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[0.90.0] Fine Print vSTOCK'D - BETA RELEASE!!! (December 15)


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  Sodcavardos said:
Hi there. The High attitude survey mission of your mod is so good for me to gain some easy credits, and I like it so much. Even though, It has a problem with the mission Icon, that after I finished the mission, it still appears there, on the map. The system still works fine, but the Icon annoying me a lots.

Is it possible that you have seen the preview icons from another/next offered mission?

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I've got a problem where whenever I quit and return to my saves (all of them) all my current contracts disappear! This doesn't appear to happen without FinePrint installed. Any ideas for what I can do about it? I have tried creating a brand new save, accepting a (stock) contract, then quitting and restarting and the contract is gone.

Many thanks!

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I've got a suggestion for an alternative name for the "kelio-" prefix, that is "kebo-" (pronounced KEE-bo). I like this a bit better than "kelio-", I love that the mod's config files allows me to change this for myself, but I figured I'd tell other people about my idea.

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  stanbeard said:

I've got a problem where whenever I quit and return to my saves (all of them) all my current contracts disappear! This doesn't appear to happen without FinePrint installed. Any ideas for what I can do about it? I have tried creating a brand new save, accepting a (stock) contract, then quitting and restarting and the contract is gone.

Many thanks!

Sounds like it's doing the patch reset every time. Check a few things:

Check that when this happens, you see a patch reset in your debug log. Just hit alt F12 after you load up your game and look for any orange text with the words Fine Print in it.

Check to make sure that for whatever reason your Fine Print configuration file is not read only. When the patch reset happens, it modifies the configuration file. If it can't do that, it'll keep happening.

Check that no mods are modifying your save data in odd ways.

Check that you are running the latest version of Fine Print.

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You're going to want to go through Kethane's part definitions and figure out what the resource is called (probably Kethane), change any mention of Karbonite in the configuration file to the name of the resource. Then you want to go through each part and make a list of parts for Kethane to put in the tech unlocks section. This will control when the mission appears (if you research any of the technology there, it'll unlock ISRU missions).

When I say "part name", you're actually looking for what it is referred to in the code, not what you read in game. You'll see two names in the part configuration file one says "name =" and one says "title =", you want the name.

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  Arsonide said:
trimPitch = 0.024

This line is in your save, on an asteroid. I assume you tapped you trim key on accident, which causes the vessel to constantly exert a force, you have to kill your trim with I think shift X. The trimmed vessel is probably the one you undocked. If you leave it trimmed, it will spin slowly on it's own.

Thank you!! I had a landed mobile base that had trim set for reasons unknown, key mashing maybe. I would have never thought of this (reset trim is alt-X by default on Windows)

Awesome mod Arsonide, thanks for making it for us all!

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Guys I want to apologize in advance, compatibility with 0.25 is probably not going to be very fast. I started making Fine Print after 0.24 came out, so I have never modded through a patch before. Please be patient after 0.25 comes out, while I go through everything and make sure it's working properly.

Since not all of the changes are announced yet, some of them might require balance changes, and I'll need to play a bit to figure out where those are necessary. I'd asked for experimental access, as I know some of the more popular mods get a head start on this sort of thing, but didn't get a response, so it may be a bit before I get properly integrated after the patch comes out.

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I have a quick question, but I wanted to thank you for the mod first. It really adds a lot to the game.

I see some posts where you have added support for other mods. Could you add support for ModularMultiWheels7 by TouhouTorpedo? The wheels are great but don't register on the rover missions. I think you will need the Module names for the wheels and I would be glad to collect them for you after I clear it with TT if you need them.

Please advise at your convenience.


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  Arsonide said:
Guys I want to apologize in advance, compatibility with 0.25 is probably not going to be very fast. I started making Fine Print after 0.24 came out, so I have never modded through a patch before. Please be patient after 0.25 comes out, while I go through everything and make sure it's working properly.

Since not all of the changes are announced yet, some of them might require balance changes, and I'll need to play a bit to figure out where those are necessary. I'd asked for experimental access, as I know some of the more popular mods get a head start on this sort of thing, but didn't get a response, so it may be a bit before I get properly integrated after the patch comes out.

Modded players have learned that the actual and functional release date for playable next versions is at least month apart. :) Take your time.

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Is there any plan for Mission to man stations? I know, I can do it without contract, but hey, budget is tight, right, so some credits for actually delivering Kerbals to station would be fine...

Oh, and this is really, really great mod. In fact I played .24.2 in vanilla carrier and it didn't really please me much, but with Fine Prints this is completely different, better, play.

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I've been having a conflict between your mod and a slight change I make to my persistence file to remove science, and I was wondering if you could tell me how I could edit the file so I get what I want, but don't conflict with your mod.

