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[0.90.0] Fine Print vSTOCK'D - BETA RELEASE!!! (December 15)


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Rendezvous & docking maneuvers could be interesting. I also had a few ideas about sending Kerbals on geology traverses that might work well with the waypoint orientated missions. Mun & Duna have a few interesting spots I could create a realistic geological traverse for.

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For the Orbits contracts i see an orbit in the map screen (I have to do a Polar Orbit) as lines but cannot see the orbit info (Inclination, AP and PE) do i have to visually match the orbit? or will just getting to a polar orbit at any PE/AP work? because I cannot seem to complete the contract requirement:

"Reach Designated Polar Orbit around Kerbin with a deviation of less that 7%"

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For the Orbits contracts i see an orbit in the map screen (I have to do a Polar Orbit) as lines but cannot see the orbit info (Inclination, AP and PE) do i have to visually match the orbit? or will just getting to a polar orbit at any PE/AP work? because I cannot seem to complete the contract requirement:

"Reach Designated Polar Orbit around Kerbin with a deviation of less that 7%"

If you're trying to match at any apoapsis or periapsis, then you will have trouble, because you need to specifically match the apoapsis and periapsis of the orbit shown. Those aren't visible to you, (read my signature), so you will have to eyeball it carefully. It's a pretty simple affair to visually match an orbit. If you want one side to be further out, burn prograde on the other side. If you want the inclination to match, find where the orbits form an X, either side, and burn normal or antinormal (the purple handles on a maneuver node), using the maneuver node to match it up.

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Some missions are just nonsense:

Description:Reach the designated equatorial orbit around Kerbin with a deviation of less than 3%

Kinda missing some important info there, eh? Like Apoapsis. Periapsis.

I looked in the Tracking Station, and it appears the orbit is highly elliptical (if I'm looking at the right one). However, if gives no info either. I guess I''m just supposed to launch a rocket and hope I have enough fuel to hit the orbit and adjust the orbit so the periapsis and apoapsis are right where they should be. I see the periapsis is outside the Mun's orbit and the apoapsis is inside of Minmus. And that's assuming it's the right orbit I'm looking at.

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you are doing a great job, appreciate your hard work!

oh, and is it possible to do a contract where you go to a planet and mine a certain amount of 'karbonite' and return...? Or use ORS (open resource system) to give a contract to skim helium3 from Jool's atmosphere and return? Not sure if it is able to tie in contracts with resources. Seems like a logical progression.

Edited by bigbadben
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Some missions are just nonsense:

Description:Reach the designated equatorial orbit around Kerbin with a deviation of less than 3%

Kinda missing some important info there, eh? Like Apoapsis. Periapsis.

I looked in the Tracking Station, and it appears the orbit is highly elliptical (if I'm looking at the right one). However, if gives no info either. I guess I''m just supposed to launch a rocket and hope I have enough fuel to hit the orbit and adjust the orbit so the periapsis and apoapsis are right where they should be. I see the periapsis is outside the Mun's orbit and the apoapsis is inside of Minmus. And that's assuming it's the right orbit I'm looking at.

Every time I post, I now leave bolded text in my signature. I set this up for people that don't have the time to read the entire thread. Please read my signature. Thank you.

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not sure if it was suggested before, aerial surveys spawn too high for low tech levels. Until turbo jets and larger wings are unlocked an airplane struggles to touch 12Km, some surveys require much higher altitudes. I think that the altitude of surveys should increase with difficulty, with the easiest contracts spawning at 6-10Km. Data collection time will also change the nature of the contract, currently a hypersonic flyby does well enough, but longer data collection can require slower planes and even VTOL capabilities for hovering.

Is it possible to generate "proof of concept" contracts? something that goes like "make a ship containing these parts capable of doing the following". For example make an SSTO with a wet mass less then (or greater than) X, or a crew hauler capable of X crew, or a satellite with x,y instruments (another layer for satellite contracts?). I feel that these could have pretty interesting problems that will force players to deviate from their usual designs.

Overall this is a great mod, some of the contracts are pretty fun.

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not sure if it was suggested before, aerial surveys spawn too high for low tech levels. Until turbo jets and larger wings are unlocked an airplane struggles to touch 12Km, some surveys require much higher altitudes. I think that the altitude of surveys should increase with difficulty, with the easiest contracts spawning at 6-10Km. Data collection time will also change the nature of the contract, currently a hypersonic flyby does well enough, but longer data collection can require slower planes and even VTOL capabilities for hovering.

Is it possible to generate "proof of concept" contracts? something that goes like "make a ship containing these parts capable of doing the following". For example make an SSTO with a wet mass less then (or greater than) X, or a crew hauler capable of X crew, or a satellite with x,y instruments (another layer for satellite contracts?). I feel that these could have pretty interesting problems that will force players to deviate from their usual designs.

Overall this is a great mod, some of the contracts are pretty fun.

Proof of concept is a decent idea, I like it. I agree with your feedback on Aerial Surveys. I haven't had any comments about it because I imagine most people flying planes have the later engine, but I have noticed that even with the turbojet, sometimes those waypoints spawn pretty high. My test jet has a turbojet. I'll look into lowering these for trivial contracts, thanks for your feedback.

Also, we made Modding Mondays, so I'd like to thank everybody for their feedback once again. Development has gone quickly, the mod pretty much started half a month ago, but the feedback has been instrumental in helping me get things done right - all of the logs and suggestions and praise and even complaints have shaped the state of the mod. I've tried to react to any concerns quickly, and I will continue to do so.

