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[0.25] Realism Overhaul w/ RedAV8R [Terminated]


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RedAV8R: Sorry about that, the problem seems to be that although I add an RCS propellant and thrusters that are set up correctly they do not respond when I turn on RCS and I cannot change my attitude.:rolleyes:

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RedAV8R: Sorry about that, the problem seems to be that although I add an RCS propellant and thrusters that are set up correctly they do not respond when I turn on RCS and I cannot change my attitude.:rolleyes:

Ok, that's a bit better. Here is what I want you to do. Follow the directions exactly as stated in the OP Troubleshooting section. Installing ONLY the required items. Ensure each and every one of them is the latest version. If that means downloading each one again, then do it. That's the safest option. In addition I want you to post the craft you are having issues with.

No I have not heard of this problem. Maybe it got skipped, but I don't remember one, let alone multiple people as you say having issues like this.

- - - Updated - - -

No the issue was with realism overhaul, not FASA. I went to an older version of it (Realism overhaul) and everything was fixed for me.

Alright then:) I'll get to it when I get to it.

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Its in the settings file: RangeModelType = Additive

Only now I realized that this comes with the config file by CerberusRCAF which is linked to in the second post.

Would you guys recommend keeping it that way or do change the setting?

Will there be a full inclusion of the ground stations and other RemoteTech settings in Realism Overhaul in the future?

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I have followed your instructions closely and the problem seems to have disappeared:kiss: Sorry to have been a pain but I really appreciate this mod. Thank you:sticktongue:

Amazing what happens when directions are followed.:wink:

Only now I realized that this comes with the config file by CerberusRCAF which is linked to in the second post.

Would you guys recommend keeping it that way or do change the setting?

Will there be a full inclusion of the ground stations and other RemoteTech settings in Realism Overhaul in the future?

The current design of RT settings demands that a separate file be made that drops into a very specific location, much as we have done with TACLifeSupport. I'll talk with NK about including CerberusRCAF's file, maybe even with a few more changes too.

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The current design of RT settings demands that a separate file be made that drops into a very specific location, much as we have done with TACLifeSupport. I'll talk with NK about including CerberusRCAF's file, maybe even with a few more changes too.

Sounds good, thanks!

Since I didn't see this on the list yet:


I really like the retractable engines, especially the small radial one and the RCS thrusters.

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Hey RedAV8R and Nathankell. Thanks for the amazing awesome work you do with RO. Been a user since around April and it's awesome. I have some pics of my manned moon missions up on imgur http://darshiki.imgur.com/all/ Anyways I am now in the process of designing a manned Mars mission. I have kinda hit a road block though because one of the mod packs I really like to use, the Porkworks inflatable hab pack http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64442-0-23-5-Habitat-Pack-v0-4 doesn't seem to be working in RSS any longer. Prior to 0.24 It was working for me and even with the first update of RO after 0.24 it was working. I am not asking you guys to fix it, I was just wondering what you guys think about this mod pack and how you feel about adding it too your WIP list as I think at least it's a cool and worth while mod pack.

Also I am looking to get into the mod game myself as far as making my own or possibly one day helping others. I have some experience with C++ but that's about it. I have googled the subject myself and have done a little reading already which is sort of making sense. Makes me appreciate what you guys do that much more. Again thanks for the time you guys spend on this. I really enjoy the problem solving building these missions involves. Can't hardly go back to the Kerbol system without feeling this is too easy so I really like RSS.

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Quick question: I have a 710kg satellite.

I added 4 RV-025 Thruster Blocks (1/4), all fueled by MMH+N2O4. When I fire them forward, MechJeb says RCS thrust is 493.2N. Is this MechJeb miscalculating something or are the thrusters too strong? (Using the latest source from GitHub) Or are the numbers correct?

Maybe I should use other fuels for such light satellites?

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@darshiki: It should still be working, even with the latest release. This weekend I correctly balanced TAC resources since consumption/production values changed, but otherwise nothing needed touched. I haven't released this weekends work yet, but l do it when I get home this evening, lots of other updates will be released as well.

Thanks for the words. NK does all the C# work, I pretty much handle the most of the MM patches, the real meat and potatoes of RO. The only C# in RO is the version checker.

@mecki: I've got BDynamics on my mental list, need to tack that onto the OP.

Your math has failed you. If you put 4 blocks of 1/4 power thrusters and fire all four forward...if each 1/4 thruster has a power of .11125kN (TL2) then one must multiply 4*0.11125kN = 0.445kN. I'm guessing they are set at more than TL2 which would explain why it's at 493.2N rather than 445N. So seems like everything is right, but you are also correct you need either lower powered thrusters (a lot of satellites have 22N or 4N thrusters) and/or use another fuel (again a lot of satellite use straight hydrazine as a monopropellant rather than a bipropellant).

@Mrnoname: I'll look around, I at one time had a personal KSPX MM file around, I'll take another look at the parts itself, however, things like tanks are handled by Tweakscale, or PP, or the countless other mods we already support. As for engines...well there is no such thing as a 1.25m Ion engine...and we do RealEngines here, in fact there are so few ion engines out there, the stock ion is really all that's needed, if you want check out the RLA as that has the other ion engine in existence, and a radial and a set of 4. But as I said, I'll take a look, no guarantees though.

