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SQUAD, please don't do this to us.


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Here's an excerpt from the Minecraft Wiki of Version 1.8:

  Minecraft Wiki said:
This was the longest wait for a major update to Minecraft, with 312 days having elapsed since the release of 1.7.2 on October 25, 2013.

312 days between major updates... I know that Minecraft is post-release now, but still, that's a long time.

When KSP goes 1.0, I'd allow longer and longer update times, given an environment that differs every time I play. But if the game still resembles what it does now at 1.0, 312 days would make me lose interest entirely. I live for the updates, because I finish all I want to finish well before the next edition.

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Don't wait for updates to play the game, play it to have fun, test stuff, download mods (if you're into it) and have fun. If an update comes in, get it and repeat. It really doesn't matter how long Squad takes to update their game, if you're having fun playing the game as is then the updates just feels like something that will increase your experience with the game and maybe add more fun.

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  Alshain said:
Your assuming that KSP is going to take the same "update forever" approach that Minecraft does. Just because pre-release is like that doesn't mean they won't move to a more traditional DLC or Expansion Pack format after release.

But that would be a significantly worse experience for everyone other than SQUAD. I get they have no legal obligation to do anything and could legally just take our money and run, but I'd still be pretty angry and disappointed if a DLC model is one they use at "1.0" (which is looking more and more likely given the whole "scope complete" nonsense has interrupted so many potentially interesting updates).

In a nutshell, people that feel they are entitled enough to set Squad's timeline for them.

No, in a nutshell people are hoping out loud that SQUAD chooses a timeline that doesn't inconvenience them financially and temporally any more than it actually has to given their development capability.

Don't wait for updates to play the game, play it to have fun, test stuff, download mods (if you're into it) and have fun. If an update comes in, get it and repeat. It really doesn't matter how long Squad takes to update their game, if you're having fun playing the game as is then the updates just feels like something that will increase your experience with the game and maybe add more fun.

But as it is, so much of the game just falls flat. As I'm descending over Eve, half the fun can only come from imagining dense, impenetrable clouds, volatile weather, volcanic activity, and risks to my craft from pressure and heat. God knows I don't build my bases for the text-box "science" we can do, but right now because of the imagined I.S.R.U, colonisation, base-building, life support and such. That's why I live for the updates, because (at least in theory but I bloody hope in practice to at this rate) they each inch me closer to not having to imagine these things. Legally, yadda yadda yadda but the potential it had for these things, stock, is why I bought the game at all.

Edited by PwnedDuck
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  PwnedDuck said:

But as it is, so much of the game just falls flat. As I'm descending over Eve, half the fun can only come from imagining dense, impenetrable clouds, volatile weather, volcanic activity, and risks to my craft from pressure and heat. God knows I don't build my bases for the text-box "science" we can do, but right now because of the imagined I.S.R.U, colonisation, base-building, life support and such. That's why I live for the updates, because (at least in theory but I bloody hope in practice to at this rate) they each inch me closer to not having to imagine these things. Legally, yadda yadda yadda but the potential it had for these things, stock, is why I bought the game at all.

Pretty much what I meant: I play to the best of my ability and to the limits of imagination, but I have been doing so since I became a good pilot. It is starting to get old, and new features and objectives (Like the contracts in First Contract) are welcome in my book. I don't have to play "by myself" anymore, but instead, there is some kind of storyline for me to follow.

I like instruction. The total freedom of "Sandbox" mode in KSP and Minecraft are wonderful in their own respects, but eventually you will run out of ideas on your own.

And the only thing I was trying to convey was the fact that I would hate for Soontm to ever mean 312 days, unless there is a good reason.

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  Starwhip said:
When KSP goes 1.0, I'd allow longer and longer update times...

Why would you expect anything besides bug fixes after version 1.0?

I'm being serious. What does 1.0 mean if it's just another step on a continuous string of releases? The 1.0 release should be what Squad (or any software developer) is working towards as a finished product. Once 1.0 ships, development is completed, and the only further releases for that product should be fixes to any issues that somehow made it out the door.

Any additional features or content should be released as a separate expansion to the original. If development continues after 1.0, why was that version 1.0 and not simply < previous release > + 0.1?

Or has the development model of "we're going to build < x >, and then release it" gone away?

Edited by razark
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You appear to be forgetting that the 312 days of waiting was broken up by a considerable number of 'snapshot' versions AND the update includes a ridiculous amount of content (including the extension of "sandbox" to "build literally anything because command blocks, more so than when that happened last update").

If Squad takes that long to release an update they're either dealing with a massive problem, gone forever, or working on the best update ever made.

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The game's pretty good. Only missing (IMHO)

- 64 bits (obviously, everyone wants that).

- Some part-designing software (really a way of welding something together so it takes less part count overall), again who doesn't want that ? That launcher of mines that uses 20 orange tanks + 10 engines + 10 large RCS + 10 large SAS + 10 large nose cones + ~40 4-ways RCS jets + ~20 Struts to hold everything together... now that's 120 parts... It would drop so something like 15-25 parts ? and that's just optimizing my launcher. there another 30 designs that would tremendously benefit from this.