I periodically change my persistence file to remove science gains from contracts. I think the game has far too much science in it already and giving us more for contracts is a bit ridiculous. So, I change the line "values = ..." in the file for each contract to set the science value (the 6th number in that line) to 0. This works fine in the default contracts, and seemed to work fine with FinePrint before. Now, though, it causes the contracts to be deleted. In particular, it's happening to the default Explore Duna and Explore Ike contracts. I keep accepting them, deleting those values, reloading the save, and they're gone again but are again being offered to take.

I've got the setting to delete contracts turned off in your mod. At least, I think I do. The PatchReset is false in the config.

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  Arsonide said:
Guys I want to apologize in advance, compatibility with 0.25 is probably not going to be very fast. I started making Fine Print after 0.24 came out, so I have never modded through a patch before. Please be patient after 0.25 comes out, while I go through everything and make sure it's working properly.

No rush man. Fine Print is awesome, and awesome things take time. (Besides, I play pure stock for a while every time a new release is made, so I can get a good feel for the changes).

  5thHorseman said:
I think the game has far too much science in it already and giving us more for contracts is a bit ridiculous.

Yes, the game does give way too much science. The Kerbin SOI alone has something like... 11k in it, and the tree only costs like 10k-ish to complete.

I did a full-stock playthrough and I had about 40k after landing once on every body that should have a surface.. That's 50k total right there, and I bypassed things like low Jool atmosphere or getting splashed on Laythe or Eve. And I don't think I hit even a third of the Mun biomes.

I read in another thread that the total science available is around 75k.

I'd love it if Fine Print could also reconfigure stock science returns as well (parts testing is especially obnoxious in this respect...press tab on the launchpad for 220 science! >.<)..not sure how feasible that would be though.

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Firstly excellent mod, greater variety of contracts is much needed.

ISRU: Disabled by default, this contract type must be manually enabled in the configuration file, and asks you to extract resources like Karbonite or Kethane from other planets, and deliver them to specific locations.

Was wondering how to activate Kethane ISRU missions? Had a look at the cfg file and I assume to activate them you simply increase the incidents number from 0 to something else but all the rest of it is talking about Karbonite. Don't have Karbonite installed, do have Kethane however.

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Yes, you'll need to reconfigure the resource name and the tech unlock entries to refer to Kethane and Kethane parts. I don't use Kethane ever since the Modstatistics debacle, so I don't know what these are. They are in your part definitions though.

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What mean's "neutralize controls" in the fine print contract about Orbital station?

Does it mean flight controls or switching off all energy on board?

I am not sure how to satisfy this part of the contract, can someone help


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  gilflo said:
What mean's "neutralize controls" in the fine print contract about Orbital station?

Does it mean flight controls or switching off all energy on board?

I am not sure how to satisfy this part of the contract, can someone help


Cut throttle, turn off SAS and RCS, cancel trim and don't move the craft.

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I got about a bazillion output logs together to see if your mod has anything to do with it, since contracts are invoked basically every time: Please review this whole folder and see if anything can't be figured out. I uninstalled and reinstalled various mods to try and get some variety. Whoops wrong dropbox link.

Edited by Jaxx
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  Arsonide said:
Yes, you'll need to reconfigure the resource name and the tech unlock entries to refer to Kethane and Kethane parts. I don't use Kethane ever since the Modstatistics debacle, so I don't know what these are. They are in your part definitions though.

Ok, I'm working on this. If you have no objections I will post up the modified config file for other to use once I've confirmed it works!

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  Arsonide said:
Yes, you'll need to reconfigure the resource name and the tech unlock entries to refer to Kethane and Kethane parts. I don't use Kethane ever since the Modstatistics debacle, so I don't know what these are. They are in your part definitions though.

Karbonite is basically a full replacement at this point. ORSX should be fully released, not just testing, and supported by ScanSat and Interstellar soon. Extraplanetary Launchpads integration is an unknown beyond the little patch. It'll be nice to see these fully supported by Fine Print.

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Highly specific question: how does fine print determine that there is a science lab on a station/base? Does it look for the specific part or for the part-module? OKS/MKS is adding modules in the fashion of the current lineup of modules with science lab functionality so you don't have to mix in the horrible stock part with the nice OKS/MKS parts. Would those science lab parts be recognized by fineprint for missions asking you to make stations/bases with a lab?

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I would love a way to force types of contracts. I just finished up some Eve contracts, and was given some for the Jool system. I know there are plenty of other Jool system contracts but I'm just not getting them. (I like to bundle a bunch for the same system and get them all completed on the same mission). I just keep cancelling and hoping they pop up but I would love to be able to target that system in some manner :)

(Not that it's a Fine Print issue, just generally wishing...)

Just wanted to show this, it's possible to decline enough to line up an entire list of Duna contracts, would be great to do the same for Jool :)


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