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[0.90.0] Fine Print vSTOCK'D - BETA RELEASE!!! (December 15)


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Great mod, however I have small issue. Mission is to put a station around the mun, which has Antenna, Power, and Dockingport.

I have such a station up there, but the contract is not accepting it. First I thought that the "hasPowerGenerator" not accepting the DeployableSolarPanel, but as I see in the source code, that is a valid module.

Any idea why it does not work?

How is this part work? "Please note that this must be a new station built for the agency after the contract is accepted.";

Could not yet figure out from the source.

Each vessel stores the date that it was launched, which is used to compute the Mission Elapsed Time. Anything that was launched before you accepted the contract will not satisfy the contract. After you accept the contract, you have to launch a new vessel that meets the requirements.

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Each vessel stores the date that it was launched, which is used to compute the Mission Elapsed Time. Anything that was launched before you accepted the contract will not satisfy the contract. After you accept the contract, you have to launch a new vessel that meets the requirements.

Thanks, I figured out, it's the 10th field in the contract values field (contract accept time). Now I could fix the issue. :)

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I have a question regarding Rover Missions.

So I landed a rover near the drive-thru spots on the Mun. And when I went by one them nothing happened. Only the white text showed up saying "Getting close to the X area"(I don't remember exactly the message). The rover was unmanned, so I'm guessing it has to be a manned vessel in order to qualify as a survey? Is that correct or something with my game save/mod is broken?

This is the exact problem I'm having. Later on in the thread, you said it may be a GUI problem, possibly TAC. Do you know for sure yet if this is the case?

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Hm... docking on land is quite difficult to pull off and needs a lot of planning work to get the docking ports at the right height. Also needs a lot of precision to land both crafts to about 0.1m together.

I don't think i can pull that off right now...

Add wheels to them. It's still hard (alternatively, use the Claw), but you can land at a few kms away and still join them. Even by climbing Munar craters


(that target 3.4 km away is a base)

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I'm having a bit of a problem completing an orbit match contract.

I've got the satellite in an orbit that's close enough to meet that requirement, but the "neutralize controls for 10 seconds" requirement isn't checking, even if I turn off SmartASS, SAS, RCS and take my hands off the controls.

Also, the "launch new vessel" requirement isn't checked, even though it is a new ship and it is equipped with a generator and an antenna. Does it matter if the "new ship" is built off an existing launch vehicle? or if the generator and antenna are mod parts?

Edited by Capt. Hunt
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I'm having a bit of a problem completing an orbit match contract.

I've got the satellite in an orbit that's close enough to meet that requirement, but the "neutralize controls for 10 seconds" requirement isn't checking, even if I turn off SmartASS, SAS, RCS and take my hands off the controls.

Also, the "launch new vessel" requirement isn't checked, even though it is a new ship and it is equipped with a generator and an antenna. Does it matter if the "new ship" is built off an existing launch vehicle? or if the generator and antenna are mod parts?

I've launched vessels from EL orbital workshops and it doesn't seem to detect as a new ship.

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Looking at the source code, I don't see any way for users to create their own custom company and/or contracts. Am I mistaken or is that capability gone?

I'm not sure I understand the question, this isn't something you do using Fine Print. The custom companies are made by using stock resources. Fine Print's contracts will use any custom companies that you've specified.

I've launched vessels from EL orbital workshops and it doesn't seem to detect as a new ship.

This would moreso be a problem with EL then. All I do is check the launch time of the vessel, if launching from orbital workshops doesn't set the launch time properly, then that'd be on their end.

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Hm... docking on land is quite difficult to pull off and needs a lot of planning work to get the docking ports at the right height. Also needs a lot of precision to land both crafts to about 0.1m together.

I don't think i can pull that off right now...

Add wheels to them. It's still hard (alternatively, use the Claw), but you can land at a few kms away and still join them. Even by climbing Munar craters

Alternatively, you can try the Kerbal Attachment System mod, which allows you to connect ground bases together by laying pipes between them on EVA. It is perfect for this kind of thing.

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I'm really liking this mod, wish Squad would pick up on some of these ideas.

Is there a way to configure the crew capacity on station contracts? I'm getting a lot of contracts offered calling for 5-12 kebals... given that lab modules seem to count as 2 crew capacity, this is just too easy.

For those playing with life support mods, higher crew capacity makes things harder. For those of us without such mods, the contract is too easy. I'd like to see an orbital station contract for 50+ kerbals... especially around more distant celestial bodies.

Stock station with crew capacity of 109: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vr5oyg1c30z63xz/RingStation109.png?dl=0

Other station-building requirements I'd love to see:

- Orbital stations had in a specific orbits...

- Requiring more interesting pieces, and specific numbers; e.g. multiple docking ports, specific port sizes, antenna types...

- Resource storage capacity (for refueling stations), etc.

Another thing: is there a known issue with contracts resetting (not due to upgrading the mod)? I had a contract to put an orbital station around Minmus... Upon achieving synchronous orbit with line-of-sight to my Minmus base on the ground, I went to check if the contract was complete and found all contracts had disappeared!

Edited by mdosogne
autocorrect replacing "kerbals" with "kernels"
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I think I might just have accepted an espionage mission... :D

For those playing with life support mods, higher crew capacity makes things harder. For those of us without such mods, the contract is too easy. I'd like to see an orbital station contract for 50+ kerbals... especially around more distant celestial bodies.