- Some planets analog of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

- Solar system creation (easy moon/planet placement, choosing between textures, setting distance from sun, star color, and getting warning if unstable body orbit because of whatever, atmosphere height, mass, etc).

- Stock game resources (just put Kethane as part of base game and that would already be quite nice)

- An overall main menu "New Game" option with checkboxes... So you don't have "game modes" you just check what you want to have (say sandbox with science gains, no deadly re-entry(assuming part of stock), resources, no contracts)

I'm just throwing ideas, but I didn't ask for any major twist to the game or serious game-changing mechanics here... mostly more streamline new game menus, more planets, system/parts editor... and 64 bits. This game is already awesome, but part count is killing fun sometimes. And not everyone likes all features. Why have sandbox AND science gain since you already have everything unlocked ? I love making science missions, even if I don't need it, that 6k science mission to Jool was an utmost blast !

Anyways, just rambling now, so I'll go play some more. =)

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  razark said:
Why would you expect anything besides bug fixes after version 1.0?

What are you not hoping for reasources other stars to travel too or even KSP2? But, yeah. I would like them to work on bug fixes in addition to adding moar content as well as much needed mental brakes so they can come up with there next great push. Then again. Could be missing yer point too. =^.^=

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  Epthelyn said:
And everyone running a 64-bit system already has that.

Keep up :P

Alright, it might be unstable and cause problems for some people, but it exists

Speaking of features imbedded in the stock game. I know some ppl run it, but I did not attempt to yet.

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There's no reason to think we'll have an unexpectedly long gap between updates pre-1.0. Now if something like the Unity 5 port does take Squad the best part of a year then so be it.

Once it hits 1.0, I'd far rather Squad just kept up with bugfixes and optimisations and focussed on their Next Big ThingTM, whether that's KSP2 or something completely different.

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  Skyrunner27 said:
I would then advise you to not play the game until 1.0 comes out then you can play it as an actual game. IMO if you are playing for the updates your not really enjoying the game.

Exactly. There's so much to do in KSP that playing simply to occupy yourself is hardly playing at all. Play the game because it's fun, not because you want to experience the current version in as much detail as possible because the next one will bring massive changes and make everything you know about the game obsolete (which isn't going to happen)

KSP is a patient game. Sure, you can do things quickly, but going too quickly ruins the experience. I've been playing since 0.16 or 0.17 and I still haven't taken Kerbals to Duna. LKO has a lot that you can do, even in Sandbox mode. :D

Also going to address some of Francois' ideas:

  Francois424 said:
The game's pretty good. Only missing (IMHO)

- 64 bits (obviously, everyone wants that).

Already stock, but it's terribly unstable on Windows. From what I know, Squad has been in contact with Unity Technologies (guys who make the Unity engine) to try and figure out a solution to the 64-bit instabilities, but no solutions have been found yet.

  Francois424 said:
- Some part-designing software (really a way of welding something together so it takes less part count overall), again who doesn't want that ? That launcher of mines that uses 20 orange tanks + 10 engines + 10 large RCS + 10 large SAS + 10 large nose cones + ~40 4-ways RCS jets + ~20 Struts to hold everything together... now that's 120 parts... It would drop so something like 15-25 parts ? and that's just optimizing my launcher. there another 30 designs that would tremendously benefit from this.

Part fusing would be kinda nice, but there are already pieces of software that you can use to make your own parts: things like Blender, 3DS Max, Sketchup, Maya, then texture using Gimp, Photoshop, or even paint.net! Chuck it all into Unity and export with the part tools the devs have been so kind to provide et voila!

I don't personally like the idea of part fusing because it would take away from one of KSP's major features: simulating individual parts rather than the rocket as a singular rigidbody. It would basically remove the need to design your rockets to be sturdy.

  Francois424 said:
- Some planets analog of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

- Solar system creation (easy moon/planet placement, choosing between textures, setting distance from sun, star color, and getting warning if unstable body orbit because of whatever, atmosphere height, mass, etc).

Now this... oh yes, this... Planet editing needs to be a thing. At the very least we need to be able to add more buildings to Kerbin. I'm well aware of mods like PlanetFactory and Kerbtown, but having even a little bit of this functionality would be awesome.

Edited by OrbitusII
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Yeah, after 1.0, a complete "overhaul" of KSP could be done. For example, a bespoke game engine using symplectic integrators for gravity could be developed, featuring advanced, optimized graphics and arbitrary precision arithmetic in crucial places. KSP has potential for great gameplay (especially with mods), but it has serious limitations caused by being based on Unity engine. It'd be great to be able to ditch Unity at some point, but it'd be a new game.

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  Aragosnat said:
What are you not hoping for reasources other stars to travel too or even KSP2?

As I said, "Any additional features or content should be released as a separate expansion to the original." Like I asked, what does 1.0 mean if it doesn't mean "finished product"?

There are some good reasons that the term "feature creep" exists.

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Not really seeing a point to this thread to be honest, Squad is working on 0.25 as you can plainly see from the devnotes amongst other things, I guess it's still the "in" thing to compare every and all small developers with Mojang and all games with Minecraft.

Seriously, get over Minecraft, there's other ways to make games :)

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