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Nodachi. Big Red reusable SSTO (not kidding on reusable, comes with reloading system)


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Hello guys! Long time no SSTO, right? Well, here comes something I have been sneak-peeking for a while, the Nodachi!


The biggest one I've made so far (that works), it is also one of the most well balanced I have done, which is doubly surprising considering its size. First, a few of the numbers so you see I'm not kidding around. GLOW is 100mT almost exactly, so it is easy to translate into percentages. Well, 69.5% of that makes orbit. Yup, mass ratio 1.5 if you want to see it that way. About half of that (>36mT, or 36% of GLOW) is naked payload (the big red fuel tank with docking ports), so the plain payload ratio isn't bad either, putting most rockets to shame. And that counts the crew of three, the two MMUs to move the payload around and dock it, and the payload bay door (completely aesthetic), as structural mass and part of the SSTO. Of course, all of it is able to be reused. Notice how I developed for it a nifty engine assembly of 1:1 RAPIER/Turbojet ratio that works beautifully giving you just the right T/W ratio for each leg of the flight, and a smooth rocket transition.

You get 3 flameout events, BTW. Don't worry! They are pretty benign, you get fair warning and a couple of seconds to press the appropriate action group. First one, you switch the RAPIERS to rocket mode and leave the turbos on (4). Then the outer jets go out (cut 'em with 1), and then finally it's 100% rocket power when the last pair go (2), closing the intakes to cut drag (0), and lowish T/W, but by then you are already bringing your apo over 70 kms and don't need it. You can also recover from relatively big deviations , ~30º is not an issue you can't recover from.

The whole time after you climb over 20kms and level out, you don't have to raise the nose over 20-30º to get sufficient vertical velocity, so it turns out pretty efficient getting the speed. Getting to altitude with a full load, however, can take a long time, so you know, leave it at a 45º climb and go websurfing, or admire the cool (stock) exhaust my TurboRAPIER gives:


"And speaking about reusability, what's that you said about reloading?" some of you might think. Well, the payload rack thingy that doubles as payload bay door isn't just to close it and make the whole thing more pleasing to the eye (as well as role playing reentry protection for payloads... have I mentioned this thing can land full on reasonably even terrain?). No, it is mostly there so you can have a base when building your own payloads for the bird. See, when you load the ship in the SPH, you get something like this: [spoiler=]lOX0uf0.png

See the big rover protruding from the payload bay? That's the Crawler/Tanker/Reloader. Not only can it taxi the big bird around, it is perfectly aligned so that payload rack mounted on the decoupler docks inside the bay when you drive it in. So you can:

1- Throw away an empty payload rack after you land it (you can "recover" it too!)

2- Load a crawler+payload of your design (save a payload rack+Crawler as subassembly by grabbing them from the payload bay, then build the payload to your liking, as long as it fits inside the docking port outline it'll fit the bay),

3- Refuel your Nodachi's consumables and tow it back to the start of the runway before decoupling the crawler.

4- You are ready for takeoff! Remember to retract the Crawler's landing gear before detaching it from the Nodachi for a smooth disengage (Abort action group).

Also, some glitchiness when you dock, you usually end up with one of the Nodachi's landing gears clipped to the ground. Just cycle the landing gear and don't mind the bumps, perfectly normal and harmless*.

You can in fact spawn a new crew while you do that, too, but don't expect a lot of effort put into making the crawler anything other than functional. And I "might" have forgotten to put RCS to refuel the plane, too, so just the 30 units on the pod. If someone has a stab at beautifying it, please give me a shout! I might include it if you want for others to use. Anyhow, some pics of the servicing process:




*Remember to quicksave before attempting a servicing operation, the kraken never sleeps.

Ok, so a few last details before I leave you with the mission album and download... but first, a look at my MMUs! I'm rather proud of them:


Just 10 parts! (solar panel is optional) And they look just the right size for your kebals, too, not to mention they allow me to handle dumb payloads just by sticking a couple docking ports on the sides, something much more part-friendly for bigger builds than giving each section independent RCS controls for docking. Also, a nice shot of the reference payload (the benchmark of all kerbalness, the Big Red) being released, this time by remote control:


The orbit shots on this look cool, right? Anyhow, don't worry about the RCS groups being so far back. That reaction wheel can compensate if you put fine controls on and take things slow, but I heartily recommend using Navyfish's docking alignment indicator. Once you master docking (and not before), it greatly cuts down on the time and frustration required to make a multi-dock like the one the payload rack uses to secure itself firmly.

