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![ 0.25] Oblivion Bubbleship + Drone166 (Wayland Corp.) Download


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The Oblivion BubbleShip V1.0

KSP v0.23.5

(Small, FPS friendly low memory consumption.)

(INCLUDES everything required, The ship + the latest infernal robotics plugin + bahamutoD's animator plugin + modulefixer.dll (just incase! - optional)


LATEST UPDATE 5th Nov 2014 - now includes Drone and delivery modules


Well, where do we start with this one...

Firstly thanks to Sirkut for keeping Infernal Robotics oiled up, if not for him I could have probably given up trying to make things move. Thanks also to BahamutoD for the engine animation activation plugin.

From a movie that I wasn't terribly a fan of when I first saw it, to one that I count now as one of my favorite

(save for some wooden acting, Morgan Freeman saved the day (or movie in this case) .. Comes the Oblivion BubbleShip for KSP.

Being one who is pretty notorious for starting projects and never finishing them (just a bad habit sorry.. )

I thought this time I would not say anything, finish one THEN start a thread.. and here we go :) This was a fairly fun mod to build and I made

it with a pretty specific goal in mind, and that was to re-create the ship in the movie as best as possible (within the limits of KSP.. and my modding ability,

or should I say inability..)Modelling the Pod was the only tricky part, the rest was fairly easy, but a few hundred boolean operations later, we had a functioning pod.

The engines were also made from booleans, the stars on top like in the movie were a simple low poly cone, with a ball cut out underneath

for a hollow then used that to cut out the spheres, ill make a mini blog about it it might be interesting for other modders who want to make infernal

robotics parts that are custom to their designs.Luckily for me reference shots, and having the DVD to watch made for an easy build process… there are a few things that made

this easy, like the fact the engines are mirrored so I only needed to make one so you can use the same engine on both sides, and same for the wing tips and rotators.

Like in the movie, the pod rotates on an X/Y axis like a Camera gimbal (see video) it’s a very simple setup using 2 custom rotatrons

(which you can increase the speed of for a more movie like feel) science and Hardcore players back off now or I’ll shoot you with my phaser… :kiss:

ISP Levels are for a reason – it’s fun. The fuel needed to be perfectly balanced on this ship to

maintain its level when you rotate engines –I can fix this later by putting the thrust in the center of the engine but I wanted

it to come from the base where the holes are. The RCS are boosted also in power and ISP by alienlevels (because if you’ve seen the movie,

this is an Alien ship yeah?...) so I figure anything goes!) There is a reason for everything on this craft, The counterweights on the tail, the pod is slightlyoffset from the collar ASAS

to allow it to rotate on all Axis without colliding with anything, the legs are animated to exactly fit under the engine colliders, not smack the hatch also and throw it off..

there is a lot of moving parts that manage to work without lag and without interaction. What took only a few days to model, took nearly 2 weeks in actual implementation and testing -

I think I watched the movie about 6 times and rewound it about 500 times to check out parts of it.

FPS Friendly!

Yes, I wanted this to not chug anything – this runs at absolute full frame rate. The textures are simple specular textures, although they are .MBM’s they are all small so they have a small memory footprint. The entire ship is around 28-30 parts depending on RCS attachments.

I have included all required plugins in the download, the respective source and licensing can be found in their threads here. I have Sirkuts and BahamutoD's permission to include the plugins. it’s under 4mb zipped up.

Things to note or bugs I already know about:

1. The hatch is obstructed unless you open the Doors.

I repeat, if you want to EVA you need to right click the pod and "Open bubble doors"

- if you do not open the bubble doors you cannot EVA, this is intentional. I could move the hatch, but after so many tries this was the best spot to not have the Kerbal’s spit off into space.

2. The hatch is on the right hand side of the pod, the command chair in the stock craft is in the left seat for a reason.

If you place another command chair in the pod the hatch will be obstructed - guessing the command chair have a large collider area that is affecting the hatch object - for a compromise and to stop losing hair, I settled for one command chair and 2 Kerbals’ in EVA/IVA.. best I can do for now. This ship ... if you make it any bigger the scale is completely off, its bad enough their feet can't touch the pedals.

3. * TWO engine tips are provided. Use the Dummy one under the structural tab. The aero one is simply for you to use on other planes, if you use it on this ship it will affect aerodynamics when you turn the engines, so use the dummy ones- they fill the hole and look pretty, and act as a counter balance.

4. *Torque on the Pod when you turn the gimbal X/Y:

When you are on the ground, the gimbal movement of the pod turns the pod. In the air, it affects the ship –

this is because the pod is the parent object of the craft. I could make it COMPLETELY free by making the fuselage the main body –

which I will experiment with, but it’s just not very realistic having the fuselage as the pod is it??

5. * No Guns / Weapons - or can't attach to the gun section

this part is not surface attachable - only the Seats inside and the glass is surface attachable -

this is just the way I had to do it sorry, you know how colliders can be. As

you can imagine the collider set up for the solid bubble doors is fun in unity...