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Every time I post, I now leave bolded text in my signature. I set this up for people that don't have the time to read the entire thread. Please read my signature. Thank you.

Roger that! I'll read that hence forth. Excellent idea.

Oh, and Congratulations on your Modding Mondays selection. Well-deserved.

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I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but would recovery contracts be possible?

As an example: a top-secret Probodobodyne test satellite has been knocked out of commission by a solar flare. Probodobodyne management would like you to recover the nonresponsive craft and return it intact to Kerbin.

  • A multi-part satellite would be spawned in orbit, which the player must somehow return to the surface intact.
  • Satellites can be in several configurations, some with docking ports and some with none.
  • Orbits are random, and can be occur around any planet or satellite (difficulty-weighted towards the Kerbin system, obviously).
  • Possibly, assuming you can spawn objects on planetary surfaces safely, a small landed craft might need to be recovered from the surface of a body.

It seems like the building blocks of this kind of contract are already in place, any thoughts?

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Proof of concept is a decent idea, I like it. I agree with your feedback on Aerial Surveys. I haven't had any comments about it because I imagine most people flying planes have the later engine, but I have noticed that even with the turbojet, sometimes those waypoints spawn pretty high. My test jet has a turbojet. I'll look into lowering these for trivial contracts, thanks for your feedback.

I have no problems reaching heights of 20000 with my basic engine jet, but I found these missions annoying for a different reason. If your waypoints are on the other side of the earth, then my basic engine jet needs an hour to reach the other side of Kerbin. This is not fun.

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I have no problems reaching heights of 20000 with my basic engine jet

I take it you're not running FAR / NEAR / AJE then? With the current release of FAR basic jets won't go much beyond mach 1 so while reaching those altitudes is possible, staying there is another story.

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I have no problems reaching heights of 20000 with my basic engine jet, but I found these missions annoying for a different reason. If your waypoints are on the other side of the earth, then my basic engine jet needs an hour to reach the other side of Kerbin. This is not fun.

Don't complain too loudly, I do my aerial surveys with the KAX prop engines. Try flying around Kerbin with a prop plane, and designing one that can fly that high.

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Just tried the mod - did a rover mission on Kerbin

It's quite fun

A few things I am sort of missing:

1) A visual marker i the game world for where the nav points were. I could only see them on the planetary map or the nav ball. This would be a nice-to-have, no a need-to-have

2) A more important thing: An explanation of what the moonbase missions means by "neutralize controls for 10 seconds" - I have no idea what this means, so I don't know how to do it.

- equally, then the moonbase mission I'm looking at doesn't specify if it all has to be one giant structure, or several independent structures. Because landing a huge 3xhab pod and science lab mega structure on the moon is... tricky...

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Proof of concept is a decent idea, I like it. I agree with your feedback on Aerial Surveys. I haven't had any comments about it because I imagine most people flying planes have the later engine, but I have noticed that even with the turbojet, sometimes those waypoints spawn pretty high. My test jet has a turbojet. I'll look into lowering these for trivial contracts, thanks for your feedback.

Also, we made Modding Mondays, so I'd like to thank everybody for their feedback once again. Development has gone quickly, the mod pretty much started half a month ago, but the feedback has been instrumental in helping me get things done right - all of the logs and suggestions and praise and even complaints have shaped the state of the mod. I've tried to react to any concerns quickly, and I will continue to do so.

Heh, I've managed all of the aerial survey contracts with a single pilot prop plane built with KAX radial props Shown with and without the side mounted drop tanks.:


A lot of Kerbals died in the design of that baby.

Edited by vardicd
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2) A more important thing: An explanation of what the moonbase missions means by "neutralize controls for 10 seconds" - I have no idea what this means, so I don't know how to do it.

It just means switch off SAS / RCS and cut throttle. It's to prevent incidents like this one where I completed the contract during a crash landing.

I really like the rover missions now. The scatter distance and detector sensitivity are just right IMHO.

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It just means switch off SAS / RCS and cut throttle. It's to prevent incidents like this one where I completed the contract during a crash landing.

I really like the rover missions now. The scatter distance and detector sensitivity are just right IMHO.

Fair enough.

Though it would be nice if the rover nav points showed in the game world, like flags or other vessels do

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Hello ! I just read a few pages of this topic but couldn't find any answer to my problem. I am trying to complete a satellite launch mission : I need to put a satellite with antenna into a polar orbit. I do have the orbital waypoint and I reached the requested orbit, but the contract doesn't complete...Could somebody tell me what I am doing wrong ?

Even with these little problems, I have to say that this mod is soooooo cool and really improve the contract system, so really good work and thank you for that ;)



(click on the pictures for real size)

Edited by ToyToy
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Hello ! I just read a few pages of this topic but couldn't find any answer to my problem. I am trying to complete a satellite launch mission : I need to put a satellite with antenna into a polar orbit. I do have the orbital waypoint and I reached the requested orbit, but the contract doesn't complete...Could somebody tell me what I am doing wrong ?

Even with these little problems, I have to say that this mod is soooooo cool and really improve the contract system, so really good work and thank you for that ;)



(click on the pictures for real size)

Hard to say but it seems like you haven't actually matched the orbit. Your orbit is a fair bit inside the required orbit. Raise your PE and AP a bit. Looks like you have the inclination pretty spot on though.

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In the first place my Pe and Ap were a little bit higer, didn't work...

I'm using a lot of mods, but I don't think that is the problem (mods don't "change" the orbit of my probe...)

You confirm that I should just need to match the orbital waypoint on the screen and voila ?

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