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[1.9-1.10] Hangar


[b]Do you use the [u]Desaturated Texture Pack?[/u][/b]  

328 members have voted

  1. 1. [b]Do you use the [u]Desaturated Texture Pack?[/u][/b]

    • Yes, the grey textures are more stock-like
    • No, the green-orange textures are fine

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Awesome! Was waiting for this to be updated. I think there is only one or two more mods till I can go to 0.25! :)

I know the feeling all too well =]

To tell you the truth, I learned about the 0.25 a little late -- I'm not playing myself since I started the development and the week was busy with other things. Otherwise I would not push the current update so hard and simply recompiled the 1.2.1 version.

So, If another update comes and there's no new version in a couple of days, please, post about it here =^_^'=

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  • 2 weeks later...

This will be very very helpfull. I always put spoilers on my rovers to make them hug the ground (to prevent them flying off with phantom torque powers) But this also made launching them -extremely- difficult, as the aerolons would make my rocket flip out fromt he rover's spoiler. Now I can hide that spoiler dynamic inside a box, and launch without countering strange lift directions!

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This will be very very helpfull. I always put spoilers on my rovers to make them hug the ground (to prevent them flying off with phantom torque powers) But this also made launching them -extremely- difficult, as the aerolons would make my rocket flip out fromt he rover's spoiler. Now I can hide that spoiler dynamic inside a box, and launch without countering strange lift directions!

You can also simply turn to docking mode when controlling your rover, or bind the 'toggle torque' to actiongroups. Also works without atmosphere :wink:

Will we be able to park our vehicles in those nice KerbinSide hangars with this plugin one day?

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good looking mod but i miss something. my biggest problem with not having stock hangar is that i have to recover a vehicle in order to get the science it has collected. i wish there would be a fixed hangar at ksc which, if i dock would receive the science at full values (like if i would recover the vehicle).

thanks a lot

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good looking mod but i miss something. my biggest problem with not having stock hangar is that i have to recover a vehicle in order to get the science it has collected. i wish there would be a fixed hangar at ksc which, if i dock would receive the science at full values (like if i would recover the vehicle).

thanks a lot

you know you could just "launch" a manned cockpit and transfer the science manually to it, then you can recover the cockpit+all the science without the vehicle (you'd still need to refurbish the science parts of course)

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Will we be able to park our vehicles in those nice KerbinSide hangars with this plugin one day?

KerbinSide provides custom STATICs which are not parts and play by different rules. So if KS devs decide to adapt some of my code I'll be glad to help, but otherwise -- I just don't have the expertize and resources to obtain one.

good looking mod but i miss something. my biggest problem with not having stock hangar is that i have to recover a vehicle in order to get the science it has collected. i wish there would be a fixed hangar at ksc which, if i dock would receive the science at full values (like if i would recover the vehicle).

thanks a lot

I doubt anything could be done here without a complete reimplementation of the stock science framework. So yes, the proposed workaround is the only way. The only addition: there are plenty of mods that provide science containers that could be used instead of a pod for science recovery.

My only complaint? I wish the textures were more stockalike.

Look at the main thread post, at Downloads section: there is the DesaturatedTexturePack just for that ;)

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KerbinSide provides custom STATICs which are not parts and play by different rules. So if KS devs decide to adapt some of my code I'll be glad to help, but otherwise -- I just don't have the expertize and resources to obtain one.

And a very small part, which is always loaded and near one of the KerbinSide hangars, with preset size parameters, doesn't work either?

Look at the main thread post, at Downloads section: there is the DesaturatedTexturePack just for that ;)

No pics :wink:

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And a very small part, which is always loaded and near one of the KerbinSide hangars, with preset size parameters, doesn't work either?

I'll explore the possibilities when I have time. Right now I'm up to my ears in work and developing of the long asked Asteroid Hangars =^_^=

More seriously, Allista, thanks for calling that texture pack to my attention. I'll see if I can experiment with the textures this weekend, and I'll post pics if I do.

That would be great! I make these textures and models as fast (and thus as simple) as I can to dedicate more time to functionality, so they were not thoroughly worked on.

As for the default color theme... well, that's purely a matter of taste. Call me perverted, but I do really like the chosen colors ^_^'

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  • 3 weeks later...

