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Satellite Contracts


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Is there a plan to implement contracts where a company will ask you to launch a satellite (that they've premade) into a specific orbit around a planetary body? Say you accept it and it, you get the satellite somehow (maybe under sub assemblies or saved crafts) and then you build a rocket around it and launch it.

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Man, I hope not. Crapping up LKO with a bunch of pre-generated junk that has no relevance to my space program just sounds ... terrible.

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Man, I hope not. Crapping up LKO with a bunch of pre-generated junk that has no relevance to my space program just sounds ... terrible.

There is a simple solution. After contract is completed launched satellite simply vanishes from the game.

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I'd prefer a contract that requires you to put a satellite up with a certain set of parts required: comms dish, continual power for the dish etc.

Pre-made ones could still be cool, but should be rarer (and preferably they'd be really unhelpfully shaped to make it challenging).

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How about, you don't have to put pre-created stuff in orbit, but you can build your own satellite?


The contract would define requirements for the satellite and its orbit (say, no more than 1 ton, no more than 10 parts, orbit between 300 and 400 km) that you have to meet, you build and launch it, then you hand it to your client (like "Run Test" button seen in one of the preview videos), said satellite is removed from the game and you get your money.

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The contract would define requirements for the satellite and its orbit (say, no more than 1 ton, no more than 10 parts, orbit between 300 and 400 km) that you have to meet, you build and launch it, then you hand it to your client (like "Run Test" button seen in one of the preview videos), said satellite is removed from the game and you get your money.

Really like that idea :-)

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Man, I hope not. Crapping up LKO with a bunch of pre-generated junk that has no relevance to my space program just sounds ... terrible.

I thought that the idea of a space program is to make space accessible. Launching private satellites is right up there. You get money and prestige, they get a instrument into orbit. I would say it is very much a part of your program, its the essence of the company. Why else would you be even developing and researching rockets? Discovery and exploration may be interesting, but they do not pay the bills...

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Solution is simple: have the satellite launches, but as soon as it launched into the correct orbit, it gets automatically turned over to the company that wanted the satellite. It will then become uncontrollable, but is persistent and will have collision when in render range. Then there is an option in the game settings where you can disable them (so as soon as you transfer them to the company, they disappear instead); best of both worlds!

Edited by Random Tank
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Or perhaps, instead of deleting it or losing control, it would be added to a new classification of celestial objects. Perhaps 'Private Satellite'? You could then show and hide those objects like you can debris or flags.

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Perhaps this is another niche for the "Stop Tracking" button. If you don't want to keep a satellite that a company has contracted you to launch, stop tracking it and let them worry about it, such that after a while it disappears from your vessels list like an untracked asteroid.

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I agree, satellites is something they ought to have as missions, along with space tourism, and more real life style science activities. However, at present, they don't seem to have companies which are appropriate for all of these.

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I like that idea. I mean I hope they aren't excessive (for the "crapping up LKO" reason) but it'd be fun to do a few of them, and have them stay. I usually launch a couple satellites anyway, even though I don't use a mod that requires it, just for the sake of roleplaying.

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I think it would be ideal to have them stay for a preset time, and then vanish to represent their being used and having their orbit "decay". Real space agencies deal with third-party satellites, don't they? It's got to be a money maker.

They could also be put in higher orbits than LKO anyway, because that is pretty useful to players and whether or not they put a marker on it, I'd not prefer to raise the chance of a collision.

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Oh my god, this is a great idea! Not only should we launch satellites, but this could open up new mission types to rescue satellites. Examples:

  • This company's satellite failed to open its solar panels (due to a servo malfunction-- definitely not because mission control forgot to extend them) and now the battery is dead. Rendezvous, EVA, and manually extend the panels.
  • Dock with and refuel this satellite with 150 units of monopropellant for station keeping
  • Add a new reaction wheel to this satellite by attaching the part via docking port (I admit, the Kepler space telescope inspired me here)
  • Dock with and boost this space station to a higher orbit to prevent its inevitable deorbiting (Skylab, anyone?)

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