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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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Well... i cant right click items that are right clickable (air-brakes) and i cant set action group... and landing gears are going nuts ... ? This is on 0.25 which is weird... I had it before with all my favourite mods including B9 and it worked flawlessly, then i updated to 0.90 and its was really buggy(i didn't see that B9 is not up-ed yet, just downloaded it without looking) so i backed to 0.25 (clean install with all mods re-downloaded) and all the problems began .... this makes no sense....

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The post Christmas lull has left me bored at work today. So, I took a shot as recompiling the few mods that appear to not be updated for 0.90 yet.

THESE ARE UNTESTED - I've gone as far as loading the game and toggling the Sabre intakes. Please test and let me know how things go. I will attempt to fix exceptions.

[DOWNLOAD] - Extract into GameData directory. This archive follows the same path structure as the current official B9 release archive ( B9_Aerospace_Pack_R5-2-6.zip )

My forked sources are available here. Changes from main authors' source are negligible at this time; a cast here, a reference change there. I am not maintaining these. I will not take feature requests. The forks will only exist until the original authors update their own repositories.




All other dependencies for B9 are updated to 0.90 except for Raster Prop Monitor which has an "unofficial" patch by MOARdv which can be found here.

edit: Looks like ResGen, for the compressed air RCS, and KineTech, for the Sabre nozzles, are working. I'll have to play with Virgin Kalactic a little more. It's throwing null ref errors when toggling nodes.

edit: 2014-12-27 - Download link updated. Recompiled KineTech and ResGen as "Release" instead of "Debug"

edit: 2014-12-27 - Download link updated. Fixed most null errors in Virgin Kalactic Generic module.

Edited by mrBlaQ
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So, I took a shot as recompiling the few mods that appear to not be updated for 0.90 yet.

Many thanks for your work.

Following issues are there:

1. KineTechAnimation throws errors like:

[EXC 18:30:12.989] IsolatedStorageException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\KSP_0.9_Test\GameData\KineTechAnimation\Plugins\PluginData\KineTechAnimation\Documentation\KModuleAnimateMass.cfg".

System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options)

System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)

System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor (System.String path, Boolean append, System.Text.Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)

System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor (System.String path, Boolean append, System.Text.Encoding encoding)

System.IO.File.WriteAllText (System.String path, System.String contents, System.Text.Encoding encoding)

System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)

Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)

System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters)

KConfigDocumentationGenerator.WriteConfig (System.Text.StringBuilder& working, System.String& filePath)

KConfigDocumentationGenerator.GenerateAssemblyDocumentation (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly)

KConfigDocumentationGenerator.Generate ()

KConfigDocumentationGenerator.OnLevelWasLoaded (Int32 level)

[EXC 18:30:13.000] IsolatedStorageException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\KSP_0.9_Test\GameData\KineTechAnimation\Plugins\PluginData\KineTechAnimation\Documentation\KModuleAnimateMass.cfg".

System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options)

System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)

System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor (System.String path, Boolean append, System.Text.Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)

System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor (System.String path, Boolean append, System.Text.Encoding encoding)

System.IO.File.WriteAllText (System.String path, System.String contents, System.Text.Encoding encoding)

System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)

Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)

System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters)

KConfigDocumentationGenerator.WriteConfig (System.Text.StringBuilder& working, System.String& filePath)

KConfigDocumentationGenerator.GenerateAssemblyDocumentation (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly)

KConfigDocumentationGenerator.Generate ()

KConfigDocumentationGenerator.OnLevelWasLoaded (Int32 level)

This can be worked around by taking the corresponding "Documentation" durectory from previous (0.25) package & placing in proper place.

2. Context menu (on RMB) of Sabre intakes brings... errr... too much info...

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Many thanks for your work.

Following issues are there:

1. KineTechAnimation throws errors like...

Thank you very much for your input. If you or anyone else would be so kind, please post future error reports to the respective github repositories I've linked previously.

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New versions of KineTech and ResGen are now compiled for Release instead of Debug. Addresses Horus's findings.


edit: 2014-12-27 - Download link updated. Fixed most null errors in Virgin Kalactic Generic module.

