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Post Your Cinematics Here! (Cinematic Enthusiasts)


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've almost completed my longterm station-building project. In this video I send up a little resupply craft with a fully recoverable 1st and 3rd stage (no additional mods required!). Next video will show the cupola module being installed, and my LKO station will finally be finished.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A very beautiful KSP short by Nassault called "Jool" A story where Kerbol has gone to its next stage as a white dwarf due to its low mass, while kerbalkind struggles to survive.

All credit goes to Nassault I have NOTHING to due with this work of art.


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1 hour ago, GillyMonster said:

While this isn't necessarily a "movie" per se, it does use dynamic camera and music to show off a 1:1scale replica of a Warhammer 40,000 Thunderhawk I built a few months ago.  Enjoy and let me know your thoughts :)

You got my attention no doubt! Very impressive man

Edited by Castille7
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  • 3 weeks later...

Pardon me, I'm only screaming
Cuz you launched me yet once more
And tonight I know I'm feeling
Like a 
kerbal kannonball

Valentina Kerman got it into her head to cram herself and two other Kerbals into a little metal ball, strap it to the top of a rocket, and see if she could hit 300 kilometers and return without anyone dying. The truly impressive part was that she convinced Bob to join the flight.

I have a lot of creative projects all over the place at any given time and it is admittedly difficult at times to complete one project because another project beckons. All the same, if I can I'd really rather create a video a month, and if possible, put in enough time so it looks fairly decent. For this video, I created a simple rocket using Squad parts (stock + Making History) and tested it repeatedly to fine-tune an optimum launch angle of 4° East. This would assure a 300-kilometer altitude and a splashdown just North of the Runway Islands. I then turned on SAS, set up either the stock camera, Camera Tools, or KerbCam in turn, started recording, and pressed spacebar. Aside from occasional adjustments to the cameras and staging once, I sat back and recorded. Again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Dozens of gigabytes of video footage recorded over roughly six hours went into this five and a half minute video. And then I had to get fancy with the editing. Still, I think this is one of my finer efforts to date, and I sincerely hope you enjoyed it.


Rocket parts are stock or from Making History, with a few tweaks from Textures Unlimited for visuals:


Other mod details available upon request.

Music: "Stormfront" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Edited by LitaAlto
Fixing attribution
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

(Apologies for the video glitches. I'm tired.)

It's Summertime, and it's too hot to stay on land, and Eeloo is too far away for a quick cool-off. We need to get MOIST!

No, not like that. Like the MOIST! Underwater Technologies mod by YouTube stunt Kerbal extraordinaire, Jatwaa. In a partnership with K&K Kerbal Planetary Base Systems and MOIST, we bring you...

The Waterwysp. Capable of a top speed of 175 mps at a depth of 500 meters, the Waterwysp comes with landing gear for easier conveyance on the ocean floor, but don't let the "training wheels" fool you -- she's fast.



"With a Creation" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Made in KSP 1.4.4.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Generally speaking when I make a replica I’ll try to make it as visually and functionally accurate as possible and make small demo video showcasing the resulting vehicles features.  I present the Warhammer 40,000 Land Raider Crusader Tank.



Edited by GillyMonster
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