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[WIP] Planet Randomizer 0.2.4 (2014-09-21)


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Kerbin has three moons-Gilly, Eeloo, and Ike. Ike has 2 moons- Dres and Pol. Vall is alone. Tylo has two moons- Moho and Duna. Mun has Minmus and Bop as moons. Jool has one moon- Eve. Eve has Laythe as a moon.

Jool has Dres. Eve's moon, Vall, is larger than Eve. Huge Tylo has Moho as a moon. Eeloo is Kerbin's only moon. Gilly orbits Ike. Minmus orbits Bop orbits Duna. Huge Laythe is alone. Pol is the second tiniest body after Gilly and is alone. Mun is also alone.

Kerbin, Laythe, Pol, and Gilly are alone. Vall orbits Eve orbits Jool. Moho orbits Duna. Eeloo has Minmus, Bop, and Dres as moons. Mun orbits Ike orbits Tylo.

Kerbin orbits Jool. Ike orbits Mun orbits tiny Eve. Bop orbits Minmus orbits Vall. Pol orbits Moho orbits Duna. Tylo's alone. Gilly orbits Dres orbits Laythe. Eeloo also orbits Laythe.

Seed 21 has 322 km Laythe orbiting Kerbin. They are tidally locked with a period of 2 days 1 hour 2 minutes. Laythe is in KSC's sky at about 45 degrees. Kerbol is so close that if a standard panel generates 1 e/s normally, it will generate 9.25 on Kerbin. Laythe takes just 521 m/s delta-v to reach after you reach kerbin orbit.

Also, idea that quite nearly everyone has probably requested already: being able to modify the planets by yourself, without the randomization of this mod. It is called planet randomizer, though, so...

Edited by Tangle
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metaphor, if what Rhyfeddol mentions isn't an isolated issue, you might want to grab my wrapping and rescaling code from RSS (and do what I do, manually "unscale" the scaled space mesh and then scale it to the ratio of oldradius/newradius * origScale). That will ensure compatibility with EVE, Kethane, and anything else that naively creates overlays.

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Great mod!! Now we need in-game DeltaV-Map Calculator :blush:

I think TriggerAu is working on that with the Transfer Window Planner mod. It should be able to work with Planet Randomizer.

Also, idea that quite nearly everyone has probably requested already: being able to modify the planets by yourself, without the randomization of this mod. It is called planet randomizer, though, so...

That's what Real Solar System does (if you modify its config file), as well as some other planet changing mods like KittopiaTech and Kopernicus.

metaphor, if what Rhyfeddol mentions isn't an isolated issue, you might want to grab my wrapping and rescaling code from RSS (and do what I do, manually "unscale" the scaled space mesh and then scale it to the ratio of oldradius/newradius * origScale). That will ensure compatibility with EVE, Kethane, and anything else that naively creates overlays.

Cool, thanks.

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There is a bug that seems to be present with using launch clamps and just about any other mod with this one. It will place your craft out past the orbit of the farthest planet and freeze everything up so you can't control the craft. I've gotten around this by just not using launch clamps, but I just thought I would let you know about this.

EDIT: I've found that it turns out to be a save game corruption that might or might not have something to do with other mods. If it happens, and then I remove all other mods, it is still there unless I make a new save.

EDIT 2: I think it's actually an incompatibility between this and the karbonite mod.

Edited by tacodrake95
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Hey, this mod is amazing. In my game, I have Eve orbiting Jool, with Thud (from planet factory) orbiting Eve, and Bop orbiting Thud. It's great! However, I have a small problem in that all the missions in my career save have a planet, Hestia, as the required body, not Kerbin. Is there a fix for this?

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@Tangle You may be able to modify the planets by editing PlanetRandomizer.cfg in your save folder. I'm not sure about physical parameters, e.g. mass, but orbital parameters I believe can be edited.

@Nowater If you want to reset the system, delete PlanetRandomizer.cfg from your save folder, and when you go back to that save, just click "Done" on the PR menu.

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What Tangle said. In the newest version (0.2.2) you can just press "Done" after starting a save and your game will remain stock. Does that not happen?

Sorry for the delay, but, no. On my setup, when I start a new game, it begins with the randomized system for some seed (I don't know which). If I immediately hit "Done" then I am simply stuck with that system. In addition, if I hit "Done" right on the KSC screen then the selection window keeps showing back up. I do have a large number of mods installed, which may be affecting the mod. On that note, I removed all mods except for this one and it works as advertised, except that if I hit "Done" without selecting any randomization, the mod window keeps showing up at the KSC screen.

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I know that terrain smoothing is on the todo list but:


I've also seen that some planets with very small radii have SOIs inside the planet. I've seen this happen twice: a craft flies near the altered planet and on an approach (note: still very far above its surface) with no SOI change, the planet mesh appears to clip into the camera like when you zoom in to close. Once the SOI changes to the craft is instantly destroyed, because it's inside the planet when it changes. The visual clipping bug also occurs when the SOI is above but still close to it's surface.