Finally, refer to the mission album for more screenshots, including a couple with the UI up so you guys can check out my payload ratio claims and such. You can also check out how the older version without payload door did (in case you want to get rid of it to put another custom payload), as well as notice I didn't use my usual 70km orbit with this, I went for the full 100kms circular... and I still had a healthy margin. So if it fits the bay, it'll take it to orbit, I can say that with confidence. Now enjoy the rest of the pics, and if you like it, leave a comment!


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Rune. Bigger, Better, Badasserer.

Edited by Rune
Typos everywhere!
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As usual, this looks fantastic Rune. Nice job!

Although that landing looks like it might have been a bit rough...

Multi-docking. I love it and hate it at the same time...



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Glad to see you guys are liking it! This one took a lot to get right, hope you guys give it a try and see the product of all that work in detail... it flies real smooth!

So, the name is revealed at last.

This plane is amazing, and I love the "cargo rack" system, as it makes it a heckuva lot easier to load cargo onboard.

Yeah, the "pointy stuff" theme keeps on giving nice names for my SSTOs. This time, named after a really big ass japanese sword (it means something like "field sword", but to my understanding it's their version of the zweihander... only it sounds better :D).

As usual, this looks fantastic Rune. Nice job!

Although that landing looks like it might have been a bit rough...

Multi-docking. I love it and hate it at the same time...



Yup, that was early in development, before I perfected the payload rack while I was doing the aerodynamic testing (forgot about that ^^'). Now a landing gear makes tailstriking actually impossible, and has a nice feature: while it can lift off well before teh end of the runway, that only appens if you wait for the proper rotation speed (around 85-90m/s). Simply put, wait till you go past the airplane hangar, then pull up and it will lift off 100% of the time without leaving parts on the runway. This particular multidocking is really easy, BTW. As in, you don't really need to do it if you don't want to, it's just to bring the door and MMUs home, you might as well deorbit it as debris.

Rune. Ditto for the Crawler, feel free to remove it in the SPH (literally two clicks) and build payloads directly in the bay for the sake of expedience if you want.

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I swear, my reputation button should just sat "Rune" on it.

Glad to see you have released this beast! I like the loading rack idea, I've considered something similar for my larger builds but never got the kinks sorted out. Definitely going to be playing around with this!

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Will you take in IOU on Rep? I'm maxed out. ;.;


Haha, it's always cool to hear a friendly reply in any case so don't worry! Sometimes comments are even more rewarding. 'Sides, you are not the only one that has had the same problem, I fail at like 25% of my rep attempts... we long-time builders are a tight knit bunch it seems! :)

I swear, my reputation button should just sat "Rune" on it.

Glad to see you have released this beast! I like the loading rack idea, I've considered something similar for my larger builds but never got the kinks sorted out. Definitely going to be playing around with this!

It was a nightmare to get it properly aligned, the tolerance was so tight, and I couldn't account for deformations while on the VAB, so lots of trial and error. I can however say with confidence my computer usually loses it with KSP once I load a big ship about 5-6 times, then go back to the VAB, usually when I ask it to load the last version. Lots of staring at the loading window! ^^'

Crucial to save before each iteration, keeping an eye on saving multiple versions of each ship in case kraken, and praying to the kerbal gods you don't screw things up at some point and lose an afternoon of work. FUN! (Can you tell I used to play Dwarf Fortress a lot?)

Rune. BTW, cupcake, remember the Eagle? I'm at it again... :D

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I've been playing with this a little, but I don't seem to get any thrust from the RAPIERs on the runway. She doesn't want to fly at 80km/s! :)

A collision mesh problem on the Rapier / Turbojet combo engine?

Hum... That happened to a development version... then it stopped happening. Also overheating turbojets that stopped giving thrust when they overheated on another design I was working simultaneously. Since it happened on a becoming-unstable game (the SPH had already begun to misbehave) I assumed it was because of that, because next time I flew it after the inevitable crash the problem had solved itself. So I suggest you try again on a restated game, and if not, tell me and maybe try to fiddle with how the engines are mounted. Mind you, the RAPIERS are attached with surface attachment (courtesy of Ed Tools), but I have built a similar engine in three different working ways, all without fuel lines. This one just happens to only use the two engines and no extra parts, but you can just stick cubic struts to the end of a RAPIER and clip the jet on top of them (fuel flow only cuts when you use attachment nodes twice).

