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[v0.90/v.25]Transparent Pods v1.2.2 for KSP v0.90


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Transparent Command Pod v1.2.2 for KSP v0.9.

JSI RPM 0.18.3 Required; be sure to use v0.9 compatible DLLs provided by MOARdV++

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  • 2.5m Panopticon Command Pod
  • 1.25m Cyclops Command Pod
  • 0.625m Mono Pressurized Command Chair
  • ~0.2m Micro Lander Leg; radial and ventral mount configurations
  • ~0.3m Micro Advanced Grabber Unit.

Known issues:

  • Having multiple transparent pods in physics range is very resource intensive. Too many will crash the game.
  • Flight HUD will render Black instead of Green in OpenGL mode.
  • Lighting direction from Sun incorrect in IVA at some parts of day, due to Squad's funky IVA orientation setup.
  • One of the stack nodes on Mono Pod will snap to, but not attach to other stack nodes, if the Mono Pod is not the root part.
  • Micro lander legs clip into ground if retract/deployed while landed. same appears to happen with the smallest stock lander leg.

Retro Future v1.7.2a for KSP v0.25


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Known issues:

split Control Surface can appear erratic in flight. only a visual glitch due to how KSP's constraints work. no negative effect on flight behaviour.

thrust vector display doesn't change correctly with RCSBuildAid


Firespitter plugin http://snjo.github.io/

Recommended Plugins

FAR http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20451

RasterPropMonitor http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57603

PreceduralWings http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29862

BDArmory http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209

SmokeScreen http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71630

TweakScale http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80234

NavUtilities http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85353

Infernal Robotics http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707

sample craft files require pWings plugin

Keep your Module Manager up to date

Retro-Future v1.72b
Fixed several engines' response speed

Retro-Future v1.72a
  • 0.625 radial probe core. works with ProbeControlRoom w/ Universal IVA.
  • fixed syntax errors in several config files, BIG Thanks to Aivoh for tracking them down!
  • removed stray MechJeb part, YF21 should load properly if you don't have MJ installed
  • changed config for 4x 50cal noze cone part, P61-x should load without BDArmory isntalled.

Retro-Future v1.72
  • Configs for Probe Control Room support
  • 0.625 SAS/RCS unit; no Monopropellant
  • 2.1m Command Module optimized for landing
  • 2.1m Rect to 2.5m Cylinder adapter
  • 3m & 1.5m drop cargo bay section
  • optional config for TransparentPod where possible (change extension from TXT to CFG to apply)
  • Tweaked VTOL example craft files
  • Tweaks to VTOL engines maxThrust and ISP under FAR
  • few fuel tank capacity adjustments to match volume
  • Reduced mass for landing gears

Retro-Future v1.71f
  • Properly configured for ActiveTextureManagement
  • 3 different configuration options for vtolKento; vtolKodachi; vtolShoto; and vtol Tanto engines. please see included VTOLEngineSetups.txt for details.
  • fixed small probe core
  • removed INTERNAL on small probe core
  • MFT config
  • 0.625m Camera Probe Core, can be used in conjunction with Universal IVA system if RPM is installed.
  • Mini camera boom. external camera port for RPM systems
  • Shoto; Tanto; and Kento - Rotating VTOL Dual mode engines; IR compatible
  • Kodachi - Non-Rotating VTOL Dual mode engine
  • Control Surface with integrated Airbrake
  • New Craft file : Remote Control Science Drone - requires pWings
  • Deadly Reentry Continued Configs

Retro-Future v1.71
  • 0.625m Camera Probe Core, can be used in conjunction with Universal IVA system if RPM is installed.
  • Mini camera boom. external camera port for RPM systems
  • Shoto; Tanto; and Kento - Rotating VTOL Dual mode engines; IR compatible
  • Kodachi - Non-Rotating VTOL Dual mode engine
  • Control Surface with integrated Airbrake
  • New Craft file : Remote Control Science Drone - requires pWings
  • Deadly Reentry Continued Configs

Retro-Future v1.7
  • New props for all existing IVAs, RPM and Standard
  • New IVAs for med2m Cockpit and mkX31 Cockpit (Requires RPM)

Retro-Future v1.6.6
med 2m parts set to 2.1m width as default size
fixed attach node for ED051, for real this time
fixed texture link on landing gear

