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[1.12.x] USI Exploration Pack - Small parts, big adventure! [v 0.6.0]


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I'm not sure which mod the scan-o-matic comes with any more so I'm posting here because I want to use it with the pac-rat. Rover, could you make the scan-o-matic KAS storable and attachable so that I can store it with the pack-rat in US containers under my mun lander?

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One is it's stack attachment, the other is to attach a docking port or decoupler. It's spaced so that a Rover can have docking ports on the roll cage and the RDS and auto dock when you're done playing :)

Yep... you can build a reusable skycrane lander that way. Land, rove around, return to the lander, redock, take off and land somewhere else, rove again

I am not opposed to a price review :) I think I did all of these right when the whole cost thing came out, so I expect it's due a balance pass.

If anyone wants to volunteer, I take pull requests!

The rover looks about right as a whole, given that most of the parts don't make sense independently anyway. It's just the seat thing that jumped out at me. Not tried the other parts enough to have an opinion on those.

Edited by Spheniscine
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On the topic of rover delivery, KAS attachable and storable scan-o-matic for the pack rat would be awesome....could anyone share a .cfg perhaps?

I would if I knew how...

Edited by Errol
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On the topic of rover delivery, KAS attachable and storable scan-o-matic for the pack rat would be awesome....could anyone share a .cfg perhaps?

I would if I knew how...

Well the easiest way to do it would be to find something that is about the same size as it that is already KAS attachable and storable, then go look at the part file of it and copy the KASModuleGrab module from it on to the Scan O Matic.

If I recall correctly, the Karborundum Scanner from Karbonite Plus is about the same size, and KAS attachable.

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I'm building the PackRat rover and I can't get the front section on the front chassis. Am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: I just needed to put the front on first. Nevermind. Also, how do I get it into the Rover Delivery System?

Edited by TheJewelOfJool
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Just use a regular stack decoupler upside down at the top and attach the roll cage to it. It will appear to float, and you need to make sure you attach it to the small node hidden inside the larger one.

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Would it be possible to make KAS containers "storable" on the rover? science crates are all good and fine, but having a kas container on a field assembled rover would be awesome.

Just take the science crate and mmconfig it into a kas crate.

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I'm having a bug with the HERP Pod. First, the kerbal in the HERP pod is displayed in the IVA window for *all* local vessels, regardless of being attached or not. Second, the IVA of the HERP Pod likes to display from the perspective of whatever other point the vessel is being controlled from (for example, right now the HERP Pod IVA is looking from the perspective of my docking port rather than the HERP Pod itself).

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I'm having a bug with the HERP Pod. First, the kerbal in the HERP pod is displayed in the IVA window for *all* local vessels, regardless of being attached or not. Second, the IVA of the HERP Pod likes to display from the perspective of whatever other point the vessel is being controlled from (for example, right now the HERP Pod IVA is looking from the perspective of my docking port rather than the HERP Pod itself).

Ive actually had the same thing though though it wasnt with the HERP pod, it was with the AES pod.

Was using it on a small mining vessel unconnected to my Main MKS base, Though i could still see the the kerbal in the IVA portraits in the lower right hand corner when the base was my active vessel.

I kinda accidentally crashed the miner and killed the poor kerbal so i dont have screenshots. Ill try to reproduce it on my test install while im playing with Rover's Beehive :D and report back.

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I've noticed that CIT and KERT are no longer being distributed in the pack, but the HERP_MaintPod still has ModuleResourceTransferEnabler. Has this functionality been folded into USI in some way or do we need to install KERT separately? I'm trying to catch up on changes since I took a break from KSP. I have seen that MKS/OKS now has automated distributors with matching resources based on the module type, and a EVA (engineer) operated ModuleFieldRepair that pulls from/pushes to attached parts on the same vessel defined as a warehouse, but nothing that would allow transfer between an unattached HERP_MaintPod to another vessel nearby.

I feel like I am missing something and my usual google mastery is failing me.

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Hey RoverDude,

I have been investigating a problem with the rover mini wheel where you pull it from a KAS container, use it, put it back in the container and retrieve it again. After retrieving it a second time, the part does not fit onto the back of the kerbal. I suspect that some kind of state is being stored along with the wheel and that is causing the problem. KASModuleGrab has a field called stateless and it defaults to true. For the PackRat miniwheel, the stateless variable is set to false. I am at work and cannot check right now but would setting that stateless variable to true fix the issue? I am not familiar with wheels in KSP, is there a need to save the state of the miniwheel?

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Yup, just confirmed that setting the stateless parameter to true does the trick. I can now repeatedly store and retrieve mini wheels without the attachment issues. Question is though, why was setting the stateless parameter in the mini wheel's KASModuleGrab necessary? I just don't know enough about how wheels work to know...

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There is an error in UmbraSpaceIndustries/ExpPack/AES/Spaces/AES_Internal:

Load(Model): UmbraSpaceIndustries/ExpPack/AES/Spaces/AES_Internal

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

File error:
Failed to read past end of stream.
at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadByte () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.BinaryReader.Read7BitEncodedInt () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadString () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at A. .ReadTextures (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.GameObject o) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at A. .ReadChild (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at A. . (.UrlFile ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

Model load error in 'C:\Kerbal Space Program 90 x86\GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\ExpPack\AES\Spaces\AES_Internal.mu'

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