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[1.10.0] NanoGauges - tiny ana1og gauges for kerbalnauts -1.10.0-3463


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I'll try to keep the code in your code convention (I usually do not care too much about these conventions, as long as people don't to silly things like the GNU style)

We are using the other (compacter) styles in our company. But I don't like this style and find it not as easy to read. I'm writing code in this style for about 30 years now and we are all creatures of habbit. ;)

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The non movable gauges are my fault. I have tried to get the gauges behind the toolbar popups and changed the drawing queue. Because all gauges were drawn behind other windows (not the toolbar popups unfortunately), I didn't changed it back. My gauges are all in place, so I didn't check to move them again and this side effect got unnoticed.

Fixed in 0.5.23-295. Uploading now.

Great!! Thanks for the quick fix :) Keep up the good work!

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Oops! Looks like the latest FAR update has broken Nanogauges by introducing a second GetMachNumber method with different parameters:

[EXC 21:40:50.844] AmbiguousMatchException: Ambiguous matching in method resolution

System.Reflection.Binder.FindMostDerivedMatch (System.Reflection.MethodBase[] match)

System.MonoType.GetMethodImpl (System.String name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, System.Type[] types, System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] modifiers)

System.Type.GetMethod (System.String name, BindingFlags bindingAttr)

Nereid.NanoGauges.FARAdapter.Plugin ()

Nereid.NanoGauges.NanoGauges.Awake ()


AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)



I haven't had time to compile it myself and test, but changing line 58 of Adapter.cs to:

methodGetMachNumber = typeAeoUtil.GetMethod("GetMachNumber", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(CelestialBody), typeof(double), typeof(Vector3) }, null);

...should fix it, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Love the new zoom feature! That's exactly what I was hoping for, so thanks muchly.


Fixed a few minor bugs in the latest release: 0.6.5-801

Especially the exact readout configuration (zoom feature) is now persistent if changed.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to request a gauge showing total orbit energy for descent purposes - kinetic energy based on surface velocity plus potential energy based on height. It's this that needs to be bled off during re-entry.

It looks like an easy patch, but I have no idea how to compile KSP plugins, so I'm posting to the thread first...

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi dude, I noticed the movements on the gauges are a little to harsh. ¿Would you mind to implement ease in-out into the gauges movements? It would make them perfect. ;)


Because I'm currently porting them to 1.0, I will take a look into that. Maybe some kind of slider that adjusts the responsiveness of the gauges. But its not on top of my list.

The good news: Most of the gauges are working in 1.0. The bad news: Terminal Velocity is gone and will log some exceptions.

The gauges for Deadly Reentry has to be changed to work with 1.0 (because reentry heat is now stock).

- - - Updated - - -

I'd like to request a gauge showing total orbit energy for descent purposes - kinetic energy based on surface velocity plus potential energy based on height. It's this that needs to be bled off during re-entry.

It looks like an easy patch, but I have no idea how to compile KSP plugins, so I'm posting to the thread first...

I will give it a try some day. But what exactly should the first gauge show? deltaV until orbit is lost?

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I like these gauge :blush: but they are so tiny on my large screen is there a way to resize them ?

Currently not. Most players play in a 1920x1280 resolution on 22'' displays. I have designed them mostly for my needs in this resolution: Many gauges that don't eat up the whole screen. I had a lot of trouble understanding the Unity graphics API at first, so I decided to work with constant widths and heights to keep it simple.

But yes, it can be changed in the future. It should not be that hard. Maybe I will give it a try while I port the gauges to 1.0 or at least do some preparations to this.

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Uploaded a new version on KerbalStuff for KSP 1.0

Excellent! Thank you so much for the quick update. I simply adore these gauges. My larger display does make them harder to read now (just upgraded) but I'll make do for now. ;)

Say -- does the "new" external temp gauge relate to the hottest part of a craft, or an overall average? I'm just wondering if this will effectively be the "how close is my ship to exploding?" gauge.

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Excellent! Thank you so much for the quick update. I simply adore these gauges. My larger display does make them harder to read now (just upgraded) but I'll make do for now. ;)

Say -- does the "new" external temp gauge relate to the hottest part of a craft, or an overall average? I'm just wondering if this will effectively be the "how close is my ship to exploding?" gauge.

I will check if there is an easy way to scale the gauges. Its already on my list.

Regarding the new gauges: they just reflect data from the internal vessel class. I do not know what exactly is measured (we have to ask SQUAD about this). But it was easy to implement, so lets see if they are useful in any way…

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I will check if there is an easy way to scale the gauges. Its already on my list.

Regarding the new gauges: they just reflect data from the internal vessel class. I do not know what exactly is measured (we have to ask SQUAD about this). But it was easy to implement, so lets see if they are useful in any way…

Cool -- Doing some simple testing in a small, overpowered plane resulted in craft breakup (starting at the cockpit) when the gauge was reading ~1k+ degrees. The Mark1 says it's rated to 2k, so it's obviously not simply a "hottest part" meter.

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A minor bug report - the H ACCEL and V ACCEL visibility toggles both appear to control the H ACCEL gauge, both toggling when one is clicked, and V ACCEL can't be turned off.

Also, what do you think about the idea of letting users customize the specific resources the fuel/oxidizer gauges display, or possibly aggregate a whole list of resources together? It seems like a good way to cater to, say, Real Fuels users without multiplying the number of gauges ridiculously.

(I can pull-request this if you like the idea...)


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A minor bug report - the H ACCEL and V ACCEL visibility toggles both appear to control the H ACCEL gauge, both toggling when one is clicked, and V ACCEL can't be turned off.


Fixed in 0.7.6-859.

Thanks for reporting.

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I will give it a try some day. But what exactly should the first gauge show? deltaV until orbit is lost?

No. The vessel's surface velocity gives it kinetic energy; its height above the surface gives it potential energy. Display the total number of Joules which is the sum of kinetic and potential energy - a figure that will be zero once the vessel has landed.

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