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Contract Parts Pictures

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I would love to see a picture of the part in the contract offer window so I can decide if its a part Ill use within the next launch or two. Ive never bothered to learn the part names so I have to go back and forth to see which part the contract is talking about.

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On the flipside, I'd love if the logos on the contract screen made their way into the VAB somehow, whether as textures on the part or in the tooltips.

That too - I'd definitely prefer tooltips, since this would allow for manufacturer logos in the part description.

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The image below describes the user interface suggestion that I'm talking about.

I've logged about 2000 hours playing the game and I still don't know half the names of the parts. For me most of the parts are remembered as pictures and stats ("The big orange size-3 fuel tank that weighs 64" for example).

I've had to continually toggle back and forth and back and forth between the mission control and the VAB to see what the part each mission is talking about is. (And of course that only helps when it's a part I've unlocked in the VAB. When it's a mission to test a new still-locked part (i.e. it will appear with a blue backround in the parts bin if I accept the mission) then I have absolutely no idea what I'm committing to, and can't find out without an external wiki search on the name.

Yes, it's easy to see what the part is once you're in the VAB, but it helps to know what it is when making the decision to commit to the mission.

In the screenshot below, the part in question was always "the small diameter rust-colored stack-mounted one that does 30 thrust" in my mind, for example. The name was always forgotten:


For a player who's played only a few hours of the game they'll have even less of an idea what the part is from just the name.

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The image below describes the user interface suggestion that I'm talking about.

I've logged about 2000 hours playing the game and I still don't know half the names of the parts. For me most of the parts are remembered as pictures and stats ("The big orange size-3 fuel tank that weighs 64" for example).

I've had to continually toggle back and forth and back and forth between the mission control and the VAB to see what the part each mission is talking about is. (And of course that only helps when it's a part I've unlocked in the VAB. When it's a mission to test a new still-locked part (i.e. it will appear with a blue backround in the parts bin if I accept the mission) then I have absolutely no idea what I'm committing to, and can't find out without an external wiki search on the name.

Yes, it's easy to see what the part is once you're in the VAB, but it helps to know what it is when making the decision to commit to the mission.

In the screenshot below, the part in question was always "the small diameter rust-colored stack-mounted one that does 30 thrust" in my mind, for example. The name was always forgotten:


For a player who's played only a few hours of the game they'll have even less of an idea what the part is from just the name.

Absolutely, totally agree with this suggestion 100%.

I accepted a contract to test a decoupler hoping it would give me temporary use of the 2.5m version. The Mun mission I had planned could really use it and would give me more then enough science to unlock it for future use. Guess what I got: the 0.675m version. :mad:

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When reviewing a Test Part contract in MC, I am finding that I am unsure which parts are being referred to in the contract documents.

I identify parts visually mostly, not always by their name and numerical designation.

To resolve this I am forced to go to VAB to find the part, then go back to MC and accept or ignore contract.

To alleviate this: Please place the "Info Tile" (by this I mean the part button we have in VAB that displays information and a picture of the part) IN the MC contract for the part being referred to.

Thanks for considering!

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Totally agree.

It's sometimes hard to know what you are supposed to test.

Having the same part info of the editors when you mouse over the part name would be a good way to implement this.

Edited by tetryds
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Yea a picture would help. That way its easier to decide if its a part on is ready to test and also when taking many contracts and doing them on the same craft it makes even more sense to easier match up parts.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is a really good idea, especially for new(ish) players that aren't familiar with the part names (I've been playing for 2 years and I can barely remember the names).

Yep. Totally agreed.

It would be funny if you got extra cash for planting a flag corresponding to the company who sent you

Someone gave a suggestion for a "plant flag" missions to actually plant a flag of the company that ordered it.

This would make more sense considering that it's a type of mission that constantly re-spawns.

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Dear Devs. Would you consider including a picture of the part you need to test in these contracts?

There are only a few parts I know the official name off. Most of the time, I have to go and check in the VAB before I decide to take the contract, or not. So a picture included in the contract description would make life a lot easier :)


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