Retro-Future v1.6.5
New Parts:
Radial Pulse Detonation Ejection Thrust Augment pod
Radial Linear Aerospike
Structural section with integrated PDETA system. Configurable as cargo bay or fuel section
Half-length Utility section
SAS Module with crew passage.

med 2m parts scaled up to 2.5m width as default size
improved functionality for retractable Docking port jr
initial pass TweakScale integration
fixed attach node for ED051

Retro-Future v1.6.3
New Parts:
Rectangular Nose Intake (will adjust according to velocity if you have B9, for cosmetics)
Ramjet (WWII Era)
PulseJet (V1 type)
surface attach retractable docking port jr, with docking port light togglable by default light hotkey
2.1m wide Cockpit, seats 2. direct Airlock access to Cargo hold.
2.1m wide Field Science Lab. (cleans experiments, provides 1.25x transmission bonus, no duplicate reports)
2.1m wide Utility section. configurable as enclosed cargo section; side open structural section; or side/bottom open structural section.
2.1m wide Crew Compartment. direct Airlock access to Cargo hold. holds 4 Kerbals

pWings small collision box fixes.
med 2m parts scaled up slightly. was ~1.8m Wide; now ~2.1m Wide.
PWR210 velocity curve reduced
Texture update, both standard and alternate schemes
Lateral 1.25m docking port fixed; added docking port light togglable by default light hotkey

Retro-Future v1.6.2
New Parts:
Antique Turbojet (Junkers Jumo copy)
Antique Ramjet (Eugene Sanger copy)
Mk. X31 Advanced Single Seat Cockpit
1.8m wide tail section with dual 0.625m attachment points

fixed pWing config files
improved pWing collision boxes
breakingTorque and breakingForce increased for all parts
FSwheelAlignment guide added on all landing gears

Retro-Future v1.6

New Parts:
standard RF inline docking port
standard RF cargo bay; opens both top and/or bottom
PWR185 TurboProp Jet Engine
PWR210 Afterburbing Turbofan
1.25m Annular Aerospike
1.25m Linear Aerospike
1.8m wide Cargo Bay; two types Side Open and Top Open
1.8m wide tail section with bay door and raised 0.625 attach point
1.8m wide Fuel/Structural sections Long/Short
1.8m wide adapter to 1.25m
"Sharpie" 1.25m nose cone

All fuel sections can switch between Structural; LF; LFO; and Mono tanks
Main landing gears suspension increased
ED Engines now part of RetroFuture
FX updated for ED engines
PNG Textures

Retro-Future v1.5
Inline 2 Seater Cockpit
Surface Attach Standard Cockpit
Surface Attach Bubble Canopy
Standard and RPM IVAs for cockpits
Lateral deploy open bay landing gear
4x .50cal Nose cone [REQUIRES BDArmory]
30mm Autocannon gondola [REQUIRES BDArmory]

fixed nose gear
all engines adjusted with help of MuMech Curve editor
fixed engine ISP settings

Example Craft Files [REQUIRES Procedural Dynamics]
P61-X Fighter/Bomber
Ark Propulsions Wasp Fighter
X-13 Fighter

Retro-Future v1.4.1b
pWing support, if you have Procedural Dynamics installed you will have access to the following:
standard pWing
All move pWing surface
round wing tip
standard pControl Surface

fixed inLine Main Landing Gear
small mesh and texture updates

Example Craft Files [REQUIRES Procedural Dynamics]
Sanka Mk.b
Skyly J2
Vampire Night Fighter
Heavy Bomber
P-51 Mustang
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set of propeller blades; rigged up with FSmeshSwitch. for those that want something cleaner and more versatile. Requires FireSpitter

Zip file includes Part/Config; FBX; and PSD files as starting point for your own customizations;

contents of bladeSet.zip released under CC-0 license.



"Eddie" series LF/OX Low Profile engines.

ED engines will be become part of RetroFuture with v1.6; along with 1 annular and 1 linear Aerospike Engines.

Kerdoz The Great

Retired; now part of a Transparent Pod internal prop.