@PaidLeber: Why no it's not needed anymore. RealFuels has taken that functionality now. If it's not on the OP then it's not needed.

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There's some weirdness in the Merlin 1D / Vac configs. The Vacuum-optimized version should have better vacuum performance than the SL version, wouldn't you think?

The M1D-Vac should have an ISP ~ 340, per http://www.spacex.com/falcon9 (click "Inside the interstage"). The 801kN thrust value confirms this to be pretty close - (801kN/720kN)*311s = 345s.

They're also rather large at 1.75m at the top. I saw that there's a trick for putting the engines inside the fuel tank, but that doesn't happen with these particular ones. Am I missing something?

Edit 2: Found the config. Min thrust is also off - the common belief atm is that Merlin 1D can throttle to 40% of max.

Edited by wetmelon
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There's some weirdness in the Merlin 1D / Vac configs. The Vacuum-optimized version should have better vacuum performance than the SL version, wouldn't you think?

The M1D-Vac should have an ISP ~ 340, per http://www.spacex.com/falcon9 (click "Inside the interstage"). The 801kN thrust value confirms this to be pretty close - (801kN/720kN)*311s = 345s.

They're also rather large at 1.75m at the top. I saw that there's a trick for putting the engines inside the fuel tank, but that doesn't happen with these particular ones. Am I missing something?

Edit: I'd change it in my own folder, but I can't find where the Merlins actually are >.>

Well you found an error with the Isp on the Merlin1DVac, thank you.

Size, well here is the problem. The model isn't a Merlin - simply made to have roughly the same performance as one, mass, thrust and kinda sorta size...but can't do much there...sure one can stick that top half of the engine into the tank, simply a node change, but if the diameter of the tank is too small, then that top half is still going to stick out of the tank and look like crap.

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Well you found an error with the Isp on the Merlin1DVac, thank you.

Yeah no problem :) Thank you for all the work you do on this!

Size, well here is the problem. The model isn't a Merlin - simply made to have roughly the same performance as one, mass, thrust and kinda sorta size...but can't do much there...sure one can stick that top half of the engine into the tank, simply a node change, but if the diameter of the tank is too small, then that top half is still going to stick out of the tank and look like crap.

Eh, good point. Idk why I thought it would change haha.

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As promised...Realism Overhaul v6 ALPHA 10 is up at the OP.

Lots of mod updates in this one, I can see some light at the end of the tunnel, then it's onto new packs. Still have a lot of SRBs to do the thrust curve on, only the UA1205 and UA1207 have been done and working now.

Going to finish up the NearFuture configs and then I'll get started back on the SRBs. Then NovaPunch, followed by SpacePlane Plus and B9. Then I'll move onto my old RedAV8R configs, KerbX, Lovad, LazTek, AerojetKerbodyne/SDHI/Taurus, FASA, OLDD (and do N1 and Proton too), New ones start with KOSMOS, and continue on the ever growing list.

v6.0 ALPHA 10 \/

*Small fixes to RLA, KW

*AIES Complete

*SRB Thrust Curves - WIP - A LOT Better

*Some minor B9 work - still a long way to go

*Some FASA work and bug fixes

*TACLS and PP changes

*Klockheed Martian update complete

*Porkworks update complete

*Nothke Service Module update complete

*FusTek update complete

*NearFuture Construction update complete

*Merlin 1D Vac bug fix

*NearFuture Propulsion - WIP

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Does anyone have real data on heat shields?

ferram4 and I are reworking Deadly Reentry and I figured this would be a good place to ask.

(In git, Mercury now has stats that will closely mimic its actual performance if you use the latest DRE in git)

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Does anyone have real data on heat shields?

ferram4 and I are reworking Deadly Reentry and I figured this would be a good place to ask.

(In git, Mercury now has stats that will closely mimic its actual performance if you use the latest DRE in git)

I enjoyed reading this http://trs-new.jpl.nasa.gov/dspace/bitstream/2014/39664/1/05-3869.pdf

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I found this NASA PDF file, might contain some information that will be useful here.


It had some numbers on drag coefficients and such. The NTRS site has lots of great documents about spaceflight so there's probably more over there.

Edited by Woopert
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Fresh install of RO w/ dependencies.

1. RF getting NaN when pulling thrust curve data from SRBs. output.txt:

*RF* Found thrust curve for solidBooster, current ratio NaN, curve: NaN

*RF* Found thrust curve for solidBooster1-1, current ratio NaN, curve: NaN



2. Also % Rated Thrust (right-click part menu) is giving two different figures in flight scene.

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#1 is known, expected, and fine. That's because there's no resource data when it loads the curve, apparently. If you get issues in flight, let us know.

#2 is a headdesker. I never got around to fixing that typo. The second one is "Fuel remaining." They were only ever for debugging, although I'll probably leave % Rated Thrust in.

EDIT: Fixes for both will be in the next RF.

EDIT EDIT: too busy fixing, not enough thanking. Thanks to you both, YANFRET and Woopert!

Edited by NathanKell
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