9
Height = 20
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc517
Name = Hanbert Kape
Latitude = -22.6
Longitude = -140.3
Height = 10
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc517
Name = Dull Spot
Latitude = 63.9
Longitude = -172.4
Height = 500
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc518
Name = Ocean Odyssee Platform
Latitude = 16.3
Longitude = 174.4
Height = 50
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07

This post right here needs to go in the Original Post. I spent a long, long, long time looking for something like this.

Long time...

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I really like this mod, but I've noticed frame rate drops when using it. (I'm wary of saying it is the cause of the drop, because I run a LOT of mods, but I consistently find that things improve when I disable this one.) Anyone else noticed issues? Or suggest how I could identify if it is this mod that is the problem?

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  Cetera said:
This post right here needs to go in the Original Post. I spent a long, long, long time looking for something like this.

Long time...

The origional post already has a config for RT, but I'll PM AlphaAsh about it.

  BinaryBad said:
I really like this mod, but I've noticed frame rate drops when using it. (I'm wary of saying it is the cause of the drop, because I run a LOT of mods, but I consistently find that things improve when I disable this one.) Anyone else noticed issues? Or suggest how I could identify if it is this mod that is the problem?

Frame rate drops are just a side affect of KSP loading a lot of memory. This mod is quite memory intensive so that's probably the cause. No way around it, sorry.

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Expand your KerbinSide bases with SPC's Expanded Bases Pack 1!

Overwrite the existing cfg files in your GameData/KerbinSide/Parts/Static folder with the ones in this and enjoy moar base turned up to 11.

Find the link in the OP.

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Ok, I installed KerbinSide via KerbalStuff and after a few seconds engine sounds just cut until I go to 0% throttle and back only to have the sound cut again, this is the second occurance of this since when I first installed this (I wiped all mods from KSP yesterday and now i'm going 1-2 mods at a time to find game-breaking ones) This mod is also a tragedy since it failed while being the most useful mod for the war i'm doing. :mad:

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  JaffaFediration said:
I want to put the bases that I have built with kerbal Konstructs into my save when 1.0 arrives, will I just need to download the latest version of Kerbinside and copy the KK.cfg into the new save?

First thing to keep in mind is that Kerbal Konstructs is unlikely to work straight out the gate with 1.0. Squad loves to cripple Kerbal Konstructs with changes to parts of the API it relies on.

Before updating to 1.0, you should back-up and save somewhere all of the cfg files of all assets of KerbinSide and those of the statics in Kerbal Konstructs if you've used those. All of your 'custom' base stuff will be defined in those cfgs.

When/if I do an update of KerbinSide, you should do this regardless. You then need to manually merge your additions to the cfgs into the cfgs of the new version of KerbinSide. There's no automation for this.

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  AlphaAsh said:
First thing to keep in mind is that Kerbal Konstructs is unlikely to work straight out the gate with 1.0. Squad loves to cripple Kerbal Konstructs with changes to parts of the API it relies on.

Before updating to 1.0, you should back-up and save somewhere all of the cfg files of all assets of KerbinSide and those of the statics in Kerbal Konstructs if you've used those. All of your 'custom' base stuff will be defined in those cfgs.

When/if I do an update of KerbinSide, you should do this regardless. You then need to manually merge your additions to the cfgs into the cfgs of the new version of KerbinSide. There's no automation for this.

So I guess those fears were unfounded?

Also what are your plans for the next locations? That is if your willing to share

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  LORDPrometheus said:
So I guess those fears were unfounded?

Also what are your plans for the next locations? That is if your willing to share

I wouldn't say unfounded :D Previous updates did royally screw with parts of the API KK relied on. Thankfully that didn't happen in this update.

I'm starting work on something of a special edition/reboot of KerbinSide. The culling of bases is going to happen because there's far too many redundant ones. Some new bases will be added to further increase global coverage. Bases will be improved/expanded. New features I'm wary to go in to too much detail yet but one thing I will hint at: there have been attempts in the past by other mods to provide visual proof when in orbit that Kerbin is populated. I'm planning to try my own idea for that (and no, it won't step on the toes of Eskandare's project).

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