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[1.12.x] USI Exploration Pack - Small parts, big adventure! [v 0.6.0]


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I'm experimenting with packrat too. For now I have only some semi-assembled packrat-zombies wandering around but hope it'll change in future.

For me main problem right now is that attachment nodes in front section are not recognized by KIS so it can't snap-attach using them or it looks so.

Will share cfg fix and instruction if I'll manage to assemble it fully.

- - - Updated - - -

And there is problem with external seat - it have no icon in R&D and KIS which leads to strange behaviour and makes it almost unusable with KIS. So for now I use AES Pod instead, it's not perfect but fits well and works with KIS.

Upd: well, AES pod actually don't fit. Sad.

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Upd: Looks like KIS can attach parts only to nodes properly aligned with model surface and is confused when nodes of one part spread over another parts because it then tries to find attachment points of part under mouse pointer and finds nothing. Workaround is to use weird camera angle so mouse pointer is over model of part with floating attachment nodes and over needed attachment node itself at the same time.

I will try to move some attachment nodes from front part to chassis and to fix nodes in front part to be recognized by KIS so it could be attached to other parts.

For now my status is: chassis and wheels are connected and looks working. I'd like to test if wheels are aligned properly by attaching cabin and trying to drive but I found that attachment of something to docking port via KIS don't allow to perform undock so have to find another workaround to detach rover from construction stand.

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Upd: docking port jr exploded my construction stand and launchpad when I tried to attach it to another docking port jr to check it it's possible to perform undock in such configuration - don't try to reproduce at home.

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Upd: Here is my little packrat-abomination in current state (without any changes to configs at all):


AES pod added after detachment from construction stand. Detachment performed using decoupler. Wheels are working fine but sometimes there could be problems with inverted direction, will investigate it but have to not forget bigger battery next time.

For wheels - I'd like to disable surface attachment for them leaving only "top" node - will make attachment to chassis easier as when attaching to chassis you have to switch from surface attachment to top node anyway and I don't think someone will use parckrat wheels for something else.

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Upd: I thing it's last version before I start trying to fix configs

http://c2n.me/3hjT7zq.png - rover abomination on construction stand

http://c2n.me/3hjU7vJ.png - rover abomination after decoupling and attaching additional AES pod

http://c2n.me/3hjVnWu.png - rover abomination ready to action

Now it's time to fix configs for front and rear parts to return packrat it's original look.

P.S. don't know to blame myself, RoverDude or KospY but it looks like brakes are not functional for this abomination.

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Upd: I managed to assemble it with minimal fix to front part - removed some spaces and disabled surface attachment and KIS started to recognize nodes in it. Actually KIS is still a bit confused - it says that first node have no name but cycling through nodes works now.


node_stack_core01 = 0,.1,-.85,0,0,-1,0
node_stack_attach07 = 0,.22,-.3,0,1,0,0
node_stack_attach08 = 0,.22,.35,0,1,0,0
node_stack_attach09 = 0,.22,1,0,1,0,0
node_stack_attach01 = -.35,.22,-.3,0,1,0,0
node_stack_attach02 = .35,.22,-.3,0,1,0,0
node_stack_attach03 = -.35,.22,.35,0,1,0,0
node_stack_attach04 = .35,.22,.35,0,1,0,0
node_stack_attach05 = -.35,.22,1,0,1,0,0
node_stack_attach06 = .35,.22,1,0,1,0,0
node_stack_attach = 0,.85,.35,0,1,0,0
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

It's not final as some nodes in some parts require 180 degree turn to be done for parts to look naturally after attachment and node order should be altered for some parts as starting from wheel node as attachment point for chassis makes little sense.

And I still consider moving some nodes from front part to chassis as camera workaround is only functional but not really comfortable to use. Wheels may have more love as well - removing surface attachment from them still looks valid for me.

There is one thing I can do nothing with by myself - command seats both stock and packrat not showing in R&D and KIS in 1.0.

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What I have found so far is:

1. I can with enough practice I can assemble it without any .cfg modification. You can manually snap parts together. The wheels are difficult though

2. By adding the following code to the chassis cfg files I can snap the wheels perfectly onto the chassis.

name = ModuleKISPartMount
sndStorePath = KIS/Sounds/containerMount
allowRelease = true
attachNode = wheel01
allowedPartName= PackRat_MiniWheel
attachNode = wheel02
allowedPartName= PackRat_MiniWheel


3. When I try similar code to say, snap the front chassis to the back, it "works" in that it attaches at the correct nodes, but the parts are not oriented correctly. For example with the chassis it makes it like the back chassis is folded over the front. I don't understand enough about cfg files to adjust that. The wheels have been the only problematic part for me to assemble however so it hasn't been a huge problem so far.