Imgur Album

RPM Strongly recommended for everything

Keep your Module Manager up to date of course

comments suggestions welcome


CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Keep your Module Manager up to date


Edited by Snark
Moderator removed obsolete download links to site that is now malware-infested
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The koffins are pointless and a bit morbid...great addition! :D Any chance you can make the body appear and disappear via the standard right click menu? That way I can send up empty coffins for my victi...test pilots that gave their lives in space. Completely RP element I know, but might as well add more useless features to a pointless part! ;) On top of that, any chance can add the plaque thing like you get with a flag? That way I can write a little memorial for them too!

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  Vladthemad said:
The koffins are pointless and a bit morbid...great addition! :D Any chance you can make the body appear and disappear via the standard right click menu? That way I can send up empty coffins for my victi...test pilots that gave their lives in space. Completely RP element I know, but might as well add more useless features to a pointless part! ;) On top of that, any chance can add the plaque thing like you get with a flag? That way I can write a little memorial for them too!

Empty coffin switch is good idea. :) I'll add that. I'm part way there with an engine module that puts flames on it and burns it. just need to find the correct orientation for the FX. I want to apply the plaque thing on it from the beginning, still haven't figured out enough coding to add that yet. It looks possible.

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  nli2work said:
Empty coffin switch is good idea. :) I'll add that. I'm part way there with an engine module that puts flames on it and burns it. just need to find the correct orientation for the FX. I want to apply the plaque thing on it from the beginning, still haven't figured out enough coding to add that yet. It looks possible.

I suggest using the new thing from Firespitter 7.0 that allows you to change the model of a part for doing the kerbal koffin switch.

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Those Koffins are morbid and awesome--like driving a muscle hearse. Definitely going to have to send some of those up, strap them to the tungsten power poles, and bury them into the KSC at Mach 4.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
I test your engines, the cooldown anim is a lot too fast (instant !) especially for the closing vent of 2.5m engine.

Also, thrust/mass looks like a bit unbalanced as 0.625m engine is a lot more lighter than the 1.25m (0.15 and 1.1t resp.)

The animation is tied to throttle. so if you hit X, it shuts down instantly. I've been wanting to go back and create proper heat emissive for them. I'll put it on the to-do list.

as far as balancing

0.625m is against the 48-7s; 30kN w 0.15t vs 30kN 0.1t of the 48-7s; stock is better TWR, though both are tremendously OP compared to real world engines.

1.25m is against the LV909; 95kN w 1.1t vs 50kN w 0.5t of LV909; stock is slightly better

2.5m is against the Poodle; 225kN w 2.4t vs 220kN w 2.5t of Poodle; slightly better than stock.

3.75m I just guesstimated. 399kN w 3.7t;

seems reasonable overall I think. nothing tremendously OP. Same Vaccum ISP for all of them, mine has better Atmo ISP, similar to aerospikes. Maybe I should adjust the 1.25m to match the LV909 more.

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  nli2work said:
The animation is tied to throttle. so if you hit X, it shuts down instantly. I've been wanting to go back and create proper heat emissive for them. I'll put it on the to-do list.

I see you use: FXModuleAnimateThrottle, which may be not the best for emissive anim. Stock engines use mostly ModuleAnimateHeat module instead, which shows this nice cooling down effect.

  nli2work said:

as far as balancing

0.625m is against the 48-7s; 30kN w 0.15t vs 30kN 0.1t of the 48-7s; stock is better TWR, though both are tremendously OP compared to real world engines.

1.25m is against the LV909; 95kN w 1.1t vs 50kN w 0.5t of LV909; stock is slightly better

2.5m is against the Poodle; 225kN w 2.4t vs 220kN w 2.5t of Poodle; slightly better than stock.

3.75m I just guesstimated. 399kN w 3.7t;

seems reasonable overall I think. nothing tremendously OP. Same Vaccum ISP for all of them, mine has better Atmo ISP, similar to aerospikes. Maybe I should adjust the 1.25m to match the LV909 more.

By balancing I mean: from a 0.625m engine to a double sized, mass go from a small value to a bigger one more like a giant leap than just one size bigger (almost 8 times more, 1.25 to 2.5: only ~ x2, 48-7S to LV909 is more progressive, only Poodle make the leap).

Regarding efficiency (Isp), they are definitely not OP ! Isp may be increased a little bit unless they have been specifically designed for lander in their very last step (just before touching the ground and nothing else).