Rune. Anybody else having the same issue?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys! I made something awesome to go with the Nodachi in these though times of budgets and reusability. A reusable interplanetary mothership that fits in the bay! Carrying 4.8km/s in the tanks at lowish T/W (0.23) and a lander good for another 2.8km/s at excessive thrust (can't recall specifically, but probably >1 on kerbin), it can do a Duna mission without chutes (or a lot other places, frankly), then get back into LKO to be picked by the same Nodachi that took it up to be returned to the runway. Oh, and since it's supposed to carry two kerbals around (one pilots the mothership, the other takes the lander down), so you can crew it from said Nodachi in LKO after you perform the final systems and snacks check before Kerbin departure. It is 10 mT lighter than the original payload, so taking it up is kinda trivial, too. A look in the VAB, with the Big Red subassembly that is the standard benchmark payload:


Here's the subassembly, so you can put it in your own Nodachi:


You should have to just take out the payload rack, take the big red form in there, put this instead (if you want the fairing gone, there's a trick for that in the aesthetics thread that basically involves clipping something into the engine's end node to get the fairing to disappear), then put the rack back in. It helps to have the Nodachi upside down so you can get a better view inside. Oh, and to get it back to the ground, if you are that masochist, put docking ports on the spine of the payload rack to secure it more firmly on the way down, at least one on the back.

Rune. What do you guys put in that huge bay? Good pics get rep!

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Hum... That happened to a development version... then it stopped happening. Also overheating turbojets that stopped giving thrust when they overheated on another design I was working simultaneously. Since it happened on a becoming-unstable game (the SPH had already begun to misbehave) I assumed it was because of that, because next time I flew it after the inevitable crash the problem had solved itself. So I suggest you try again on a restated game, and if not, tell me and maybe try to fiddle with how the engines are mounted. Mind you, the RAPIERS are attached with surface attachment (courtesy of Ed Tools), but I have built a similar engine in three different working ways, all without fuel lines. This one just happens to only use the two engines and no extra parts, but you can just stick cubic struts to the end of a RAPIER and clip the jet on top of them (fuel flow only cuts when you use attachment nodes twice). Rune. Anybody else having the same issue?

I really love the Nodachi, but sadly I'm experiencing the same TURBORAPIER issue with my main save. I'm getting no thrust from the RAPIERS, and there's messages in the flight log to the effect that the jets are being damaged by exhaust from the RAPIERS. *sadface*

I might try re-placing the engines as you've suggested, although I'm a bit worried about pulling out something important that I can't put back! :D

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Awesome cargo bay. This is like the next generation of decoupling doors xD. "instead of opening a complicated door to release the payload, you just remove the cargo bay from the entire ship!". Very cool and kerbaly. :)

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I really love the Nodachi, but sadly I'm experiencing the same TURBORAPIER issue with my main save. I'm getting no thrust from the RAPIERS, and there's messages in the flight log to the effect that the jets are being damaged by exhaust from the RAPIERS. *sadface*

I might try re-placing the engines as you've suggested, although I'm a bit worried about pulling out something important that I can't put back! :D

Hum. Try a re-download on your end, and I'll try a re-upload on mine. I have flown it in 0.24.2, that's for sure, and just repeated an engine test on the runway to be sure. Also, if you guys would like the new payload integrated onto the ship to save you that hassle, you can now have that too. And considering I just found out struts go off on the subassembly, that might be a big hassle indeed to less experienced bulders, what with doing the fairing-less Nerva trick and all. Took me all of five minutes to integrate it! But it is my baby and I know her like the palm of my hand. :wink: Anyhow, here you go!

Nodachi with Exploration Payload

Awesome cargo bay. This is like the next generation of decoupling doors xD. "instead of opening a complicated door to release the payload, you just remove the cargo bay from the entire ship!". Very cool and kerbaly. :)

Actually, it was what I did when I hadn't yet gotten the hang of moving doors. But it also was an attempt at a standard payload rack, like the Shuttle had, and it makes the whole reloading thing much easier. But I'm working on one with an actual moving door eventually, I'm sure, just not in this payload range (too many parts for my taste!). Glad you like the idea!

Rune. Now I have to go and do a perfect subbasembly the old fashioned way? That's going to be tricky as hell, I thought the stock thingy for subassemblies worked this things out already.

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Awesome cargo bay. This is like the next generation of decoupling doors xD. "instead of opening a complicated door to release the payload, you just remove the cargo bay from the entire ship!". Very cool and kerbaly. :)

Aye, this is what caught my eye too. I've always used small self contained RCS tugs (Like I'm sure many of us do) that would attach and control / manipulate payloads so I can manage them even if the payload itself didn't have RCS tanks, batteries, or their own control box. I would attach the tug first in my SSTO and then attach the payload directly to the tug. That way I could position and even attach the payload to orbital facilities / crafts then return my RCS tug back to my SSTO for return to the space center(I keep 1 in orbit at most of my orbital facilities also but I tend to take fresh ones up with every load and then I can offload extra fuel/RCS and return any thing left over that s not needed).