Edited by Devo
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hmm i have three questions; what fuel does it use when flying in space, will it have the cockpit be an escape pod in the future like in the movie ( i suck at flying), and will it include weapons in the future

edit: oh :blush: whoops nevermind although i still wonder about the escape pod and fuel...

Edited by Helix935
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hmm i have three questions; what fuel does it use when flying in space, will it have the cockpit be an escape pod in the future like in the movie ( i suck at flying), and will it include weapons in the future

Did you see #5? :)

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I must say you really outdone yourself it's one of the best ships/vtol that I flew in KSP keep up the good work!

Thanks, that's exactly what I was hoping for, it looks so maneuverable in the movie it couldn't be a sluggish slow ship in KSP, but it also needed a good amount of fuel, so I compromised on sci fi ISP levels and kept the fuel low so it is a little dart.

I forgot to mention to this is completely water proof also - to the depth of the ocean floor. :) I just hope everyone has as much fun flying it as I do. With Mechjeb this thing is deadly.

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Outstanding Sir!! This is one nimble and fun to fly ship. If this is what a haitas for you produces, then by all means take another week off. (Just kidding. Glad you're back and with such a great mod.)

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Can you make the cockpit opeque?

As in not clear? sure if you would like one, what colour do you want the non transparent glass?

Hey Devo, any plans to make kerbals in the bubble ship IVA, visible on the outside with the sfr Command Pods mod. Much like what BobCat did with his new Tesla Rover?


I have 3 main things, that and the emissives glowing engines that I want to do ..and I am working on right now this for the kerbtown mod... a sky launchpad like in the movie..


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Hi Devo,

Great model as usual.

I've come across an pretty cool way to fly this thing using mechjeb. I put a small docking port on top of the cockpit and told it to control from there. Next I set MJ's smartASS to hold radial +. This keeps the top of the cockpit pointed straight up. When I take off I use the translatron keep vert to hold altitude.

When you rotate the engines forward/back the ship stays level and accellerates or slows down. When you move the neck joint the cockpit stays level and rolls the ship. It makes it pretty easy to fly. It's a shame you can't map the engine controls and neck rotator to wasd for just this ship.

If only we had a tiny probe core that matched the look of the ship to use.

Also, while you're still basking in the sucess of this project I'd like to request another part. Could we get a second fusalage with the tail rotor rotated horizontal and mirrored at that point so we could have a 4 engine version.

While not accurate to the movie it would give it similar functioning to your old 1999 space eagle. That thing used to be great for delivering rovers since you could just hang them under the spine then drop them once you land. It was also easy to balance since you could put your attach point anywhere along the spine.

Between the Critter Crawler and this thing I've got lots of new KSP toys this week. :^)

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hmm i have three questions; what fuel does it use when flying in space, will it have the cockpit be an escape pod in the future like in the movie ( i suck at flying), and will it include weapons in the future

edit: oh :blush: whoops nevermind although i still wonder about the escape pod and fuel...

ok nevermind again *thinks oh god i need to stop jumping the gun* about the fuel either because from what i can tell it is a rapier due to the OP saying it has oxidizer...

i think i can just outfit it with a escape pod via either HGR's decoupler-parachute or config chnages with the cockpit (i have it installed but haven't played it yet due to mysterious crashes that i am checking myself)

also one more thing for the sky lauchpad will you include the tether/pole that the thing uses to stay attached to the ground or will you just have it float there

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I decided to try my hand at making a probe, never made one before so I'm having a crack at the Oblivion drone, and yes I'll make it fire guns ok :)

I'm just sketching out how it's going to actually fly, since it has thrust vectoring....

Also, while you're still basking in the sucess of this project I'd like to request another part. Could we get a second fusalage with the tail rotor rotated horizontal and mirrored at that point so we could have a 4 engine version.

Sure, in the meantime you can put two engines on each side, there's four :P

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Glad I don't have to stay silent anymore. This thing is soooo much fun to fly. This is one hell of a way to come back to the scene Devo!

like sirkut said, fun to fly (then land awkwardly then try and land feet down :P) and it's easy to fly too. ok SOMETIMES i lose control but hell i did just get to the mun and back without any serious injury (forgot bob at mun...) and with half a tank of fuel left XD

doesn't work with IR v0.16.... re installing to see if that works.

Edited by AntiMatter001
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like sirkut said, fun to fly (then land awkwardly then try and land feet down :P) and it's easy to fly too. ok SOMETIMES i lose control but hell i did just get to the mun and back without any serious injury (forgot bob at mun...) and with half a tank of fuel left XD

doesn't work with IR v0.16.... re installing to see if that works.

I distributed it with IR 0.16... everyone here seems to be running it ok, what other mods are you running?

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I distributed it with IR 0.16... everyone here seems to be running it ok, what other mods are you running?

nevermind i forgot to re install IR v 0.16 after i thought it would crash my save (it did not) so YAY and also your mods are always so goooood! XD

is wondering if you'd do the swordfish from cowboy bebop :P

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