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[1.1.2] Kerbin-Side (v1.1.0) & Supplements


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Awesome mod, but I've got a problem with it.

I'm a nub@life, so do forgive me.. but whenever I load up ksp the game stops responding, but sometimes at different stages. Sometimes, when I am resuming my saved game, it will just hang with the loading sign at the bottom right. Sometimes, I will see the KSC, then it will stop responding. A few times, I managed to knock a simple explorer plane together, but when I click launch, instead of giving me a list of sites to choose from, it launches automatically (I see the game loading a runway)... and then it becomes unresponsive.

You didn't promise anything for Win64, but I'm running the game on OSX 10.9.3 Mavericks. The stock game crashes from time to time (not often), but I can't get anything with Kerbinside. I did the All In One package. xDD

I love this mod's idea and where this is headed, though. Gud job to everyone developing this!! :DD


Sorry! I'm absolutely terribru@life. I just clean installed KSP, and then clean installed the mod, and it works. Well, it's working... for now. I'm so dumb. Thanks all!! :)

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The largest texture used in KerbinSide is GameData/KerbinSide/Parts/Static/KerminCruiser/Hull.tga weighing in at 3.55mb. This is one of several large, un-optimised textures that are part of the Oceania pack of content.

Eskandare is aware that the textures in this pack need optimising and has told me he's working on this for the next release of KerbinSide.

If you are concerned about load times from larger textures you can remove the Oceania pack by deleting the following folders and their content:






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  • 2 weeks later...
The works with Realism Overhaul right?

Unfortunately not. The static instances are tracked using cartezian x/y/z coordinates and placed relative to Kerbin's terrain, meaning that on a different sized planet they will not show up correctly.

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Unfortunately not. The static instances are tracked using cartezian x/y/z coordinates and placed relative to Kerbin's terrain, meaning that on a different sized planet they will not show up correctly.

Sadly :(. It would be a dream come true not to have to choose between better sized planets/SMA and really awesome and fun bases all over Kerbin. I dream of it.

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This is getting to be such a big app. Would it be proper to treat each of the sets on the front page (other than the all-in-one) as individual packages for the purposes of install? The reason I ask is that I want to use this but I am trying to reduce the footprint of the all-in-one down to just a few bases that I want for things like polar orbit launches, or convenient runways near a biome - but cut out the ones Im not using, in terms of resources loaded and used. It would be nice to have these individually managed, with a basic set of shared assets in Kerbal Konstructs being the primary install, then install by base. For example, if I wanted only the current KSC and the old KSC and the north pole, I'd install (Via CKAN - I can do the netkan for them if these are hosted on KerbalStuff or Github) via CKAN checkboxes, KerbalKonstructs, KerbinSide-KSC, KerbinSide-OldKSC and KerbinSide-NorthPole (the latter 2 having a dependency on the former). This way only the bases Im using will get loaded, saving me resources and RAM. Meta- type things (like the fuel tanks) would stay the same, but some of the other mods would split up geographically.

Would this be too complex? Or could I do this by going in and pruning the files for bases Im not using and likely never will use (like if I had been in the Navy and never wanted to see an aircraft carrier ever again even in a game)?

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... words ...

It's very slow progress, but KK is going to have support for something much like this.

The concept is:

Player A makes a cool base. Uses export feature. Distributes exported base as pack for whatever mod assets were used (eg. KerbinSide).

Player B has the KerbinSide assets. Really likes Player A's base. Downloads it. Imports it.

At no point have KerbinSide's assets been 're-packaged'. Both Player A and Player B downloaded and installed KerbinSide. Kerbal Konstructs handles the export and import.

Now whether I then re-package Kerbinside's bases to be similarly imported is a different matter. Probably, eventually.

So, in theory, KerbinSide becomes a separate asset pack and base pack, with appropriate tweaks to the licence on the asset pack to allow for the distribution model described above.

KerbinSide can continue to be divided up in to asset packs, and base distributors state what packs they use. I can probably have KK have a cataloger on the import to check for installed assets.

