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[0.90.0] Fine Print vSTOCK'D - BETA RELEASE!!! (December 15)


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Any reason why we don't have satellite retrieval missions as well as deployment? Or retrieve-and-replace?

I could be wrong but I think it's because spawning a complex craft with docking ports (or even just vessels that aren't single parts, like asteroids or kerbals) is pretty non-trivial. Add in the question of 'why would that be a thing?' and I think that's the answer.

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I could be wrong but I think it's because spawning a complex craft with docking ports (or even just vessels that aren't single parts, like asteroids or kerbals) is pretty non-trivial. Add in the question of 'why would that be a thing?' and I think that's the answer.

Is it possible to make them follow-ups to prior satellite deployment missions? No craft spawning required...

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I've got a problem getting a contract to complete, it agrees that I've completed the orbit and that it's a new satilite, but won't trigger the 'neutralize controls for ten seconds.' part. There was no request for a specific sensor on this satilite. I've made certain that MJ and RT2 are NOT sending any commands, and the control information on the list says pitch, roll, and yaw are zeroed out. It's not my first such contract, I've completed quite a few so far, just this one isn't working.

Now, goody things to make you a happy dev and not an angry one, I hope.

It's a satilite around Kerbin, I'm on 64-bit linux, and I can get you a log if you tell me what part of it you want. (I don't have a pastebin account, but I've saved my KSP.log for you if you need it)

Please report any bugs on the official thread (below) that you encounter along with more information such as what you were doing, whether you are running 64 bit, and if possible, logs. Logs will help me track down these issues faster.

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Hey guys, great mod but i am still having a problem with "Neutralize Controls for 10 seconds".

I returned my vessel with 850 Karbonite from minmus and landed successfully in Kerbin and all that's left is this pesky objective. I have turned off Torque in Inline Advanced Stabilizer and in RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit but it isn't Complete yet.

Any tips??

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Hey guys, great mod but i am still having a problem with "Neutralize Controls for 10 seconds".

I returned my vessel with 850 Karbonite from minmus and landed successfully in Kerbin and all that's left is this pesky objective. I have turned off Torque in Inline Advanced Stabilizer and in RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit but it isn't Complete yet.

Any tips??

Clear your trim, most likely.

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Press Alt+X to reset trim truly.

Disabling SAS seem not to be an actual requirement, I regularly use it to stabilize my deployed satellites. and the neutralize thing is OKed. I believe it really only cares about control input and rotation. SAS simply uses the control available to stabilize your craft. However, this usually works best in space, where gravity doesn't tend to "rotate" you slightly on landing/settling.

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Press Alt+X to reset trim truly.

Disabling SAS seem not to be an actual requirement, I regularly use it to stabilize my deployed satellites. and the neutralize thing is OKed. I believe it really only cares about control input and rotation. SAS simply uses the control available to stabilize your craft. However, this usually works best in space, where gravity doesn't tend to "rotate" you slightly on landing/settling.

Oh god thank you, 1 year in the game and i didnt know about Alt+X Thanks a lot.

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For the ISRU contracts, has anyone made updates to the file to handle MKS/OKS and KSPI? If not, where can one find the name of the part to add to the "required" part list.

I have not played around with it, but I guess it is sufficient to extend the "AllowableResources = Karbonite" line. From my understanding the TechnologyUnlocks list only ensures that you don't get the contracts without being able to fulfill them. But if this understanding is correct then the configuration may be a bit lacking because "collect 2800 units of antimatter" is likely a quiet different beast than "collect 2800 units of Karbonite" :-)

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How come rover waypoint contracts don't complete for me? I've tried every stock wheel and Kerbal Foundries wheel, but I haven't gotten a check mark in any driveby. My wheels are on the ground, like they're supposed to be, but it isn't registering.

I'm having this problem as well, using Modular Multiwheels on mine. It registers that I'm entering the area, and that it's "collecting anomalous data" or something along those lines, but it never checks off any of the sites I drive near. I'm currently using x64 Linux.

Edited by Veelay
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First things first: This mod is amazing, It is so much fun to complete the new contracts.

But i also have a question:

How does the planetary base-building actually work? Does it need to be one spacecraft or am i able to fulfill a contract by landing multiple crafts in physics distance?

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First things first: This mod is amazing, It is so much fun to complete the new contracts.

But i also have a question:

How does the planetary base-building actually work? Does it need to be one spacecraft or am i able to fulfill a contract by landing multiple crafts in physics distance?

It works if you land your base in multiple parts and dock them together!

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It works if you land your base in multiple parts and dock them together!

Hm... docking on land is quite difficult to pull off and needs a lot of planning work to get the docking ports at the right height. Also needs a lot of precision to land both crafts to about 0.1m together.

I don't think i can pull that off right now...

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Great mod, however I have small issue. Mission is to put a station around the mun, which has Antenna, Power, and Dockingport.

I have such a station up there, but the contract is not accepting it. First I thought that the "hasPowerGenerator" not accepting the DeployableSolarPanel, but as I see in the source code, that is a valid module.

Any idea why it does not work?

How is this part work? "Please note that this must be a new station built for the agency after the contract is accepted.";

Could not yet figure out from the source.

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