EDIT: I noticed something odd. I built a very simple rover using stock parts and then loaded it in the rover lander in the VAB. I just used the rover lander and no other parts and launched it. The rover appeared above the lander a little to the right, when the physics kicked in it fell and disappeared before hitting the ground. I opened the lander window and it said I had nothing loaded in it. I am guessing the same was happening with my other attempts I mentioned below but the other parts of my rocket where obscuring the rover when it appeared outside the lander.

EDIT#2: Doing a little trouble shooting to the best of my knowledge and capability I thought maybe your mod might not be compatible with my existing save. I started a new game and your mod worked as advertised. I figured you would like to know in case someone else runs into the same problem.

I deleted the original contents of this post describing the problem I was having, except the mods I was using in case you wanted to try to find out what may have been causing the problem.

The part mods I am using (Bold are mods I know the rover is using at least one part from):

KW Rocketry

Modular Parts/Rocket Systems(not sure of the name here)



Oblivion Aerospace

TAC Life Support

Explores pack from the modder who makes Kolonization



MagicSmoke Industries


All the NearFuture(not using parts from all the packs)



Procedural Fairings

Other mods I am using:

Action group manager


Science Alert


Deadly Reentry

Universal Storage

TAC Fuel Balancer





Active Texture Management

Stage Recovery

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Select Root


Thanks for creating a great mod.

Edited by WOODY01
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I love the concept of your mod and seems I can not use it.

I can load a vehicle into the rover lander in the VAB. In the VAB it shows the cost and weight correctly and a vehicle is stored.

When I went to test on the launchpad I open the doors and activate the hangar it shows as having no vehicles stored inside.

The rover I designed does use parts from several different mods. I am thinking it is at least parts from 6 mods. It also needs to be manned since I did not include a probe.

I loaded into the lander from sub-assemblies.

The way it is designed there are no open nodes when loaded from sub-assemblies. So it leaves no option to attach to anything. Which I was why I was so excited to see your mod. I put a lot of time into designing this rover, making it stable, loading it with science, ability to run at night, conduct extended explorations, be able to get refueled, etc. Then I went to attach it to a rocket and could not.

I also had the manned lander attached to the top at the time. I was planning on sending the rover lander down remotely and then send down the manned lander.

Am I missing an important step or is there a known mod conflict?

KW Rocketry

Modular Parts/Rocket Systems(not sure of the name here)



Oblivion Aerospace

TAC Life Support

Explores pack from the modder who makes Kolonization



MagicSmoke Industries


All the NearFuture(not using parts from all the packs)



Procedural Fairings

Other mods I am using:

Action group manager


Science Alert


Deadly Reentry

Universal Storage

TAC Fuel Balancer





Active Texture Management

Stage Recovery

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Select Root


Thanks again for what seems like a great mod that I am looking forward to using.

Thank you for your report.

That is definitely strange, as Rover Lander is a well tested part and I don't know of any conflicts with the mods you've listed. I've tested it just now again and all is working fine.

Try to build a simple test rover with stock parts only. Does the problem still exist? If not, look carefully at the parts you use in your main rover, add them one by one to the test rover and see which part will break things. If even the all-stock rover is not docked inside the Lander on launch, please, paste your KSP.log somewhere (pastebin, dropbox, gdrive...), and post the link to it here.

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EDIT: I noticed something odd. I built a very simple rover using stock parts and then loaded it in the rover lander in the VAB. I just used the rover lander and no other parts and launched it. The rover appeared above the lander a little to the right, when the physics kicked in it fell and disappeared before hitting the ground. I opened the lander window and it said I had nothing loaded in it. I am guessing the same was happening with my other attempts I mentioned below but the other parts of my rocket where obscuring the rover when it appeared outside the lander.

EDIT#2: Doing a little trouble shooting to the best of my knowledge and capability I thought maybe your mod might not be compatible with my existing save. I started a new game and your mod worked as advertised. I figured you would like to know in case someone else runs into the same problem.

That is even odder!

The rover should appear for a fraction of a second somewhere near the launched vessel (mostly just inside, so it is hard to notice) and then disappear as it is docked inside a hangar. But what you describe is totally out of order. Could you post the logs of these tests (KSP.log or Player.log)? I would very much like to study them.

