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Whackjob's Creations!

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Finally. I finally have something for you folks to play with:


They're subassembly files. Engine clusters, two launch systems, a custom seperatron.


Here you can fly some of my stuff and it doesn't have an absurd part count. Those come later.


EDIT: If you use these parts, and wanna post pictures here with what you do with them, PLEASE DO!

Edited by Whackjob
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  AmpsterMan said:
Edit: I suggest you put some pics up and stuff, it'll probably get people to view it more.

A good suggestion, and done!

  GusTurbo said:
Is that a bunch of KR-2L engine/fuel tanks clipped together? If so, that's a whole lot of thrust!

Largest engine cluster that comes with the pack is what I call the WJM x24. Basically, it's a can with 48,000 thrust. The Whackjob Launch System included has three of those.

  Vanamonde said:
Sorry, I merged it to the wrong spot. This non-mod-user mistook it for a mod offering. :blush:

It's all good. I take responsibility for incoherence. Hard to place a thing when it is not adequately described. :)

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  Whackjob said:
A good suggestion, and done!

Largest engine cluster that comes with the pack is what I call the WJM x24. Basically, it's a can with 48,000 thrust. The Whackjob Launch System included has three of those.

It's all good. I take responsibility for incoherence. Hard to place a thing when it is not adequately described. :)

Good god man, a single one of those cores has about 1.4x the thrust of the real Saturn V! Three of them together is absolutely bonkers!

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Whackjob's clusters are using the KR-1x2. The tall engine that has 2880 fuel built into it, and burns blue to magenta. They are fantastic clusters. I've nearly filled the entire VAB to gain that much launching thrust.

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