- - - Updated - - -

How much is Kerbinside 1.0 going to change compared to current version? I currently only have Oceania installed and want to know if it would be safe to install the other stuff.

Quite a bit. In short 1.0 does the following:

- Every asset has had an art-pass. 75% of the assets have been 'improved'. In most cases, this has resulted in the relevant .mu becoming a little larger. And it's the .mu that costs RAM.

- There's also several new assets.

- Every base has had a design pass. A few got scrapped. The rest got expanded. The number of assets on screen determines the number of draw-calls to the GPU. Depending on the GPU and KSP's graphic settings, your GPU will continue to shrug at this increase or if you have a low-end GPU, it's now going to sweat even more.

- Krakensbane is still irrelevant. Kerbal Konstructs reliably deactivates bases when they are out of visibility range. (Thankyou medsouz!)

- Every config got cleaned up.

- Every asset got configured appropriately for all the new KK features I've been adding.

- Almost all assets got grouped. This makes the krakensbane even happier.

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The concept is:

Player A makes a cool base. Uses export feature. Distributes exported base as pack for whatever mod assets were used (eg. KerbinSide).

Player B has the KerbinSide assets. Really likes Player A's base. Downloads it. Imports it.

Excellent! /bill-and-ted

Well, I would be happy to help generate the metadata files for those bases (when I have the time), so they could be managed by CKAN. That might reduce the need for you to throw a lot of time/effort at the problem. CKAN can manage versions, dependencies and conflicts, at least at a fairly rudimentary level. And its non-intrusive since it is basically just an indexing service.

For instance, your Roadsters and KAP mods are now visible to CKAN users - all they needed was a (virtual) mod (KashCorpSA) for them to allow for the shared assets in the base directory (GameData/KashCorp), and proper direction of the actual mods each into their own sub-directory (with a dependency pointing back to the KashCorpSA mod). A similar approach might work for Kerbinside and bases.

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v1.0 of KerbinSide (All of It in 1) now available from KerbalStuff.


  • Art-pass on all static assets.
  • Design-pass on all bases. A few got scrapped. The rest got expanded and 'finished'.
  • SPC's Expanded Bases 1 Config Pack was edited and incorporated as part of this. Credit: Spacepetscompany.
  • Several new static assets added.
  • Some un-used and out-dated assets removed.
  • Some further optimisation of textures and models to reduce memory foot-print.
  • Updated all the launchsite logos and descriptions for the Launchsite Selector.
  • Added dimension stats to all bases. The Launch Site Selector displays a launchsite's altitude, latitude, longitude, length and width now.
  • Cleaned up static configs to remove redundant data.
  • Included the most recent release of Kerbal Konstructs.
  • 'Officially' dropped KSC++ support. Sorry, but once again I want to be able to expand KSC in the future how I'd like to.
  • KSC upgrades have however been downgraded for this release, primarily for performance reasons.
  • Eskandare's Oceania Pack wasn't ready for this release and isn't included, sorry.

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1.0 looks cool, but I don't think I'll reinstall as it seemed that KK was very much summoning the kraken when used with Fengist's Maritime Pack (look at page 11 and 12 of the thread and you can see what I mean).

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1.0 looks cool, but I don't think I'll reinstall as it seemed that KK was very much summoning the kraken when used with Fengist's Maritime Pack (look at page 11 and 12 of the thread and you can see what I mean).

Erm, ok then? I've no idea what that is or what thread you mean.

EDIT - Ok found it. It's a parts pack. You launched a boat on KSC's runway and had issues (KK doesn't do anything with KSP's launch functions for this). You then launched boats on the Oceania bouy locations. Had some issues. Then concluded that a parts pack designed to put boats on KSP's water isn't compatible with KK full stop. Well, ok then. You carry on.

- - - Updated - - -

What is the expected result of KerbinSide Jobs as it is now with the updates to Contract Configurator and Final Frontier?

