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Kethane Station Discussion


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Just finished the opening cinematic for the next episode and I'm really proud of it. The most special effects I've ever done (thanks to ABAthedude for helping me out with that) and a really exciting story. Best part about it is that it went from script to film in roughly five days, which is a record time for me by a country mile, I can assure you though that the quality did not suffer: in fact it's probably the best I've ever done. The narrated section of the video hopefully wont take me too long either, though the last episode taught me that I shouldn't underestimate how long it takes to record a battle. I'm starting to think this may just be the shortest gap between episodes yet, and actually under my planned two week goal :D

Yeeeeeeah! The Hype is real!

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Hey HATBAT:) I am head of public relations at Kerbal Military Engineering, I would like to know about or extensive collection of military vehicles! We build vehicle for the groud, for space, and everything in between! If you put any in your series, please credit our ships :)

Link to my company: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114591-Kerbal-Military-Engineering-BD-Armory


KME "Building Your Defense"

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Heres a little roleplay info for SAP-C if you use any of our ships:

SAP-C is a relatively new military company, specializing in space combat mainly, they are stationed in an island somewhere in the far east of KSC, when they heard HKA's signals for help, they jumped straight to preparing forces, this will be the first big battle for them, and they are happily fighting for HKA for no money at all, saying experience is payment enough, they're trying their hardest to help HKA in any way possible.

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Finally got to watch this, king of disaponted that nothing I made was in it but eh what are you going to do?

So, is it too late to jump on the "Holy crap this is good need moar now!1!1!" bandwagon?

Edited by briansun1
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Read the rules JID00.

It would take ages to put a download for each, so if you do decide to use any of our crafts, please download from our Thread :)

here are some pictures

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-thanks again, if you have any questions feel free to ask on our thread, or just reply to the quote:)



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It would take ages to put a download for each

Not really. If you use a hosting site like Dropbox or Mediafire it's literally just putting a single copy-pasted link for each thing in the post, plus pics IF you want to show some. Your comment makes me think you're trying to drive clicks to KME...

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Not really. If you use a hosting site like Dropbox or Mediafire it's literally just putting a single copy-pasted link for each thing in the post, plus pics IF you want to show some. Your comment makes me think you're trying to drive clicks to KME...

1. I AM trying to drive clicks to KME... I want Hatbat to see our crafts :0.0:

2. I didn't literally means ages, i was obviously exaggerating, I just didn't feel like doing it at the time.

3. I know how to put downloads on the forum, I help run a damn military company.

4. I will put up specific links later tonight.


- - - Updated - - -


An all purpose fighter, made to rival USF's Venus Fighter:


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Action Groups:

1- Toggle Engines

2- Toggle Intakes

8- Toggle AI

9- Next Weapon

10- Fire


2 AIM-120 Missiles

2 Maverick Missiles

4 Sidewinder Missiles

4 Hellfire Missiles

2 Hidden Vulcan Cannons

DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Release...1+(MARS).craft

- - - Updated - - -

Its been in the making for about 7 days now... Making the design the best I can, With a low part count.

Introducing, the brand new, all purpose fighter jet:

(Refitted for v.0.9.x)


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Action Groups:

1- Toggle Engine

2- Enable Targeting Pod

3- Fire Countermeasure

8- Arm/Disarm Weapons

9- Next Weapon

0- Fire


2 Hidden Vulcans

2 Hydra Missile Pods

2 AMRAAM Missiles

2 SnakeEye Bombs

4 Hellfire Missiles

2 Sidewinder Missiles

DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Released%20Craft/Atmosphere?preview=F-25+Venus.craft

- - - Updated - - -

And here's that plane I've been talking about!

Ladies and Gentlekerbs, Boys and Girbals, Krandmas and Krandpas, Aunts and Unkles, Kats and Dogs, Mice and Gerbils, Kelephants and Krhinoceroses, I present...

The HPI-350 "Wasp!"