4. using the KIS pylon has been the biggest trouble. Trying to assemble the packrat without a pylon has generally met with parts being dropped and exploding. The problem with the KIS pylon (which I have asked in the KIS thread) is that you cannot seem to simply remove it like you could with the old KAS pylon. This has left me with a pretty packrat completely anchored to the ground on top of the pylon.

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Ok this is good.

Do me a favor. Do a video showing how you assemble this.

What I can do is create a part that can be ground attached and also destroyed/decoupled to serve as the base, and I can easily shuffle part orientations around.

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  RoverDude said:
Ok this is good.

Do me a favor. Do a video showing how you assemble this.

What I can do is create a part that can be ground attached and also destroyed/decoupled to serve as the base, and I can easily shuffle part orientations around.

I will see if I can do one in a bit after I get all these pesky client issues out of the way. :)

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  RoverDude said:
Ok this is good.

Do me a favor. Do a video showing how you assemble this.

What I can do is create a part that can be ground attached and also destroyed/decoupled to serve as the base, and I can easily shuffle part orientations around.

I already thought about it, but before that I want to make fixes to attachment nodes in config files to make process as easy as possible.

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  RoverDude said:
I can actually handle some model rotations, etc. on my end if that makes things more expedient.

Well, I've recorded a video and tomorrow will make pull request with whatever I have. Rotation bees may come from models but they are minor ones as KIS allows to rotate parts while attaching.


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  prog said:
Well, I've recorded a video and tomorrow will make pull request with whatever I have. Rotation bees may come from models but they are minor ones as KIS allows to rotate parts while attaching.


LOL I just uploaded one as well. But you were first and yours is better so you win. I just used a KAS pylon for now so I could make sure I was able to get in and ride away, but I like your workaround.


BTW Rover in the process I adjusted the MKS/OKS parts to have proper KIS storage if you want those.

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Pull request in dev branch. I hope I did it in a right way as last time I touched git for pull request was four years ago or even more - using mostly svn at work.

BTW, I have feature request - decoupler that could be recharged by engineer as stock one can't be reused as far as I know. Will post issue as well, but no pull request.

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RoverDude, docking ports have a lot of bees while used with KIS and require more parts to be used. Detailed possibilities in github issue. If it's to difficult to implement - don't waste your time as decouplers are cheap and light while KAS already have good workaround using winches and/or magnets.

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Hello there, I don't know if anyone has signaled it yet but the ModuleRCSFX included in the Exploration Pack mod is causing serious troubles when trying to EVA in space.

I was not able to control anything and had to diagnostic it with a new stock save to isolate, adding mods mods in a dichotomic way.

So yeah, without this directory in my GameData, all is fine!

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Hi RoverDude, I'm not sure if this has been raised before (and I'm sorry for the repeat if it has, and a solution has already been identified), but has it happened before that, in the HERP Pod's IVA, once the craft gets off the ground/hits a certain altitude, the navball markers float around in space over the navball? I can't remember if I ran into this same thing while playing with the part pre-1.0 (it hasn't when I played it getting back to the game in 0.90 a couple months back... but I think I recall running into this problem before last year, but with another part?). As a point of comparison, it doesn't happen when I jump into a plane with a stock cockpit. Haven't tested other cockpits, though.

Screenshot and screenshot of mods installed:

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Based on this post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100798-1-0-Alcubierre-Warp-Drive-%28Stand-alone%29-v0-2-0-2015-04-27?p=1649843&viewfull=1#post1649843, I think it might be Texture Replacer, considering that was the "thing I did different now than I did before" (pre-1.0, I just went with ATM-aggressive). If it also helps, with that many mods I'm pinging Sentinel Memory Monitor's "yellow alert" (70% of available memory to the game used up--I really need to complete some custom configs so I can finally load up ATM :) ).

If the solution is more from TR's end than here, I'll understand and pass it on to them. In any case, though, it's not a pressing issue for me (outside cam's navball still works okay, after all!). Just thought you might like to know, in case a fix is possible.

Much thanks for any help--and for the parts pack in the first place.

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I'm sure you've already discovered and it will be fixed in the next version, but just in case ... I can't get any of the parts in ExpPack and FTT that require FireSpitter to load* up -- the version packaged with your mod or the updated one.

* I mean it hangs on start up for each part that tries to load a Firespitter module and I have to disable those parts for the game to start.

Edited by Zach9236
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