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[0.24] StarSystems v0.2


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I've looked everywhere, and I can't find the answer. So, I'll ask. HOW DO YOU INSTALL THIS? I've dragged the folders into the KSP folder but nothing happened.

This and the PlanetFactory thread are being commandeered by idiots who just joined who can't figure out how to install mods.

Please, read how to install mods before you post in this thread.

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This and the PlanetFactory thread are being commandeered by idiots who just joined who can't figure out how to install mods.

Please, read how to install mods before you post in this thread.

I've installed plenty of mods. They are not all installed the same way. Some of them go in the root folder, and apparently some go in other folders. Most of them come with good documentation, but this mod does not. Why don't you stop being an elitist prick and help the community out?

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This and the PlanetFactory thread are being commandeered by idiots who just joined who can't figure out how to install mods.

Please, read how to install mods before you post in this thread.

I've installed plenty of mods. They are not all installed the same way. Some of them go in the root folder, and apparently some go in other folders. Most of them come with good documentation, but this mod does not. Why don't you stop being an elitist prick and help the community out?

Calm down children.

Pdidty, simply put the StarSystems folder in your Gamedata folder. It sounds like you're trying to put it in the old way, without the gamedata folder.

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I've installed plenty of mods. They are not all installed the same way. Some of them go in the root folder, and apparently some go in other folders. Most of them come with good documentation, but this mod does not. <SNIP>


First, all mods end up with pretty much the same result: a folder inside ~/GameData. There should be no mods (or included folders) in anywhere OUTSIDE ~/GameData. If it modifies behaviour or functionality it goes in GameData, period. (Squad did this. Those folders in the gameroot (~) are artifacts of a bygone day.) That being a rule there are, of course, exceptions:

Exception 1: You can put craft files (.craft) in the ~/Ships/VAB(SPH) and, IIRCC, any craft files in those folders will be copied to your savefile if you modify them and save. (I think, but pretty sure.)

Exception 2: The same goes for ~/Subassemblies.

General Troubleshooting:

Many problems arise because of nesting and/or incorrect placement of folders. Go back and check the folders you dragged over. Look inside. Make sure you dragged mod folder; not a folder containing the mod folder.

In some cases, some modders place their mods inside a top level folder with the same name and then compress that. Other times it is your compression software which extracts the contents to an application-generated folder that has the same name as the compressed file. Both situations, subsequently server to confuse the crap out of newbies and frustrates old-timers alike. Fear not, you are not alone; I still do it. :huh:

I'm betting you did one or both of the following:

1. Uncompressed StarSystems and dragged resulting folder into ~/GameData. It is highly likely you'll find another folder with that folder named StarSystems. That nested folder is the one you want.

2. You took the Plugins folder out of StarSystems and put it in the /Plugins folder OUTSIDE /GameData. THAT is a no-no and only complicates your problem and troubleshooting.

In the case of StarSystems, It looks like you should have a folder tree something like this:





For any other mods, regardless of what they do:





One general note to EVERYONE:

If a modder snaps at you ... take a breath before you respond. Often, they are a one-man-show. Other times they are frustrated with their collaborators. ALL OF THE TIME they are frustrated with fielding a never-ending barrage of questions, comments, moans, groans, gripes, complaints, platitudes and a spattering of genuine appreciation.

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When can we expect an update on this mod? Soonish?

Four things come to mind:

1. Read back a few pages before asking a common question.

2. Try using the search thread function at the top right of the thread. You know, the link that says "Search Thread".

3. Google it. Use <search query> site:forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com Works wonders. (Though, this is one of those little known, seldom used reserve activation clauses.)

4. Augustus ... breath.

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When can we expect an update on this mod? Soonish?

Since I was an assistant developer I am working on my own new version, which will include instantiating stars from scratch and either Kopernicus compatibility or the ability tomake gas giants.


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Since I was an assistant developer I am working on my own new version, which will include instantiating stars from scratch and either Kopernicus compatibility or the ability tomake gas giants.


Wow not bad, how are the escape trajetories and planet SOI's behaving by the way? Are there any common issues? I'll definitely check this out!

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Since I was an assistant developer I am working on my own new version, which will include instantiating stars from scratch and either Kopernicus compatibility or the ability tomake gas giants.


Awesome! I'm glad to see that you're not letting this die. I can do bug reporting for you when I get the chance. Like now. When you launch a ship towards another star without warp drive, and you switch to another ship still in the kerbol system, the Kraken tends to attack the ship in orbit around the black hole. Kinda annoying when you're launching probes for all of that sweet, juicy science. And Kopernicus support would be better, IMO.

Also, you said in the post that you're going to be automatically moving PF planets like Sentar to around Dolas. Is there a way to make this optional? I have them in orbit around my own custom star already.

Edited by FluffySilverUnicorn
Had a thought
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Awesome! I'm glad to see that you're not letting this die. I can do bug reporting for you when I get the chance. Like now. When you launch a ship towards another star without warp drive, and you switch to another ship still in the kerbol system, the Kraken tends to attack the ship in orbit around the black hole. Kinda annoying when you're launching probes for all of that sweet, juicy science. And Kopernicus support would be better, IMO.

Also, you said in the post that you're going to be automatically moving PF planets like Sentar to around Dolas. Is there a way to make this optional? I have them in orbit around my own custom star already.

I also have systems in place, so I hope that will be an option.

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You can ask some planet-makers for some cooperation. It will be cool to see some planets orbiting those two guys! Sentar Sido's Urania maybe? Oh and there sould be max 1 habitable planet/moon for each system (not counting laythe and Kerbin, they were there long before the mod), because in almost every planet pack has 3-4 moons with water and breathable atmosphere orbitng one gas giant. Planets with life should be oasis(es?) in space, not the common things.

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Wait, so Kopernicus is combining with star systems?

How will I make my asteroids orbit Kerbol instead of the black hole?

You also have your own planet mod don't you? can you teach somehow me about texturing (YT tutorial maybe)? Realistic terrain for planets? I have some cool ideas for my own planet pack!

Edited by bartekkru99
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You can ask some planet-makers for some cooperation. It will be cool to see some planets orbiting those two guys! Sentar Sido's Urania maybe? Oh and there sould be max 1 habitable planet/moon for each system (not counting laythe and Kerbin, they were there long before the mod), because in almost every planet pack has 3-4 moons with water and breathable atmosphere orbitng one gas giant. Planets with life should be oasis(es?) in space, not the common things.

As there is no official planets for the mod, you can pick and choose which planet packs you want so that livable planets are rare. Or you can get packs and remove life sustaining moons moons manually. Also remember, not all planets with atmospheres are livable. Even if they have a liquid.(Eve, Duna, Polo from Kaiser)

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I googled his name and found out that he posted something on Reddit 9 days ago. BUT HE IS ALIVE! (As of 9 days ago)

Edited by KasperVld
removed obnoxious formatting
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You also have your own planet mod don't you? can you teach somehow me about texturing (YT tutorial maybe)? Realistic terrain for planets? I have some cool ideas for my own planet pack!

I can't draw things well. I struggle at drawing ships, I just extract the textures and height map from planets I find in Space Engine, so since that doesn't work for making those PQS addition things like for making huge mountains I'm struggling at making those.

Also, most of my pack is asteroids, I just decided to add a gas giant with moons.

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Do you know, where can I find this Copernicus (i feel so proud of my country when I'm hearing his name) mod?

It's Kopernicus.

- - - Updated - - -

Wait, so Kopernicus is combining with star systems?

How will I make my asteroids orbit Kerbol instead of the black hole?

We aren't combining. I just said they can use my code.

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