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[1.5.x]Dr. Jet's Chop Shop v0.11.4.3 (20.10.2018)

Dr. Jet

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  On 12/9/2015 at 3:43 PM, edemlama said:

where do I find the Beak bicoupler? I have quite few mods and i'm going crazy looking for it 


Oops! :blush: Forgot to put it into archive.

Uploaded with Beak bicoupler included. It should be in the "Structural" tab unkile most SPP adapters.

If it explodes or show some strange behavior on high speeds - report, please. 

Edited by Dr. Jet
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  On 12/9/2015 at 3:49 PM, Dr. Jet said:

Oops! :blush: Forgot to put it into archive.


Uploaded with Beak bicoupler included. It should be in the "Structural" tab unkile most SPP adapters.

If it explodes or show some strange behavior on high speeds - report, please. 


Just a quick comment:  I see that you updated the body of the first post, but you forgot to update the thread title - It still says V0.8.0.  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

bug report: the 1.25 meter skycrane seems to be bugged ,the engines , the rightclick menu seems to have a value added and removed repeatedly, at rapid speed. also, the engines on it dont seem too work. and the 5 node 2.5 meter hub has error spammed and much lag when clicked: has more than 255 polygons, is invalid. any help?

also, you should edit the lil buzzer electric engine to use intake atmosphere, or whatever its called in CRP, because its more common, and all electric engines/atomic ramjets use it instead of airflow or what you have, so... yeah, integration is good.

Edited by 123nick
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  On 12/23/2015 at 2:27 AM, 123nick said:

bug report: the 1.25 meter skycrane seems to be bugged ,the engines , the rightclick menu seems to have a value added and removed repeatedly, at rapid speed. also, the engines on it dont seem too work. and the 5 node 2.5 meter hub has error spammed and much lag when clicked: has more than 255 polygons, is invalid. any help?

also, you should edit the lil buzzer electric engine to use intake atmosphere, or whatever its called in CRP, because its more common, and all electric engines/atomic ramjets use it instead of airflow or what you have, so... yeah, integration is good.


Skycrane animation troubles in 99% cases are caused by nonupdated BahamutoDynamics animation module. Either delete that or /ChopShop/ModuleManager/BahamutoDynamics.cfg

255 poligons (assuming it's a collider message) seems to be a noncritical error. Stock "potatoroid" reports the same. Though I will look into it. 

  On 12/29/2015 at 8:26 AM, speedwaystar said:

is this intentional? it's the standard Probodobodyne RoverMate with Dr Jet's



Proper rover body must be oriented FORWARD, not UPWARD. And yes, that is intended. Look at the navball after launch to see what is changed in stock part.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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  On 1/2/2016 at 7:41 PM, Dr. Jet said:

Skycrane animation troubles in 99% cases are caused by nonupdated BahamutoDynamics animation module. Either delete that or /ChopShop/ModuleManager/BahamutoDynamics.cfg

255 poligons (assuming it's a collider message) seems to be a noncritical error. Stock "potatoroid" reports the same. Though I will look into it. 

Proper rover body must be oriented FORWARD, not UPWARD. And yes, that is intended. Look at the navball after launch to see what is changed in stock part.


but i thought my bahamutod dynamics animation module was up to date. and if u delete the bahamutod dynamics .cfg, will the rover skycrane work like any normal aniamting paart?

the 255 polygons error seems to prevent right clicking on the part, so theres that.

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  On 1/2/2016 at 8:04 PM, 123nick said:

but i thought my bahamutod dynamics animation module was up to date. and if u delete the bahamutod dynamics .cfg, will the rover skycrane work like any normal aniamting paart?



Of course it will. It does not require BD to operate. Though you will need to deploy skycrane manually or through action group.

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  On 12/29/2015 at 8:26 AM, speedwaystar said:

is this intentional? it's the standard Probodobodyne RoverMate with Dr Jet's



The problem with that is a bug in ChopShop/Rovers/PimpMyRover/pmr_StockRover.cfg.  The line which deletes the original model doesn't work -- it needs to be something like "!mesh = obsolete".

Edit: same with the XL rover body config, the node isn't deleted properly because it needs to be "!node_stack_top = something"

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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!MODEL{} is going to make the part vanish completely!  The patch attempts to remove the old model via deleting the mesh line, and then add the MODEL{}, which is basically the same mesh at a different orientation.  Because of the typo/bug, it doesn't delete the old mesh line, which is why you get the double-model in the image.

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where is the mesh entry defined in the first place? is it generated when the game loads? i'm a bit unclear about that part of the modelling process.

!mesh = DELETE
	model = Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody/model
	rotation = 90, 180, 0

i would have thought that this would delete the mesh and model entries, then recreate the model at a 90 degree angle. without !MODEL {} would you not still have two model entries at right angles to each other?

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I can't understand what are you doing. 

Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody/probeRoverBody.cfg defines model strictly as "mesh=model.mu", my config deletes that line ("!mesh") and defines new model through MODEL{}, there is no need to add "!MODEL{}".

In both my dev and test builds everything looks fine - no doubling, no clipping, orientation is correct.

If something does not work - you possibly have another mod that messes with stock models or textures.

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  On 1/9/2016 at 11:29 PM, Dr. Jet said:

If something does not work - you possibly have another mod that messes with stock models or textures.


i ran an isolation test and you're completely correct -- it was the usual suspect, Ven's Stock Revamp's fault all along! it does this:

@PART[roverBody] {
@author = Ven
!mesh = DELETE
	model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Command/ProbeCores/RoverProbe
%rescaleFactor = 1

your pmr_StockRover.cfg script runs after this, and adds the original Squad probeRoverBody back, at 90 degrees to Ven's Revamp version, resulting in this two-headed monstrosity:


my patch deletes Ven's RoverProbe model before adding your rotated probeRoverBody.

mystery solved!

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  On 1/9/2016 at 11:29 PM, Dr. Jet said:

Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody/probeRoverBody.cfg defines model strictly as "mesh=model.mu", my config deletes that line ("!mesh") and defines new model through MODEL{}, there is no need to add "!MODEL{}".

In both my dev and test builds everything looks fine - no doubling, no clipping, orientation is correct.


While the model looks correct on my install (I don't use Ven's Stock Revamp), nevertheless the !mesh line does not delete the "mesh=model.mu" definition.  You can check this in ModuleManager.ConfigCache; the roverBody config still has "mesh = model.mu" in it.  ModuleManager can only modify lines that have an equal sign in them (due to a limitation in the ConfigNode system itself, as I understand it), so even if something is going to be deleted, you need to say "!mesh = something".  Perhaps the MODEL{} node overrides the mesh line?

Same goes for the !node_stack_top line in pmr_StockRoverXL.cfg -- again, looking in the config cache, node_stack_top is still there, which can cause interference issues with the new node_stack_bottom location in the editor.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 2/19/2016 at 4:13 PM, Dr. Jet said:

CKAN was getting stuff from KerbalStuff actually... and KerbalStuff is dead now. Dunno if CKAN would support Curse as good as it was supporting KerbalStuff.


@Dr. Jet Your are completely free to host as you please and the CKAN team will support you to the best of it's abilities. CKAN is site agnostic. May I suggest the best option is to host on the replacement for Kerbal Stuff. Which is Space Dock found here http://www.spacedock.info/

It should look very familiar and will pass on information to CKAN as before. In terms of ease of future updating Spacedock is best. Curse on the hand has a pretty difficult set of APIs to navigate and makes things difficult. Chances are when the community took action to save Kerbal Stuff. Your mod could not be moved across to Spacedock as the team wanted to respect a licence issue. So you would have to upload to space dock.

However you completely free to choose what works best for you and we can all fully respect that. If you only want Curse as a main site with no mirror. We can pass this we information on to the CKAN team as users will currently be experiencing 404 errors whilst waiting for a final hosting decision.  

Also whilst I am here may I say. This is an awesome mod.

Edited by nobodyhasthis2
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SpaceDock... they actually didn't use the available torrent pack of KerbalStuff files... It will be easy to re-register, but reassembling all that old versions with descriptions for non-1.0.5 users will be a pain.

Hm-m-m... Possibly some good news: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/pull/1608 - automatic indexing of Curse that will be.

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  On 1/10/2016 at 8:34 AM, speedwaystar said:

i ran an isolation test and you're completely correct -- it was the usual suspect, Ven's Stock Revamp's fault all along! it does this:

@PART[roverBody] {
@author = Ven
!mesh = DELETE
	model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Command/ProbeCores/RoverProbe
%rescaleFactor = 1

your pmr_StockRover.cfg script runs after this, and adds the original Squad probeRoverBody back, at 90 degrees to Ven's Revamp version, resulting in this two-headed monstrosity:


my patch deletes Ven's RoverProbe model before adding your rotated probeRoverBody.

mystery solved!


So what exactly is your patch? Do I have to change Ven's, Jet's, or both?

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  On 2/27/2016 at 3:30 PM, blnk2007 said:

So what exactly is your patch? Do I have to change Ven's, Jet's, or both?


It depends on what you want. 

Proper rover alignment and old Squad texture? - delete Ven's and leave mine

New texture and IMproper alignment? - delete mine and leave Ven's

Easier one is to change my config start to this: 


That will delete Ven's model, leaving proper aligned Squad one.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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  On 3/1/2016 at 6:45 PM, blnk2007 said:

Is there anything wrong with Ven's model? Could that just be rotated?


Nothing is wrong except location. Stock part model is not in /Squad/.../ folder and that ruins all mods that assume stock parts/models/textures to be in place.

Compatibility patch is possible, but I'm waiting for KSP 1.1, working PartTools and updated CKAN.

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