Thanks again for the report!

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Where is the log located and will it still be useful to you if I accidentally wrote over the save since it was named default.(Got to remember to name the saves) If I can not recover it I have no problem trying to recreate the glitch.

Recreating the same circumstances should be easy enough. I just did a re-install of the game and mods, selected career added some points to science in the difficulty settings since I did not want to start from scratch, and only launched a couple of rockets into orbit before realizing I forgot to include your mod when designing and planning an extensive mun mission.

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Where is the log located and will it still be useful to you if I accidentally wrote over the save since it was named default.(Got to remember to name the saves) If I can not recover it I have no problem trying to recreate the glitch.

Recreating the same circumstances should be easy enough. I just did a re-install of the game and mods, selected career added some points to science in the difficulty settings since I did not want to start from scratch, and only launched a couple of rockets into orbit before realizing I forgot to include your mod when designing and planning an extensive mun mission.

KSP.log is located in the game installation folder, where KSP.exe is. It is overwritten every time the game starts, so the log is useful only after the glitch happened and before the game is started again. If it's not a problem, please do recreate the glitch, then quit the game and then send me the log. I hope I could find some clues there...

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I'll answer to the Woody's bug report here, as it might concern someone else:

The problem Woody has described arises from the conflict with the ScienceAlert mod. Its author warns that current release (1.8rc1) of ScienceAlert may be buggy as the new Ship Profiles system is introduced, and it is exactly the place where the error happens: when a ship-construct that was stored in-Editor is spawned upon hangar launch (to be immediately stored again as vessel), the onNewVesselCreated event is automatically fired (by KSP API) and handled by ScienceAlert with the NullReferenceException:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ScienceAlert.ScienceAlertProfileManager.OnVesselCreate (.Vessel newVessel)
EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data)
Vessel.Initialize (Boolean fromShipAssembly)
ShipConstruction.AssembleForLaunch (.ShipConstruct ship, System.String landedAt, System.String flagURL, .Game sceneState, .VesselCrewManifest crewManifest)
AtHangar.Hangar+<convert_constructs_to_vessels>c__Iterator1.MoveNext ()

Unfortunately, I cannot do a thing about this: ShipConstruction.AssembleForLaunch is a stock KSP API over which I have no control. I would say that the same error should arise with the ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads which uses the same mechanism to spawn vessels. So this bug report should be redirected to the developer of ScienceAlert.

EDIT: The bug only appears in career mod.

UPD: I've wrote to xEvilReeperx (Sci.Alert dev) and described the problem.

Edited by allista
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Are there any inflatable space hangers in this Mod.

I need to store bulky parts at my space station

Hangars can store only whole ships, they are totally different from the KAS containers. And no, there are no inflatable space hangars, only solid Li-Al resizable ones. Up to ~1500m3 or so =)

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But it's possible to produce a supply modules pack as a ship, store it in an inline Hangar, transport to another planet and there release.

For example, a sausage of docked one-by-one: USI ControlCenter, Kerbitat, PDU, connected with docking nodes or decouplers.

Or a sausage of several tank filled by resources with a Probe Core attached to one of them.

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But it's possible to produce a supply modules pack as a ship, store it in an inline Hangar, transport to another planet and there release.

For example, a sausage of docked one-by-one: USI ControlCenter, Kerbitat, PDU, connected with docking nodes or decouplers.

Or a sausage of several tank filled by resources with a Probe Core attached to one of them.

Yep, that's perfectly possible and intended. The only challenge here is deorbiting-landing, but that is always the case.

EDIT: It's also possible to store subassemblies. Technically they will still be vessels when launched, but that is even nearer to the idea of supply cargo and storing parts. You will still need KAS to attach these to anything.

Edited by allista
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If a Hangar-equipped cruiser is on parking orbit, it's a usual job  to upload cargo packs from Kerbin with, for example, a spaceplane, placing it into hangars.

Then cruiser flies to another planet and releases cargo packs from its/her Hangars.

So, every pack would consist of: Probe Core (a key part), battery, OX-STAT, some structural part and as many containers with goods as the spaceplane can lift.

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