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[0.24] StarSystems v0.2


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  OvenProofMars said:
Would you care to elaborate? what happened, version etc.

on 0.24, I set up this rather nifty interstellar ship complete with warp drive hAQxjxT.png

I entered warp en route to Corbo and naturally, due to extreme distances, I activated timewarp

when I exited timewarp, this sh*t happens EDUfDLs.png

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Is interstellar working with .24? And has anyone heard of a potential update for it to integrate into the new career mode features? A balanced struggle to get funding for warp travel would be great.

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  Westi29 said:
Here's a quick video I made showcasing some capabilities of your mod!

How stable is it to download PlanetFactory mods alongside this one, like you did? Megalodon stated that his PC+SS combo is extremely glitchy, so I'm reluctant. Also, how did you make Sentar and other systems orbit the other stars? I'm curious. And what mod is the one that involved the rainbow gas giant?

Also, do HyperEdit and RasterPropMonitor work with this mod?

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  Commissioner Tadpole said:
How stable is it to download PlanetFactory mods alongside this one, like you did?

I mixed and matched the planets, but Urania didn't want to work, neither did Barry or any other planet pack that included their own version of a fake star.

  Commissioner Tadpole said:
Megalodon stated that his PC+SS combo is extremely glitchy, so I'm reluctant. Also, how did you make Sentar and other systems orbit the other stars?

I edited their config files to change what body they orbited, instead of = sun, I put = corbo or = dolas

  Commissioner Tadpole said:
I'm curious. And what mod is the one that involved the rainbow gas giant?

That is the Kaiser Planet Pack

  Commissioner Tadpole said:
Also, do HyperEdit and RasterPropMonitor work with this mod?

No idea, don't use either sorry!

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  Commissioner Tadpole said:
How stable is it to download PlanetFactory mods alongside this one, like you did? Megalodon stated that his PC+SS combo is extremely glitchy, so I'm reluctant. Also, how did you make Sentar and other systems orbit the other stars? I'm curious. And what mod is the one that involved the rainbow gas giant?

Also, do HyperEdit and RasterPropMonitor work with this mod?

Hyperedit works, RasterPropMonitor doesn't

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Well, my known KSC universe just got a whole lot more interesting!

Here's why:

So, as of now the known KSC universe.


But we go deeper into the universe, and what do we find?

Gas giant Sentaur and little spinning ball of Death Inaccessible!


And yet we go deeper......what other wonders lay before Kerbinkind?

A ring of asteroids, probably what was left of a protoplanet. What ripped it apart?


And deeper.......what lies in the 'locker?

Planet Ascension, whirling around a unknown centre, possibly getting sucked into the black void, one day joining it's near infinite mass and gravity....


And yet, we see something orbiting inside Ascension, taunting the near-impossible physics and balance needed to stay in orbit?

Planet Ablate


Like I said, my universe just got a whole lot more interesting......Not sure if it's stable, but even at 20C (my fastest FTL ship) the time to find out would be game decades.

EDIT: I'll probably crack open the .cfg files and put the planet and asteroids back where they should be.....maybe.

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Well, it's stable enough to do a 20C flight in a probe to the red giant.

Just a bit over 4.5 trillion metres away. Not that far in celestial terms.

But, it is a red giant. Big mother too! I was in a elliptical orbit with a 1.5 million metre perigee. Probe was travelling a bit over 123,000 m/s.

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Not really noticing a FPS drop on my rig, but the configuration with StarSystems and PlanetFactory isn't what I call 100% stable.

For example, None of the PlanetFactory mods (planets) are around Kerbol. They are orbiting around the Black hole. Interesting, but not what I was looking for.

Kerbin sometimes starts at the dead centre orbiting the Black Hole, but when you select the Kerbol system, Kerbin pops right where it's should be, and it seems to stay there.

The 2 suns (Red Giant, Blue Dwarf) appear to be stable enough to visit with a probe, but there doesn't appear to be any science. My probe didn't detect any matter/antimatter/exotic material when in orbit of the Red Giant. Orbits around the suns appear to be normal, albeit the Red Giant's orbit is damn near the size of Jool's orbit, and the sun is FRICKIN HUGE!! I renamed it Betelgeuse for a good reason.

The blue dwarf is small, only 15,000 km in diameter, but it's dense. Much denser than Kerbol. Orbits will be small and fast. Like Moho on crack. I renamed it Vega because it seems to fit.

The PlanetFactory's Gas Giant Sentar isn't configurable, so there is no moving it. However, the other planets are. It might be possible to move them around either around Kerbol, around Kerbin, or the other suns.

Edited by GDJ
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Pfff....finally managed to load a large save without losing any vessels (or even debris). The game really didn't like me moving the original planets to a new referencebody. This fix did introduce a small bug that when you immediately try to launch a vehicle after loading a save it shoots up into the air, but just reloading or going to the tracking station before you launch makes anything launch just fine again. I'll do some more testing and if everything works I will have a new version up tomorrow.

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  Poryy said:
All we need is planetfactory support and bam. Skywhale.

What we need is an open licensed alternative to Planet Factory.

An alternative made by someone with at least two neurons and that does not have an ego bigger than this forum.

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  aftokinito said:
What we need is an open licensed alternative to Planet Factory.

An alternative made by someone with at least two neurons and that does not have an ego bigger than this forum.

I've started collaborating with fastwings. He's already modularized the code and made it more object based. We're going to start working on a non ram intensive way of creating planets, and make it more procedural compared to PF:CE.

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