However it never occurred to me that I could potentially attach payload doors to my tug in the above manner and essentially take the entire cargo bay with my payload until I ether attach it to its target or launch it on its own into space. The concept itself has me envisioning craft that essentially launches on a SSTO like usual then has the entire cargo bay just detach and act as the RCS tug I typically keep. I just need to find a way to make sure I can peel off the additional hull pieces for payloads that require odd attachment methods.. ofcourse I could release the payload at that point and attach another typical RCS tug that I typically use.

Anyways, long story short. The craft is amazing as always Rune, and I love the Detaching Cargo Bay idea. I can't believe I never thought of that sort of thing, I guess I'm still stuck in thinking of space planes in the typical way of everything should stay attached at all times except the payload

Edited by Keldaria
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Aye, this is what caught my eye too. I've always used small self contained RCS tugs (Like I'm sure many of us do) that would attach and control / manipulate payloads so I can manage them even if the payload itself didn't have RCS tanks, batteries, or their own control box. I would attach the tug first in my SSTO and then attach the payload directly to the tug. That way I could position and even attach the payload to orbital facilities / crafts then return my RCS tug back to my SSTO for return to the space center(I keep 1 in orbit at most of my orbital facilities also but I tend to take fresh ones up with every load and then I can offload extra fuel/RCS and return any thing left over that s not needed).

However it never occurred to me that I could potentially attach payload doors to my tug in the above manner and essentially take the entire cargo bay with my payload until I ether attach it to its target or launch it on its own into space. The concept itself has me envisioning craft that essentially launches on a SSTO like usual then has the entire cargo bay just detach and act as the RCS tug I typically keep. I just need to find a way to make sure I can peel off the additional hull pieces for payloads that require odd attachment methods.. ofcourse I could release the payload at that point and attach another typical RCS tug that I typically use.

Anyways, long story short. The craft is amazing as always Rune, and I love the Detaching Cargo Bay idea. I can't believe I never thought of that sort of thing, I guess I'm still stuck in thinking of space planes in the typical way of everything should stay attached at all times except the payload

The best thing about posting stuff is to spark off people's imaginations like that. :) Show me what you come up with, and glad you like it!

Hi Rune.

Did you using the no stock fairing technique I discovered? Because if you have discovered another way to do it I am very interested to see it!

Nice SSTO too!


I think I finally understood it, in fact, by stumbling upon it on my own. I thought about you a lot during the build! I basically stick something (anything) to the occupied final node of the engine, and when I take it out the faring comes off with it. Nifty and easy to do! Another case of parallel discovery, I imagine, though the timeline of it is in no doubt at all, you came up with it like ages ago.

Rune. Building in KSP is an art.

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I think I finally understood it, in fact, by stumbling upon it on my own. I thought about you a lot during the build! I basically stick something (anything) to the occupied final node of the engine, and when I take it out the faring comes off with it. Nifty and easy to do! Another case of parallel discovery, I imagine, though the timeline of it is in no doubt at all, you came up with it like ages ago.

Rune. Building in KSP is an art.

Totally agree!

Yeah that's how I was doing it too. Discovered by accident. It doesn't work with all engines and decouplers though sadly. ;.;

Keep up the art work Rune!

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Hum. Try a re-download on your end, and I'll try a re-upload on mine. I have flown it in 0.24.2, that's for sure, and just repeated an engine test on the runway to be sure. Also, if you guys would like the new payload integrated onto the ship to save you that hassle, you can now have that too. And considering I just found out struts go off on the subassembly, that might be a big hassle indeed to less experienced bulders, what with doing the fairing-less Nerva trick and all. Took me all of five minutes to integrate it! But it is my baby and I know her like the palm of my hand. :wink: Anyhow, here you go!

Nodachi with Exploration Payload

Nice, thanks for the integrated version - very convenient! :D

I re-downloaded the original, and this time around I don't seem to be getting the problem - something I'm very happy about! :)

Although in one of my tests, I wasn't paying attention and had a flame-out at 2x warp, which recreated the problem. Very strange... maybe clipping RAPIERS with other engines is just temperamental? Anyway when I use the Nodachi for reals, I'll stick to 1x warp. :)

Thanks again Rune!

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  • 1 month later...

Not that bad, actually. As to how whether it works, turns out the CoL doesn't move much either. It looks rough, though, and the greater size of the new wings means I could make the payload bay bigger. But the worst part is the increased wing weight: I doubt this can take the big red to orbit right now. Don't worry, a redesign will come eventually! 0.25 broke half my DL page, that's all. Lot's of work to do!

Rune. Gotta have my "Big Red SSTO" if I call myself a SSTO builder.

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