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Which mod do you think will be added?  

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  1. 1. Which mod do you think will be added?

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Actually, some of the guys got really stoked over the banana this morning. I don't think we'll see that made stock, but it'd be a hoot to see it pop up unannounced if that were ever to happen.

People taking this out of context and going bananas (yes, pun intended) in three... two... one...

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Actually, some of the guys got really stoked over the banana this morning. I don't think we'll see that made stock, but it'd be a hoot to see it pop up unannounced if that were ever to happen.

Banana confirmed. Denial is confirmation! Also Half-Life 3.

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But Hugo already remade the Spaceplane Parts. I know some were dissatisfied with his work, but they're not just going to throw it away! And besides, most of the people who were dissatisfied also hate the stock parts style, which is brilliant anyway.
It could be that he didn't finish remodelling the spaceplane parts before the end of his internship, thus leaving Squad needing to bring in someone else to do that work, who happens to be an established KSP modder.
KER is GPL, to add it without permission would "infect" KSP with that license.
Not if the GPLed code is clearly separate from, and not depended on by, the proprietary code. Which would be the case if the mod were simply distributed with the stock game.

PS: I think the banana should be a random alternate model/texture for the asteroids. Maybe 1 in 50 or something is a space banana.

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Can "Banana confirmed" be a new KSP meme?

It must read: "moddified Banana confirmed"

You should seriously learnt to take serious information serious.


on topix: I hope it will be Final Frontier

/me now leave the "oh my, he said something 'bout the update hype train* :D

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My variants are:

1) Connected Living Space. It's a pretty simple and brilliant mod, which (at last) will leave behind that "EVA to navigate your station" nonsense.

2) KAC

3) KAS

The idea of making SP+ stock is not too much of interest for me - I center my gameplay on rockets, not on spaceplanes.

Oh, and yes, banana for stock FTW! :D

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Not if the GPLed code is clearly separate from, and not depended on by, the proprietary code. Which would be the case if the mod were simply distributed with the stock game.

You're right, of course. I was thinking of a greater amount of integration than simple redistribution, but that isn't strictly necessary.

It's moot anyway, I don't think Squad would unilaterally incorporate an actively maintained mod even if the license permitted it; the reaction from the modder community would likely dwarf the Curse thing.

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The only thing is, if it were an addon that has been around for a while, why would they just be doing it now? What major new addons do we know of? Fine Print... Kerbin Side... Karbonite.. and of course the Dual Bananas. Any others?

Karbonite and Kerbin Side have dependencies that would have to be purchased from more than just one author so I doubt those are in.

EDIT: Improved chase camera or DebRefund also come to mind.

Edited by Alshain
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The only thing is, if it were an addon that has been around for a while, why would they just be doing it now?

I guess it could take time for them to pick apart the modders code and come up with the conclusion it was good enough quality to include with their own coding.

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I guess it could take time for them to pick apart the modders code and come up with the conclusion it was good enough quality to include with their own coding.

I suppose, I still feel like it's going to be one of the newcomers and most likely has something to do with the most recently added features. That would whittle it down to Fine Print and DebRefund but the author of FP says no, so... just speculation of course.

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I seriously doubt it will be Fine Print, I like the mod and have used it for a while, but it's still in development with planned features, etc. I still think its going to be a parts mod, though it could be KER, or something related to KerbalEdu.

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If it's not in the devnotes tonight, I think we're all going to be pretty mad...

We never gave a specific date for when it'd be announced other than likely sometime this week. Please keep the pitchforks and torches down otherwise.

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More speculative evidence to consider. Vendan was active in the DebRefund thread every couple of days since it's release... until two weeks ago.

(Seriously, I should really stop this)

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/me now leave the "oh my, he said something 'bout the update hype train* :D

I'm sorry, did you say something about my HypeTrain?

I'm not sure, but I'll be running a short HypeTrain along the Ffarquar Branchline when they announce the mod. It won't be a mainline trip, but there'd definitely be enough Hype to power a passenger run. I might even be able to stick a few freight cars on the end to carry some materials to the HypeQuarry.

Edited by GregroxMun
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I'm sorry, did you say something about my HypeTrain?

Every post i see as that guy posting pictures of his boat or people going around saying "i drive the hype train" or posts eluding to it.


EDIT: Nothing to do with the thread.

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If it's not in the devnotes tonight, I think we're all going to be pretty mad...

Unlike their normal work, Squad can't control the timing here. They'll have to wait until the mod author agrees to some terms. Third party isn't necessarily going to sign up early just to be in time for devnote day.

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We never gave a specific date for when it'd be announced other than likely sometime this week. Please keep the pitchforks and torches down otherwise.

I'm not sure you can get away with a technicality like that. I know you guys didn't specify the specific date, but fire up the hypetrain on a Sunday or Monday and everyone will expect the reveal on Tuesday. The hypetrain is powered by speculation and lack of information; it will only accelerate until the news drops. Foolhardy is the person who thinks it's easily controllable.

I'm not worried, though. The hypetrain's a bit of fun for the community and I know you buy flame-retardant clothing in bulk.

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I'm guessing its NEAR (The devs probably think FAR in its current iteration is too complex for the stock game).

Though something not mentioned on the list of options is Kerbal Alarm Clock, which I think should be part of the game, even if it isn't the full bells and whistles with transfer windows part of it taken out etc

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