Stock station with crew capacity of 109: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vr5oyg1c30z63xz/RingStation109.png?dl=0

The problem is, not everyone has the kind of supercomputer required to run a station like that, nevermind the lifter to get it into orbit.
Other station-building requirements I'd love to see:

- Orbital stations had in a specific orbits...

- Requiring more interesting pieces, and specific numbers; e.g. multiple docking ports, specific port sizes, antenna types...

- Resource storage capacity (for refueling stations), etc.

I agree this would be nice, not only for stations but bases too. Another idea: requiring a certain electricity generation capability.
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I seem to be having an issue with the mod.

In the beginning, all contracts seemed to work. I had done rover, aerial surv and satellite deployment.

However, I can no longer do the Rover or Aerial surveys. The contracts are there, I can see the icons - yet I never get a 'Approaching' message, and obviously I then dont get the node complete message which comes next.

I have cancelled my active rover and aerial surveys, and gotten new ones - but this does not remedy the situation.

Any clues?

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Thanks again for making this mod, it adds a lot to career mode.

A suggestion - maybe a not too hard to implement new contract type ( I havent read through all of the ~1k previous post, sorry if it has been suggested before ):

Space Tourism

- Bring X Kerbals

- to <somewhere - an orbit or actual landing, maybe in a specific biome>

- optional EVA maybe? Kerbals surely wanna do some sightseeing.

- return ALL of them back to Kerbin, maybe bonus for landing at KSC

Should only yield rep and cash, no science.

Edited by LordFjord
EVA, not IVA
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Is there a way to configure the crew capacity on station contracts? I'm getting a lot of contracts offered calling for 5-12 kebals... given that lab modules seem to count as 2 crew capacity, this is just too easy.

For those playing with life support mods, higher crew capacity makes things harder. For those of us without such mods, the contract is too easy. I'd like to see an orbital station contract for 50+ kerbals... especially around more distant celestial bodies.

Stock station with crew capacity of 109: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vr5oyg1c30z63xz/RingStation109.png?dl=0

You can always just go into the persistent file and find the contract section and change those parameters manually. I know from experience that it works :)

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I had some aerial survey contracts and one of them was below a mountain. Seemed roughly impossible to fulfill unless I missed something. You might already have code to check altitudes vs. ground heights and it was just a little twitchy for me. If not, might be a good idea.

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I had some aerial survey contracts and one of them was below a mountain. Seemed roughly impossible to fulfill unless I missed something. You might already have code to check altitudes vs. ground heights and it was just a little twitchy for me. If not, might be a good idea.

This is checked already, though occasionally I've noticed that the collision of the terrain does not quite match up with the actual terrain, which throws it off a bit. There's not too much I can do about this, but it seems to be rare. Let me know if it happens again.

I'd also like to know of people's experiences with 0.58 in 0.25, if there are any brave souls attempting that. I'm checking into that as we speak.

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Not sure why this would be, but the AVC version checker is alerting me on startup that I could (should?) be using 0.59 of Fine Print, but from what I can see there's nowhere with 0.59 available yet?

Is this a mistake in the AVC config? or is it a transient as you have a 0.59 coming real soon now ?


p.s. In the meantime I shall try 0.58b on 0.25 - if it doesn't work I can always try building your latest off github as it looks like there are some 0.25 changes in the latest on githib.

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Alright I recompiled against 0.25 with the stable version of the mod. Curse does not have 0.25 available as an option yet, so for now, get it on KerbalStuff.

There are no new features in this version. I apologize but there are a lot of moving parts for me to consider, so this is a simple version update to keep it compatible.

Your version checker is alerting you because I just finished and put 0.59 on GitHub but hadn't uploaded it to KerbalStuff yet.

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Alright I recompiled against 0.25 with the stable version of the mod. Curse does not have 0.25 available as an option yet, so for now, get it on KerbalStuff.

There are no new features in this version. I apologize but there are a lot of moving parts for me to consider, so this is a simple version update to keep it compatible.

Your version checker is alerting you because I just finished and put 0.59 on GitHub but hadn't uploaded it to KerbalStuff yet.

Heh no problem, I have a talent for picking just that wrong moment to boot the game - I've been up to my ears in work for over a week, and now today I have some free time and it coincides with 0.25 release.

First world problems.


p.s. Really like Fine Print - I feel I have some purpose for rovers and planes now - and some of the orbit missions have some trickiness too (and the UI for 'this is the orbit we want' is inspired).

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Thanks a lot for this mod. It makes much more sense than : "go test part xyz while flying between 21277m to 21290m at 510ms to 525ms..."

When I look at the original contracts list I just want to close the game.

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Ola Arsonide. Bug report.

v0.59 is spamming ksp.log, eventually resulting in a CTD.

Here's the relevant entries:

[WRN 14:40:54.038] Fine Print: Attempted to check for nonexistent technology: "rtg".

[WRN 14:40:54.039] Fine Print: Attempted to check for nonexistent technology: "rtg".

[WRN 14:40:54.040] Fine Print: Attempted to check for nonexistent technology: "rtg".

[WRN 14:40:54.040] Fine Print: Attempted to check for nonexistent technology: "rtg".

[WRN 14:40:54.041] Fine Print: Attempted to check for nonexistent technology: "rtg".

[WRN 14:40:54.058] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.078] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.098] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.118] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.138] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.158] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.178] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.197] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.217] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.237] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.258] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.277] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

[WRN 14:40:54.300] GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none.

Repeat until KSP death.

I deleted the RTG from my install for... reasons.

Fantastic mod. Hope this helps. If you need more, let me know.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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