Edited by mrBlaQ
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Release 5.2.7


• Updated all the plugin dependencies to 0.90-compatible versions. No real work on my side, all thanks go to the developers of plugin dependencies (like Snjo), and special thanks go to mrBlaQ for fixing KineTechAnimation, ResGen and Virgin Kalactic - those plugins are not actively maintained by the original developers anymore and were unlikely to receive an update otherwise.

There are possible issues with mesh-switched parts powered by Firespitter, report if you have any.

Edited by bac9
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Can you get this CKAN compatible?

Thanks for all the hard work

Edit: Just installed it (from [Moderator removed defunct website]), get the following errors from KSB-AVC:

The currently installed version of B9 Aerospace was built to run on KSP 0.25

The currently installed version of RasterPropMonitor was built to run on KSP 0.25

The currently installed version of KineTechAnimation wwas built to run on KSP 0.25

The currently installed version of Resgen was built to run on KSP 0.25

Edited by James Kerman
link removed
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I could definitely be missing something but is the animation for the thrust vectoring jet engine not working for anyone else? Or did I break something maybe. But When using like the Haldeman I get no animation for thrust vectoring, and it doesn't seem to change any of the performance of the jet like it used to.

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Yep .... THX!!! Especially to all the maintainers.

According to sarbians post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55985-0-90-Space-Shuttle-Engines-%28Dec-27%29?p=1620129&viewfull=1#post1620129 it is useable to change km_gimbal module to km_gimbal_3 in part cfg.


Mod that rely on KM_Gimbal should now use "KM_Gimbal_3" for the gimbal module name. (...)

@name = KM_Gimbal_3

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Yep .... THX!!! Especially to all the maintainers.

According to sarbians post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55985-0-90-Space-Shuttle-Engines-%28Dec-27%29?p=1620129&viewfull=1#post1620129 it is useable to change km_gimbal module to km_gimbal_3 in part cfg.

@name = KM_Gimbal_3

Is this in response to me?

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I'm having an error where some of my radially attached parts just drop off of my new spacecraft. Any inkling as to what it might be? I have no clue really.

Also, certain parts appear to be physicsless when they should have physics.

Edited by Cappi
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I haven't found info on my current issue.

The changing part ( LF to LFO To RCF to Strutural) don't contain any fuel.

Am I missing a mod or it's an expected issue ?

Using kerbal 0.9

I'm experiencing this problem also with the latest B9 download on a modded install. I have installed B9 on a Vanilla KSP and it works fine so I am currently working through all the mods to try and find the conflicting culprit.

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I have just tested it again and all Firespitter mesh/fuel swiched parts like HL tails and MK2 fuselages seem to be working properly, with fuel types and mass correctly altered. Not sure why wouldn't it work for some of you.

You are right about KM_Gimbal renaming, though, I have corrected it now and will include it into the next release.

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I have just tested it again and all Firespitter mesh/fuel swiched parts like HL tails and MK2 fuselages seem to be working properly, with fuel types and mass correctly altered. Not sure why wouldn't it work for some of you.

Well I just installed B9 over a Vanilla install then removed any dependencies available through CKAN for 0.90 and reinstalled them and it works fine. Then installed all my pre-existing mods and it still works so I have no idea where the error was occurring especially as its running the identical firespitter modules. KSP things!

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Basically,I Cleaned my other mods in there,put in all the dependencies,put in the ships,In SPH but KSP detected them as Unknown for size..

IM using the required 0.90 too. in MacOSX

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Could someone explain me what are all the other mod folders for (besides the B9 Aerospace folder), also, I suppose I should not move the "B9_Aerospace_DEPRECATED" to my GameData folder, right?

By "all the other mod folders" I mean the Firespitter; JSI; Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal, etc., Can I overwrite it if I do download the actual mod files? Because I can see they aren't the entire mod, Firespitter for example has only a plugin file inside.

Oh, and for installing mods like Hot_Rockets, by "Install before B9" you mean moving Hot_Rockets files first and then B9 to Gamedata folder? I can't see what difference that will do.

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