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I see what you mean about balancing. I was mostly going by TWR when comparing stock vs mine. my smaller engines have lower TWR than stock, and the larger ones are slightly higher TWR. I'll adjust the 1.25m down closer to the LV909. as far as intended use... I didn't really have one. I just wanted some cool looking low profile engines. :D the only ones I know of is 1 from b9; and one or two from Rocketpunch, which are both 5m iirc.

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  nli2work said:
psh... looks like it's either AnimateThrottle or AnimateHeat... can't have it both ways. bugger.

Perhaps because modules don't like to share some thing like anim, it may work or not by making two anim (ex: vents linked to throttle, heat emissive use with the other module).

I have myself an engine split into 2 meshes (convex collider limitation) with both the same emissive anim, but unless I made something wrong, it doesn't work at all :/.

(I have set animation component to both meshes in unity, that's probably why it doesn't work, I have to dig on this).

EDIT: no in fact even KSP/unity pdoesn't really like this and mesh don't load successfully (but it has an exceeding animator component on root GO without anim... this may explain that :) )

Edited by Justin Kerbice
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Great job on the models. These look utterly fantastic. They look overpowered on paper; but reading up on E-D motors they're meant to be really high efficiency up to their rated altitude; like getting your cake and eating it too due to how the plug expands. Really neat. Having tested I can't really see them being used as anything other than orbital engines due to their low thrust. (0.6 TWR with a 21 ton payload using the 2.5 meter motor for example; sea level TWR was even worse).

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  Justin Kerbice said:
Perhaps because modules don't like to share some thing like anim, it may work or not by making two anim (ex: vents linked to throttle, heat emissive use with the other module).

I have myself an engine split into 2 meshes (convex collider limitation) with both the same emissive anim, but unless I made something wrong, it doesn't work at all :/.

(I have set animation component to both meshes in unity, that's probably why it doesn't work, I have to dig on this).

EDIT: no in fact even KSP/unity pdoesn't really like this and mesh don't load successfully (but it has an exceeding animator component on root GO without anim... this may explain that :) )

I had the plug split out, and is moved by the throttle animation. the rest is moved by heat animation. two clips, one for each module. but the game would only play one or the other. not both. But no biggie, the heat FX looks much nicer, and I found out I can push the emissive Alpha beyound 1, and get a nice color-dodge effect. big improvement in looks, which is the most important part.

Having tested I can't really see them being used as anything other than orbital engines due to their low thrust. (0.6 TWR with a 21 ton payload using the 2.5 meter motor for example; sea level TWR was even worse).

yeah, I figured as much. Someone had asked for a larger poodle at some point, and I wanted to make some engines to learn how to use the particles. Low profile engines looked like a niche that needs some additions. There's not much literature on the E-D nozzles, so I had some flexibility as far as looks. Above all they had to look cool. :)

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Always they have to look cool :D If you ever get a chance to use them with Novapunch's K1 tanks by all means do so as the truss pieces up top combined with yours (I giggled like a schoolgirl when I first connected 'em) have a really kickass industrial look to them. You're also very much correct regarding low profile engines and their severe lack in-game. for the 2.5 arena I can think of the one from B9; one from Near Future Propulsion (that's LF/OX based; there's another that eats up 13,000 and change EC/s [Kilowatts/s if you're using KSPI; or 13 Megajoules that runs off Xenon and puts out 53 kN of thrust!]). You can I suppose count the NTR nozzle from KSPI but that's an extra 11.2 tons of weight at a minimum to run it. Also can't forget about the poodle.

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  nli2work said:
I had the plug split out, and is moved by the throttle animation. the rest is moved by heat animation. two clips, one for each module. but the game would only play one or the other. not both. But no biggie, the heat FX looks much nicer, and I found out I can push the emissive Alpha beyound 1, and get a nice color-dodge effect. big improvement in looks, which is the most important part.

Interesting, I'll have to try this too ;). (alpha = 2, 3, ...50... 100 and engine disappear mysteriously like a Klingon bird of prey :D)

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  • Adjusted Emissive animations
  • Smaller FX for 0.625m engine
  • Small texture updates
  • fixed flameout FX transforms
  • 1.25m engine new thrust 55kN @ 0.5t mass

  • If you wish to keep the yellow/black strips, keep the older _DIF textures.

new link in 1st post

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