Also the levels of detail (LOD) don't scale correctly when approaching a planet. It's a problem with the bump map. The lower LOD like in the tracking station or map view show the stock planet only scaled to its random size. But when viewed from an approaching ship the LOD is higher and the planet's radii and bump map go out of scale, making much flatter or spikier (like above) and making it a much different appearance than what the map or tracking station show.


Also I vote to leave Kerbin's g setting locked at 1.

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Actually I vote to have everything be lockable, with Kerbin's size and density locked to stock but everything possible settable. And then you could turn off the lock on Kerbin if you wanted to try super hard mode :)

I don't think I'll have configurable settings for now because it will mess with the seed system (there's no way to have different settings and at the same time have the same seed give you the same system). Although that might change in the future.

I'll keep Kerbin's mass same as stock (instead of what it is right now, where it has a 1/2 chance of being lighter and 1/2 chance of being heavier). That probably makes more sense.

I'm working on an update but haven't had much time lately. I'll put out one soon though.

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I've been having the issue mentioned above - that on launch I am listed as being on the launchpad by mechjeb, but I am floating far out in space, velocity cycling between numbers and NAN, everything uncontrollable (including quicksave/quickload) I am able to press escape and return to the space center (it reverts to the last save). I saw he mentioned it might be a karbonite confloct - I'll try removing that.

EDIT: Yes - removing karbonite.dll fixed this.

EDIT: No, I was wrong. For some reason, launch #1 goes fine, a second launch makes this happen.

EDIT: Log spams:

[EXC 18:25:56.990] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index

Edited by ABZB
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Hey, I think I found an incongruity with the SOIs of Mun and Dres in seed 370060. I was looking through the characteristics of the planets when I noticed that despite having nearly identical masses, radii, and all that, Dres's SOI was nearly twice as large as Mun's.


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Hey, I think I found an incongruity with the SOIs of Mun and Dres in seed 370060. I was looking through the characteristics of the planets when I noticed that despite having nearly identical masses, radii, and all that, Dres's SOI was nearly twice as large as Mun's.



The SOI calculation takes distance from parent body into account, that's why (in stock) Eeloo has a massive SOI, while Moho has a WAY smaller one, despite being of similar sizes/masses

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@Tangle You may be able to modify the planets by editing PlanetRandomizer.cfg in your save folder. I'm not sure about physical parameters, e.g. mass, but orbital parameters I believe can be edited.

@Nowater If you want to reset the system, delete PlanetRandomizer.cfg from your save folder, and when you go back to that save, just click "Done" on the PR menu.

I've been playing around with direct editing - I keep ending up with ships floating in deep space with NAN velocity, uncontrollable, still thinking they are on the launchpad.

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Small update 0.2.3

-Kept Kerbin the same mass and radius as in the stock game, so only the other planets/moons have their radius/mass changed.

-Larger planets/moons now have lower eccentricities and inclinations.

-Moons are slightly further away from their planets to prevent SOIs ending under their physical surface.

-Planets orbiting the sun are slightly further away from each other.

-The mod shouldn't activate for a save that's already in progress (more than 5 game minutes played), but only for new saves.

I haven't figure out the terrain issues yet (transparent oceans, white atmospheres, etc), so that will have to wait for a future update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! Love the mod. However, I am having an issue with it "sticking". I have a random system and I'll go to, say, the tracking center and I'll be able to do my thing with the randomized system. But when I return to the main screen, the system has switched back to default. If I go to a mission or back to the tracking center, I'll have the default system. If I close and reload the game, the random one is what it originally loads, but whenever I change between the main screen, tracking center, mission etc, it switches back to the ground state. I have a fresh install of the game and the only other mod I have is Kerbal Engineer.

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Hey! Love the mod. However, I am having an issue with it "sticking". I have a random system and I'll go to, say, the tracking center and I'll be able to do my thing with the randomized system. But when I return to the main screen, the system has switched back to default. If I go to a mission or back to the tracking center, I'll have the default system. If I close and reload the game, the random one is what it originally loads, but whenever I change between the main screen, tracking center, mission etc, it switches back to the ground state. I have a fresh install of the game and the only other mod I have is Kerbal Engineer.

I've had the same problem. I thought it was conflicting with Interstellar Lite somehow, but maybe it's just a bug with the newest Planet Randomizer release.

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I've had the same problem. I thought it was conflicting with Interstellar Lite somehow, but maybe it's just a bug with the newest Planet Randomizer release.

Whoops, that is indeed a bug on my end. Shouldn't take long to fix it.

edit: update 0.2.4

-Fixed a bug with the random system being overwritten by the default system when switching back to the space center screen.

-Also fixed (maybe) a bug with ships in Kerbin orbit disappearing after reloading.

Edited by metaphor
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