Ooh, shiny.


Damn, that's an awesome screenshot.

The HPI-350 "Wasp" Interceptor is a small jet, but don't be fooled! It zips past the competition with a maximum speed of over Mach 1, can pull out of a 90° supersonic dive 300m above the ground, and accelerates so quickly that you can get from a dead stop on the runway to combat altitude in a few seconds! Not to mention, it can keep fighting just fine, even with 5/6 of a wing shot off. It's also more or less impossible to get this thing to stall. I have had planes with an engine and several control surfaces make a safe landing at 25 m/s. However, the limited range means that it is best used as a carrier aircraft, or to defend a base. Frankly, this is the jet that got me back into KSP. It made me realize how much fun it is to play, and I can safely say that this is the best plane I've ever made.

Here are pictures!

And a Sketchfab model! (Without the missiles, as the Sketchfab importer doesn't play nice with BDA)

*Ahem* Oh, right, the stats. Well, here are some numbers for you:

Part Count: 45-50, depending on the loadout

Powerplant: Whiplash Turbo-Ramjet

Max Speed: 355 m/s ASL

Mass: 7.3-8.3 tons, depending on the loadout

Weapons: Depends on the loadout

Flight Time: About 20 minutes

Action Groups:

1 - Toggle Engine

2 - Toggle AI

3 - Arm/Disarm

4 - Toggle Guard Mode

5 - Toggle Team

6 - Toggle Ladder (Yes, there is a ladder in the craft file. It got added on last-minute, so it isn't in any of the screenies.)

8 - Drop Countermeasures

9 - Next Weapon

10 - Fire


Note: Craft is from pre-0.9 BDA, luckily nothing craft-breaking, though it lacks chaff for losing radar locks.

Edited by JID00Gaming
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If you need a low orbit cargo ship. Jon144 Aerospace is leasing a fully functional space shuttle.

(Still a work in progress but flying it should be pretty straight forward. Just press 1 to turn off the main engines once you get into orbit)







Edited by Jon144
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Not really. If you use a hosting site like Dropbox or Mediafire it's literally just putting a single copy-pasted link for each thing in the post, plus pics IF you want to show some. Your comment makes me think you're trying to drive clicks to KME...
We ALL want HatBat to see our craft, but it's a waste of time for him when you can't be bothered to post the download links. Please be considerate.

I don't usually express it, as it's a pointless endeavour, but I really do hate when people do it. It's a joke, it wastes my time and it wastes theirs. Thankyou very much for making a proper submission afterwards JID00, but I must say that when I saw your first post my cursor went nowhere near the link. If you hadn't made a proper submission then I wouldn't have even seen your ships, it would've been a shame: as they actually seem quite good. So just a warning for future submitters: Don't even bother if you simply plan to send me a link to your thread. You're better off going outside and shouting in the hopes that I might hear you. It offends me that people would waste space on my thread like that when there are hundreds of others who spend a long time writing their submissions. Those people get the look in they deserve.

- - - Updated - - -

I should also say that people shouldn't be afraid to make big posts here, if you're just copying your company thread (albeit if it actually meets my expectations for a submission) then go ahead. I don't mind, all I'm asking is you show that you put in some effort. Otherwise I'll just assume you don't care and instead use the ships of the people who do: even if your ships are better.

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Well, I'm not sure how unorthadox of tank designs you want, but I have this. It's called the Pill bug. It uses stock suspension and is nearly invincible while driving over the Launch road (And pad itself) at full speed. It's completely stock but feel free to add any weaponry you want to it if you feel the urge to use this prototype.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Well, I'm not sure how unorthadox of tank designs you want, but I have this. It's called the Pill bug. It uses stock suspension and is nearly invincible while driving over the Launch road (And pad itself) at full speed. It's completely stock but feel free to add any weaponry you want to it if you feel the urge to use this prototype.

(Still loading)


I really like your suspension setup!

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