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And even things with a probe core will disappear after 2.5km so that won't help despawning problems.

Yeah, I just finished testing this (as I'm sure others have done long before now) and that is the case. Never really tried to recover dropped stages by putting a probe core on them before.

Maybe things will change with the new update, and we will be able to recover dropped boosters. As Temeter mentioned though, you COULD theoretically just deorbit a large ship/station (edit: unless you add a bunch of chutes), except that at those high speeds the parts usually don't survive impact.

I guess time will tell...if we indeed won't be able to recover dropped stages it'll certainly (maybe?) make SSTO more attractive.

Edited by Sma
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I guess time will tell...if we indeed won't be able to recover dropped stages it'll certainly (maybe?) make SSTO more attractive.

Not really, as the game will be balanced towards flying rockets that are not reusable. That has always been the majority of KSP and real-life designs. Contracts give you enough money to create your space programs without being forced to make it reusable. SSTOs and other reusable launchers will simply reward the player with extra money for putting in the extra effort to build such advanced spacecraft.

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Not really, as the game will be balanced towards flying rockets that are not reusable. That has always been the majority of KSP and real-life designs. Contracts give you enough money to create your space programs without being forced to make it reusable. SSTOs and other reusable launchers will simply reward the player with extra money for putting in the extra effort to build such advanced spacecraft.

Completely depends on difficulty. Afaik there is already a slider in 0.24 which allows you to customize rewards. You have to mind that planes, and even more SSTO-capable planes, come relatively late with the tech tree.

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I'm in no way a coder. Would it be possible to create a part like a recovery chute? If the part is attached to a booster it would record it as recovered after it leaves the 2.5 km window. Would this be at all possible?

Yes. It would be quite simple to implement something like that. Whether or not that's going to happen is another thing entirely though.

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Yes. It would be quite simple to implement something like that. Whether or not that's going to happen is another thing entirely though.

Someone will almost certainly make a mod for it.

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Being able to recover previous stages for funds is a feature of Mission Controller already. Tweaking it for 0.24, or creating other mods that add a bit more complication in the recovery process, doesn't seem like it'll be difficult. It's not really an 'if', but 'when'.

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Someone will almost certainly make a mod for it.

Pretty much guaranteed there if it doesn't happen :)

(I wonder how moddable the contracts and costs end of things is? Can we have FAR for Funds?)

Okay, so tomorrow already here, but FAQ isn't. :D

No.. no, even worse than that! Tomorrow is halfway over! D:

I have to admit, I'm jonesing for 0.24 in a way I didn't for 0.23/0.23.5...

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(I wonder how moddable the contracts and costs end of things is? Can we have FAR for Funds?)

I think they're designed to be moddable? Pretty sure I saw that somewhere. (not sure what FAR for Funds means, but if you mean 'make costs more realistic', I suspect it's quite possible to adjust part costs via MM).

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I think they're designed to be moddable? Pretty sure I saw that somewhere. (not sure what FAR for Funds means, but if you mean 'make costs more realistic', I suspect it's quite possible to adjust part costs via MM).

Yes, that was in one of dev notes (IIRC). Most of them are procedurally-generated, so it's quite possible that some of them (like "Test part X in conditions Y") can use mod parts without any modification.

Toolbar is also moddable, so blizzy78's Toolbar mod is going to retirement (Or, it will be merged into stock toolbar).

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I need to stop refreshing the forums every 5 minutes :D:(

This. I have Steam open in the other window, hoping I will see the download bar pop up at the bottom. Needless to say I have crashed many rockets into the ground with time warp. :kiss:

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I think they're designed to be moddable? Pretty sure I saw that somewhere. (not sure what FAR for Funds means, but if you mean 'make costs more realistic', I suspect it's quite possible to adjust part costs via MM).

Yeah, that's what I meant. Possibly 'too realistic', depending on tastes :wink:

The FAQ will probably come when devnotes usually do, which is still not for several hours at best. Which doesn't bode too well for a .24 release today :(


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I agree, but don't necessarily think that is a bad thing... And I don't mean that damien is not a nice person or something like that, but as community manager - not for me (of course this only my opinion and should by no means offend damien, since I am an a*hole and am sure that many people would disagree with me :P )

I did the best I could with what I had friend, I take no offense. I still care a great deal about this community and this game. I still wish my former teammates all the best and all the success in the world, for it is most deserved.

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So will 0.24 break my save? I don't care if it breaks my career save, I never liked career anyways (until now). Just don't break sandbox pleeeease

According to the FAQ nothing should break, even career saves are supposed to be handled fairly well.

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I did the best I could with what I had friend, I take no offense. I still care a great deal about this community and this game. I still wish my former teammates all the best and all the success in the world, for it is most deserved.

and all the best for you damien, I mean it! Live long and prosper ;)

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