I'll be taking a look at the contracts pack next as I've some ideas how to improve them. I haven't tested them against the latest FF.

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Well all of the issues stopped happening after uninstalling KK. I'm pretty sure that means KK had SOMETHING to do with it.

Downloaded the pack and now doing my own testing. First thing I notice is that firespitter is included. Firespitter's water-launch system has been incompatible with Kerbal Konstructs since KerbTown. Back after I've done some more testing.

Meanwhile here's a boat, launched on KSC's runway. Feel free to play some light jazz whilst you wait.


My suggestion: Don't thread dump with a blanket dismissal of a mod's functionality in that modder's thread only two posts after he's just announced a release of all the bloody hard work he's been doing the last few weeks. No surprise, you pissed me off. If you want to report a bug try a more productive approach please.

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The KSS Kerbal Konstructs is launched. On KSC's runway.


Engines throttled up. Let's go get in the water.



She almost keeled over. SAS on, tap Q, sorted.


Nearly 5.0 m/s in water. Bit low, probably could do with some floats.


Same boat, launched at KSC's Seaplane Buoy with Kerbal Konstructs. No problems at all.


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Well speaking with the FF Dev, he seems to be attempting to work on compatability with CC. Hopefully this will work in our favor. As it is right now with the updates for those mods I only get the 1 type of kerbinside mission that uses the tourists. None of the others seem to render in the contract building.

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Well speaking with the FF Dev, he seems to be attempting to work on compatability with CC. Hopefully this will work in our favor. As it is right now with the updates for those mods I only get the 1 type of kerbinside mission that uses the tourists. None of the others seem to render in the contract building.

*nod* I'd spotted the update. I suspect the issue was to do with FF not recognising spawned kerbals because of their type. As for why contracts that spawn kerbals (KSideJobs has a couple) aren't generating, I'll check that when I get to testing. That's probably unrelated to FF.

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Iḿ having some problems with KerbinSide 1.0. Starting a new career game sets the building to fully upgraded, KerbalKonstructs' windows won't open, and its icons don't show in the tracking center.

This is on KSP 1.0.3 64bit linux, with only KerbalKonstructs and KerbinSide installed. KerbalKonstructs by itself works fine.

KSP.log: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=r7X4H3mG

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Iḿ having some problems with KerbinSide 1.0. Starting a new career game sets the building to fully upgraded, KerbalKonstructs' windows won't open, and its icons don't show in the tracking center.

This is on KSP 1.0.3 64bit linux, with only KerbalKonstructs and KerbinSide installed. KerbalKonstructs by itself works fine.

KSP.log: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=r7X4H3mG

Thank you for the bug report StevenV. I've started looking into it. Can you confirm the install paths you have for KerbalKonstructs and KerbinSide for me? Also, is this the version of Kerbal Konstructs that was included with KerbinSide v1.0?

EDIT - Okay I've found the bug. Kerbal Konstructs needs a small fix for handling launchsite lengths and widths that got missed in the last release. I'll get it out asap. Your report was very helpful, thanks chap.

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Thank you for the bug report StevenV. I've started looking into it. Can you confirm the install paths you have for KerbalKonstructs and KerbinSide for me? Also, is this the version of Kerbal Konstructs that was included with KerbinSide v1.0?

EDIT - Okay I've found the bug. Kerbal Konstructs needs a small fix for handling launchsite lengths and widths that got missed in the last release. I'll get it out asap. Your report was very helpful, thanks chap.

Oh -- odd. I had that same experience, but assumed I had mis-installed something. I'll try again later to confirm whether or not I can duplicate that. The version I grabbed was from Kerbalstuff.

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Kerbal Konstructs v0.8.0 HOTFIX

I had a dev version of KK with the fix but it didn't get shipped with KerbinSide v1.0. I gone dun fudged up. Sorry bout that.

Thanks for the fast update!

I'm not sure thanks for the array of lights at the West end of the KSC main runway... ;) My stopping distance sometimes exceeds even the already-very-generous runway...

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