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Explosive Decompression

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Ok. So, imagine SQUAD released an update, that makes it so that if a command pod gets partially damaged (<--- depending if SQUAD adds 'realistic' damage), the air would rush out, killing the kerbals (if they don't have suits on)

This could also be implemented into EVAs, making it much more realistic, and cool.

But what could make this better?

Imagine you could take your helmet off. Imagine if you did this in space, you could survive (and do stuff!) on EVA / IVA for a limited time (15 secs) before passing out and having a short time to get re-pressurized (90 secs).

No just imagine how cool that would be.



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Why not?

Think. Wouldn't it make sense to be able to take that clunky helmet off once in a while? Enjoy the 'cosmetic' feel?

Edited by Souper
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I would LOVE a mechanic like this. I've always disliked how ships can be completely torn apart and the Kerbals are perfectly fine inside their command pod.

A "flight suit" with no helmet could be incorporated into a hypothetical spacesuit tech tree expansion. Maybe it would allow higher morale and/or better response time?

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It wouldn't be a nuisance, because command pods / EVA suits rarely get damaged.

Besides, spacecraft in KSP right now are kinda OP. Spacesuits with 600 m/s of DV?...Well that can stay. But going ragdoll mode on the Mun, tripping over, and NOT busting your helmet and showing the cool death we all wanna secretly see?

It could be that we make command pods and suits more durable, enough to the point that it wouldn't be a nuisance.

(I was referring to Canadian vending machine sorry.)

Edited by sal_vager
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"How dare you open a space man's helmet on an uncharted planet? My eyeballs could have been sucked from their sockets!" -Buzz Lightyear

but seriously, if my kerbal got boiled/frozen/sucked out of his helmet/liquefied/killed every time i tripped while on eva i might consider uninstalling. ragdolling, rolling down a hill for 200 meters, and standing up to dust off seems so "kerbal" to me.

its funny how it is now and i like it.

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Sure, it would be cool. But again - it would be a nuisance. Imagine this - You are on the Mun, then trip cause of a bug. Kills your Kerbal.

Sure, the jetpacks have a bit much Delta-V. But that can be tweaked. Also, what about landings?

Lets say - You are on Eve. Landed with parachutes, it would think that it was a collision, and kill everyone. Sure, you may say "If the collision was greater than 15 m/s, kill them.".

Well, why not just make it so explosions damage surrounding things, and make each part have a "health bar". If it gets damaged enough, it explodes.

And, of course there's accidents. New people would accedently crash onto the mun, maybe the lander tipped. Kills them all, leave the game pissed at it.

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Another example of where adding realism isn't exactly needed. If anything, for pure cosmetic pleasure Kerbals should have an option to take off their helmet in EVA. They should only do so if they would survive, for instance on Laythe or Kerbin. Everywhere else and inbetween it gives a message saying they wont comply or something.

Now taking out the humorous kerbal ragdoll would make things realistic, but less fun. This sort of stuff is better off in a hard mode realism mod, not the stock game.

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Well what i meant was that parts would have a health bar with various checkpoints. Every time a checkpoint is crossed, the part functions less good.

Tripping over wouldn't kill you EVERY time.

As for ragdolling and rolling down a hill, you'd be medium-lucky to survive.

Besides, shouldn't we just make it so that kerbals would have a way to prevent them from ragdolling? perhaps implementing reaction times? and giving the visor a health bar? and having 15 seconds to get yourself back in the ship?

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  super said:
Besides, shouldn't we just make it so that kerbals would have a way to prevent them from ragdolling? perhaps implementing reaction times? and giving the visor a health bar? and having 15 seconds to get yourself back in the ship?

Quicktime events? I hate those and they have no place in a game like KSP. Kerbal trips, press "R" not to die, not a good idea.

  cpast said:
Why would a Kerbal ever, under any circumstances, take off a helmet in vacuum?

Though I ask myself the same question, one Kerbal does exactly this in the

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not sure about the break up of the ship causing decompression.

But taking the helmet off is something I have always wanted.

I think it would be fun/funny way to do an atmospheric pressure test. big science payoff in the early game but potentially at the cost of the kerbal and your Reputation.

If they take their helmet off in vacuum, their head could inflate like a balloon and *POP!* no blood or anything just a puff of green mist and an empty suit drifts away.

If they take their helmet off on Kerbin or Laythe atmosphere, they breath deep and smile.

Duna: they gasp, shiver, go a bluey-grey color and get frosty and stop...

Eve: they vibrate a little, a puff of green mist and the suit gets squashed and crinkled.

Nothing violent or gory. I imagine they would react react the same way as water balloon would. if a water balloon was alive.


  Mitchz95 said:

A "flight suit" with no helmet could be incorporated into a hypothetical spacesuit tech tree expansion. Maybe it would allow higher morale and/or better response time?

I like this. I think there would need to be some kind of panic button to force your guys to put their pressure suits on.

maybe once/if enhanced IVAs come in this could be incorporated. when kerbals are buckled up, the pressure suits are on, to float around the ship the suits are off.

Another way to show O2 venting would be for the crew pictures in the bottom right to loose color.

Edited by Capt Snuggler
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  Capt Snuggler said:
not sure about the break up of the ship causing decompression.

But taking the helmet off is something I have always wanted.

I think it would be fun/funny way to do an atmospheric pressure test. big science payoff in the early game but potentially at the cost of the kerbal and your Reputation.

If they take their helmet off in vacuum, their head could inflate like a balloon and *POP!* no blood or anything just a puff of green mist and an empty suit drifts away.

If they take their helmet off on Kerbin or Laythe atmosphere, they breath deep and smile.

Duna: they gasp, shiver, go a bluey-grey color and get frosty and stop...

Eve: they vibrate a little, a puff of green mist and the suit gets squashed and crinkled.

Nothing violent or gory. I imagine they would react react the same way as water balloon would. if a water balloon was alive.

thats still a bit macabre. i dont think that should be in stock. as a mod, sure have at it.

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  r4pt0r said:
thats still a bit macabre. i dont think that should be in stock. as a mod, sure have at it.

I agree, this is content that just doesn't fit into the KSP ambiance. I really think the "more kerbal ways to die" suggestions should go to the what not to suggest list, as these are becoming more and more twisted and hypocritically "not gore".

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I understand your point of view, and accept it's validity. Nonetheless, I disagree. I must at least make amend and asking for the "what not to suggest" was a bit harsh, as loong as the final implementation is CLEARLY and DISTINCTLY funny (as would say my ol'pal Descartes :wink: ).

I still disagree wholeheartedly, but will refrain from bringing this suggestion to the block.

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Meh, I don't see the point in this, this would be better off as a mod. Worrying about pressure and crap would just get tedious after a while and I don't exactly play KSP because its funny.

On another note, I'd like to see a stop button for when a Kerbal is rolling down a hill because that gets way too annoying sometimes.

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