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[WIP][1.0.5]* RSS Visual Enhancements (RVE)


Realistically what would you prefer in RVE? -- choose one from each letter  

2,062 members have voted

  1. 1. Realistically what would you prefer in RVE? -- choose one from each letter

    • A) 1 main cloud layer, 1 cirrus layer (Medium/Compromise)
    • A) Low, Medium, High cloud layers (Heavy/Realistic)
    • B) Detail bias towards Land/Atmosphere visuals
    • B) Detail bias towards Orbit/Space visuals
    • C) Realism
    • C) Detail
    • C) CPU accessibility

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wasn't that picture also taken with a long exposure time? Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I don't think the edge of the atmosphere is THAT visible from space, let alone lights from the ground below. Cities are bright, sure, but even from airplanes they don't look like they are draped in an inferno.

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Yea, id say Pingopete's got it spot on what the actually eye would see. And its incredible. Ive been saying for a long time now KSP will grow to meet or surpass SpaceEngine's visuals and this just about does it. Im eager for a stable release. I plan on upgrading my pc and trying Linux soon along with KSP RSS and all its glory. I'll check this thread like a blog for some new eye candy everyday until then.

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I like the lights, but I feel a medium compromise is probably best as that seems a little TOO multi-colour because in a lot of pics/vids (which i'm sure you know) it's almost all just kinda orange/yellow like this:

That might be real life. But the multicoloured version looks better. :P

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I like the lights, but I feel a medium compromise is probably best as that seems a little TOO multi-colour because in a lot of pics/vids (which i'm sure you know) it's almost all just kinda orange/yellow like this:


So a compromise between what you had before and that there would be perfect :D

Yeah already got a new texture in the works :)

Yea, id say Pingopete's got it spot on what the actually eye would see. And its incredible. Ive been saying for a long time now KSP will grow to meet or surpass SpaceEngine's visuals and this just about does it. Im eager for a stable release. I plan on upgrading my pc and trying Linux soon along with KSP RSS and all its glory. I'll check this thread like a blog for some new eye candy everyday until then.

Ha I'll try to keep you guys updated with the Development!

I'm liking the new Europa texture's texture, but colour-wise I think it needs more orange dirt (supposed to be sulphur compounds)

Alright, thanks, I thought it probably would be :P Just updated it, will get some shots of it in game for you soon, any ideas on places on earth to model the surfaces of Mars, Venus and Titan?

That might be real life. But the multicoloured version looks better. :P

Haha this was my dilemma! :P

I'm also totally re working the city texture, properly this time, so no changing resolutions and hopefully some better, less pixelation, on the mask's edges by integrating much more transparency.. Currently 16k :S

Edited by pingopete
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Mars - Atacama desert:


Plus pretty much any desert-like environment in the Arctic, like the Devon Island:


Possibly also immediate surroundings of volcanoes in places like Hawaii or Indonesia, e.g.:


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Alright, thanks, I thought it probably would be :P Just updated it, will get some shots of it in game for you soon, any ideas on places on earth to model the surfaces of Mars, Venus and Titan?

What about the Atacama Desert in Chile? They actually tested a prototype for Curiosity there.


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Venus - oh man, I don't know, perhaps the inside of some very rusty pressure cooker? :D It's seriously a tough one, your best bet is probably some volcanic landscape, but of the darker hue (e.g. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/212/2/f/volcanic_landscape_04_by_fuguestock-d4287n4.jpg ) plus a colour filter and/or atmosphere shader in a sickening shade of yellow, as illustrated here http://www.lpi.usra.edu/publications/slidesets/venus/images/03.gif

You could also try some rocky, dark-coloured desert with a colour filter/atmo shader.

Titan - some desert with mountains and lots of medium-sized rocks (Atacama? the less-photogenic parts of Sahara?), plus a colour filter and/or atmospheric shader (the latter obviously preferable if at all possible). The only picture we have from the surface shows stones strewn across what is supposedly very fine and soft sand.

Edit: Supposedly there are actual full-size sand dunes on large parts of Titan, so we have a better example - deserts of Namibia:



Edited by Hattivat
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Cheers for all the ideas, info and discussion, tis' all very helpful :)

Some pics from today's testing, I'm aware Saturn's shadow is inverted btw, just couldn't be bothered to fix for screens by 4:15am :P


When you do your release, is it realistic to have a secondary kind of "lite" pack that only contains the stuff for the earth system for those low on memory? :)

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Cheers for all the ideas, info and discussion, tis' all very helpful :)

Some pics from today's testing, I'm aware Saturn's shadow is inverted btw, just couldn't be bothered to fix for screens by 4:15am :P


Boy, that is nice! I'll have to up my game :P (both literally and figuratively) Did you create that saturn cloud texture from scratch? A more sensible question, how long did it take you to stitch the images together?

Edited by Chezburgar7300
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question: who do you fit all of this into the game without it running out of memory?

Voodoo witchcraft.

Seriously though, it isn't THAT large. RSS itself is way bigger, and I got that to run on about 1.8 gigs using 8k textures and openGL back in 0.25

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When you do your release, is it realistic to have a secondary kind of "lite" pack that only contains the stuff for the earth system for those low on memory? :)

Of course, I also just work with the highest res versions first then do that once everything is sorted.

question: who do you fit all of this into the game without it running out of memory?

As ralathon said, OpenGL, 4kRSS textures and no real part mods except procedural, I've found the part mods do the most damage to KSP's stability, even with ATM aggressive(DDS textures)

Voodoo witchcraft.

Seriously though, it isn't THAT large. RSS itself is way bigger, and I got that to run on about 1.8 gigs using 8k textures and openGL back in 0.25

^^ Pretty much :)

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wasn't that picture also taken with a long exposure time? Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I don't think the edge of the atmosphere is THAT visible from space, let alone lights from the ground below. Cities are bright, sure, but even from airplanes they don't look like they are draped in an inferno.

From the last page, but worth noting: airglow (the greenish or yellowish glow at the edge of the atmosphere) is indeed visible from space according to reports from astronauts. In extremely dark skies it's even visible from the surface with the naked eye.

Honestly I think it would be awesome to have airglow visible around Earth in KSP, even if its faint- it helps you figure out where the horizon is.

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So what does your To-Do list for this look like right now? :)

Well I've got to finish off the detailed ground textures for all the planets and moons, which will take the longest, I've got some good rings for Saturn and Uranus, though they're not loading by default with kitopiatech. The most important thing however is atmosphere which, while it works to a certain extent, is still kinda buggy and lacks the controls for fallOfScale meaning the atmosphere falls off abruptley at a set point and not gradually, both from space and in the sky from on ground.

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Hi, there is a problem on 25 version, put RVE for 25 version and on the equator here's the problem

from EVE left only the plugins and the configuration file is replaced



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