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[1.x+] Community Resource Pack


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Ah! Very good then

So what's the deal with KSPI? Do we have an official fork yet or no? It's been more than a bit confusing.

Fractal hasn't updated since his 0.13 release that runs on 0.25. Boris's bug-fix branch provides basically the original experience on 0.90, and then there are one or two extension/rebalance forks downstream of that. None of them are "official" that I know of, and I can't tell any clear winner on market share. I'm not sure whose release to recommend either.

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Why there isn't no ore or minerals on the poles of Mun, looks like the resource map is finished poorly as it ends abruptly in a circle, same thing with minerals. Is there any way of editing these maps?


No insights? It's really weird, and anoying if u are trying to kolonize the moon and there isn't a spot where water and ore are available. Guess it's on purpose!

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No insights? It's really weird, and anoying if u are trying to kolonize the moon and there isn't a spot where water and ore are available. Guess it's on purpose!

With the switch to Regolith for resource generation, resources are biome based. You can edit the CRP cfg files if you want to put in 100% guaranteed locations for resources, otherwise it goes off of whatever Rover set up for the defaults.

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Hey RoverDude, I want to use CRP to make a resource. This resource is going to be called Radiation (unless I can think of anything more original xpx) that is always present in the system. It'll be very dence/common near Kerbol, on the surface of Eve, and the entire Jool system will be irradated to the point that if you don't have good protection from it (will be something built into the command pod) your kerbals/probe cores will be fried and useless (dead).

What I want to ask is:

How can I use CRP to add this to make it easier for other modders to make it compatible with the resource. I'm talking with someone who had a tutorial for how to make parts, and I'm going to try and talk with him about developing the deadly part of it, and I want to use CRP to add it in

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CRP is less about adding new resources that are single-mod, and more about providing some commonality for the ones we share (i.e. not all of the MKS ones are in there, but the ones that have commonality with NFT, TAC-LS, etc. are going to be there).

Now if there's one that CRP has that you want to use, just bundle it and you're done :) For new ones, it's more a case of showing multiple mods that use them (or in some cases, if we have most of a mod's resources we'll bring along a few others for the ride).

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1.0 Discussion

So it's time to discuss 1.0 - this is one of those few chances we have to do a review of the resources, and tweak as required.

I'll start by noting that we will be establishing 'Lqd' as the prefix for all liquid sub-forms (i.e. Hydrogen/LqdHydrogen, Oxygen/LqdOxygen).

If folks can please do a review of the resources they curate, we can start working on consolidation and trim down the list.

Discuss :)

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I am currently using these:

  • LiquidHydrogen [changed to LqdHydrogen]
  • ArgonGas
  • PTFE [likely changed to Teflon]
  • EnrichedUranium
  • DepletedUranium
  • StoredCharge

I am considering adding SystemHeat to this list, though I am somewhat open about changing it to KSPI's WasteHeat. In addition, I'm likely to start using these in the near future:

  • Lithium
  • Deuterium [likely changed to LqdDeuterium]
  • Tritium [likely changed to LqdTritium]

I propose a large change: taking LiquidFuel as Kerosene-equiv and unifying all liquid resources to have densities relative to it. Halfway realistic, I'll call it. This is already in place for resources I manage (except for nuclear fuels)

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I am considering adding SystemHeat to this list, though I am somewhat open about changing it to KSPI's WasteHeat.

Before we adopt WasteHeat as a standard, has anyone tested how KSPI reacts to other mods generating WasteHeat? There may be other parts of KSPI that every heat source is supposed to participate in, with possible unexpected behavior if you generate heat it isn't accounting for.

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Fair enough, hopefully FreeThinker can weigh in on this.

- - - Updated - - -

Side note - I agree with some consolidation/standardization since now is the best time to do this, given FreeThinker has expressed an interest in rolling KSPI-E into the fold (hence a reasonable accommodation on the lqd prefix).

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My mod for mineral processing will try to differentiate between solid (rocky) and non-solid resources since they require different means of transport.

So liquids and gases via standard internal piping.

However solids i.e. rocks/minerals/ore will require external/internal conveyor belts. In plantary environments player will have to use open conveyor belts to move rocky resources (EC). However in microgravity 'pumping' rocky resources will require trace amounts of monoprop or EC or oxidizer or liquid fuel and closed conveyor belts. But I guess thread main topic is differentiation between liquid and gaseous resources so this will fall outside the scope of the discussion.

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I propose a large change: taking LiquidFuel as Kerosene-equiv and unifying all liquid resources to have densities relative to it. Halfway realistic, I'll call it. This is already in place for resources I manage (except for nuclear fuels)

I agree :) Would be nice to rebalance density of solid resources as well, but I remember RoverDude said it wasn't that easy since it's causing weirdness with asteroids stuff.

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Here's what I've got so far.

I propose removing two resources and consolidating two others into one.

  • Remove Plutonium-238 (used by noone as far as I know)
  • Remove Polytetrafluoroethylene (used by noone, and me not soon)
  • Combine Substrate and Alumnia, they're generally supposed to be the same thing

I've moved liquids to a Lqd prefix and normalized all the densities to be correct based on stock LiquidFuel being Kerosene. Solid crustal resources I've based off assuming EL's Metal resource is titanium. I've done similar things for costs, but those aren't final yet. Nuclear fuels are as yet questionable as they have an issue with being in low quantities.

Additionally, I made some FlowMode changes to some of the KSPI resources, because ALL_VESSEL sucks.

Edited by Nertea
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THere seems to be missing a resource for cryogenic Liquid Oxygen. It will be very import for KSPI to have a liquid for of Oxygen to allow realistic LOX augmented nuclear thermal engine. I propose to take the existing definition of LqdOxygen, which is short enough to fith on a resource box and won't cause compatibility issues with RealFuel

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In Nert-world, LOX = stock Oxidizer. I'd need a really good argument to shift that...

Oxidizer is a generic oxidizer that does not require cryogenic storage which require heavier tanks. Liquid Oxygen is pure Oxygen, which can be retrieve from the atmosphere directly. Liquid Oxygen is not only very import for propulsion but also for the ISRU converter processes. Oxidizer can be an end product but not substitution for Oxygen! If you want any significant amount of Oxigen to bring along on space travel, it needs to be liquified oxygen, in it gas form, it's the economical most effective method of storage!

Oxidizer is a chemical which must be manufactured and can be stored without cooling and therefore much easier to store. This is very important for Balance reasons, otherwise it would become highly unbalanced. This is basically my only demand, everything else is of lesser significance.

Edited by FreeThinker
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*frowns* I'm not exactly sure what you mean. LOX by definition is liquid oxygen, not a generic oxidizer. It does need cryogenic storage, though not as badly as LH2 does.

Modeling boiloff is beyond the CRP scope though. If you really want a LqdOxygen thing, we can probably do it, I'm just saying that I assume we've already got it in stock resources.

EDIT: I see you edited your post quite a lot. Makes more sense now. I'll just tell you that LOX would be a slight amount heavier (probably 0.00575 vs Oxidizer at 0.00500) according to current conversions.

Edited by Nertea
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