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The Official Kerbin Cup Tournament Thread - Final Entries Posted


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Did Crotchety Old Modders get any screenshots of the impressive "Grabatron Ascension" in action? I imagine it must have been quite difficult to get the right tip speed to upright those pieces without landing too hard or overshooting.

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*Sees Team 1 won*



Sorry, really wanted to do that.

Kudos to all teams involved. ITWBI, Jedi, all of you are awesome.

Go Forum!

Edited by kmMango
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Thanks a lot Avera9eJoe!

We all are very happy about these challenges, we get to meet each other, and we plan on doing many things together!!!

If possible, we might even do an unofficial entry on the next challenge :>

And as a side note, I think I won't be wrong if I say that we're going to collaborate in our youtube channels :-)

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  Kerano said:
Did Crotchety Old Modders get any screenshots of the impressive "Grabatron Ascension" in action? I imagine it must have been quite difficult to get the right tip speed to upright those pieces without landing too hard or overshooting.

Didn't get any action shots, as the moment of getting it upright is pretty intense. I think by the last one only took 2~3 tries, but it was a learning process the proper balance of fuel in the "leg" area, and patience with the thrust, which needs to be just enough to get it starting tipping, and then some more bursts to stop it shaking to pieces when it comes back.

I'll see if I still have a save with one ready to lift, if I do I'll try making a short video.

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The battle to the death is imminent. Commence countdown and root for the forums.

<iframe src="http://free.timeanddate.com/countdown/i48q1d0p/n155/cf100/cm0/cu4/ct0/cs0/ca0/cr0/ss0/cac000/cpc000/pcfff/tc66c/fs100/szw320/szh135/tatFinal%20Challenge%20for%20KERBIN%20CUP/tac000/tptTime%20since%20Event%20started%20in/tpc000/matRemember%20-%20Root%20for%20the%20forums!/mac000/mpc000/iso2014-07-21T00:00:00" frameborder="0" width="320" height="135"></iframe>

Mods, feel free to use the countdown timer above in the OP.

Edited by FCISuperGuy
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  r4m0n said:
Didn't get any action shots, as the moment of getting it upright is pretty intense. I think by the last one only took 2~3 tries, but it was a learning process the proper balance of fuel in the "leg" area, and patience with the thrust, which needs to be just enough to get it starting tipping, and then some more bursts to stop it shaking to pieces when it comes back.

I'll see if I still have a save with one ready to lift, if I do I'll try making a short video.

That would be awesome, since I also have my questions about how you went about grabbing it, specifically how you managed to engage all claws at once on both sides to keep it firm. I have an idea how you went about it, but it sounds... well, kerbal.

Rune. My imagined maneuver involves the rockets, of course. The kerbin-facing rockets.

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  r4m0n said:
Didn't get any action shots, as the moment of getting it upright is pretty intense. I think by the last one only took 2~3 tries, but it was a learning process the proper balance of fuel in the "leg" area, and patience with the thrust, which needs to be just enough to get it starting tipping, and then some more bursts to stop it shaking to pieces when it comes back.

I'll see if I still have a save with one ready to lift, if I do I'll try making a short video.

That'd be great. :D

Alternatively/additionally, it'd be neat to have the craft file so as to try it out for myself. :)

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btw!, at team I Think We Broke It, we made a little video showing our progress, looks like some of you missed it since it wasn't linked in the main thread, and we had to link it to the first picture in the album

Anyway!, here it is for your enjoyment :)

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This is a quick recap of my experience as a participant in the Official Kerbin Cup for the forums with my awesome team "I Think We Broke It" starring...

*Xacktar!* - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfu_nd6RQxvlCN7AVnXqNLQ

*Andrew Hansen!* - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4m4VwljtxHFyX2FFGPkNZw

*M1sz!* - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxl3h9uyHmel-GF7KCsYGiQ

*Wooks!* - Yours truly

Youtubers for forum glory!

Edited by Wooks
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  theend3r said:
I got two infractions for posting reaction images. You must have some connections :huh:

I didn't knew they where banned or forbidden, frowned upon maybe. A week ago or so one of the mods did a clean up deleting all reaction faces including mine. Maybe I was given a little bit of leeway because I was competing in the Kerbin Cup? Dunno, don't want to make assumptions but if is not allowed then it should be deleted, I'll refrain in the future to make this kind of posts.

... now, when is the challenge going to go live? what are the teams doing? having tea?

Edited by Wooks
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  Wooks said:
... now, when is the challenge going to go live? what are the teams doing? having tea?

Drinking a few cups of tea doesn't take long enough. They would be done by now. I'm guessing that they have all moved to Malaysia and started a massive tea plantation, and that they will resume the challenge as soon as the first harvest is complete.

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  Vaporo said:
Drinking a few cups of tea doesn't take long enough. They would be done by now. I'm guessing that they have all moved to Malaysia and started a massive tea plantation, and that they will resume the challenge as soon as the first harvest is complete.

Please, nobody make a plane joke in response to his comment. It is too soon.

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