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My God, can we stop with un-neccasary "Hype-Mobiles"?


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Good Lord, I didn't think I would break down to this... Anyway, some know I despise the "hype-mobiles" that are popping up now, because of Gregox's use of it in the last update. Now it just seems as if everyone is hopping onto the bandwagon because they want to have some-sort of fame. As much as I know it's for "fun". It isn't necessary. If I where to post a thread on non-hype days. People would hate it. It's just because Gregox is making too-big of a deal about it. Sure, it's for a discussion. But when the discussion thread is just "#LOLOLOLKSPHYPETRAIN420TICKETSLELELELEL", that isn't discussing new features. It's just a chat thread. Other games don't do this, because it would be something people would complain about. You don't see the Minecrafters on the forums doing this. You don't see Prison Architect fans doing this. You don't see Buzz Aldrins Space Program doing this. It's just a person with the spotlight on them, and others wanting to join in. Thinking it will make them "cool".

I do not wish to harm anyone emotionally with this thread, I just wanted to vent this out somewhere. I think it's something that shouldn't be promoted, because it's just not needed in a forum.

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Just because you despise it, doesn't mean they are wrong for participating.

Drawing more attention to it isn't going to make it go away. Sometimes it's better to ignore.

Thing is though. There is already max-attention. Now with modders (I say that loosely, just to not dirty the names of big modders like Majjir, and ferram), are now making HYPE PARTS?! That is, just CFG edits to run on "Hype-i-um".

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In all honesty, if you feel it is devolving into a chat thread, you are welcome to report especially meaningless/chatty posts in it. We have had a long-standing policy of prohibiting chat threads here for quite some time, and although we can be a little more lenient on the hype-y threads, they are still subject to this rule. A report isn't a guarantee that we'll be definitely cleaning up every five minutes (because I'm sure you're quite aware that those sorts of threads move very quickly), but it does guarantee that the moderation team will check things out and see what we can do, as quickly as we can collectively manage.

They are a bit of a nightmare sometimes, but we do try to keep them as sane as possible.

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So you're saying that you don't want to ride on a HyPeâ„¢ Brand vehicle?

In all seriousness, the hype threads will disappear as soon as .25 is released, i'd just roll with it as this forum is too serious sometimes anyway.

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So you're saying that you don't want to ride on a HyPeâ„¢ Brand vehicle?

In all seriousness, the hype threads will disappear as soon as .25 is released, i'd just roll with it as this forum is too serious sometimes anyway.

Nah - the .26 Hype Train will be waiting. :)

It's just one more forum meme now - kinda like 'moar boosters.' And at least the hype-train tends to be confined to a couple of threads, so can be ignored fairly easily.

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Nah - the .26 Hype Train will be waiting. :)

It's just one more forum meme now - kinda like 'moar boosters.' And at least the hype-train tends to be confined to a couple of threads, so can be ignored fairly easily.

Yup, that's the important thing to note here. The hype stuff is excessive and silly; that's the whole point of it. But it is confined to a handful of clearly labelled threads: nobody has to look at it if they don't want to.

Sure, if hypestuff starts spilling all over the place into non-hype threads, stomp it hard and fast. I'd agree that the recent trend of "build me a hype-X" in the mod request threads is a bit dangerous. But mostly, for now, hold your nose and let folks have their fun. In some ways, I think it provides a pressure valve; people can periodically and briefly let their hair down and bend the rules in the hypethreads, but mostly remain sensible outside of them.

This is a remarkably well run and well behaved forum; the Squaddies have the balance just right. Pushing it too far in either direction will wreck things.

Edited by Wanderfound
#%#^#* typos again
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Thing is though. There is already max-attention.

Only amongst those whose attention is easily led astray. It's clearly just some younger members having fun. They're not hurting anyone. If you're not interested then just ignore it.

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Please, no Hypetrain this time. It might be fun, but the developers and the game suffer from it. When 0.24 was first released, it was almost unplayable, because everyone was so hyped and wanted it RIGHT NOW. Same goes for 64 bit, the developers warned that it is very buggy, but the community kept on hyping and begging. Now almost nobody plays 64 bit because of severe bugs.

This is not only addressed to you, Gregrox, but to the community as a whole.

A old quote from me.

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Yup, that's the important thing to note here. The hype stuff is excessive and silly; that's the whole point of it. But it is confined to a handful of clearly labelled threads: nobody has to look at it if they don't want to.

Sure, if hypestuff starts spilling all over the place into non-hype threads, stomp it hard and fast. I'd agree that the recent trend of "build me a hype-X" in the mod request threads is a bit dangerous. But mostly, for now, hold your nose and let folks have their fun. In some ways, I think it provides a pressure valve; people can periodically and briefly let their hair down and bend the rules in the hypethreads, but mostly remain sensible outside of them.

This is a remarkably well run and well behaved forum; the Squaddies have the balance just right. Pushiing it too far in either direction will wreck things.

This is basically all I can say. I will admit, making my thread was taking it a little far. Won't make that mistake again. But otherwise, I think it is a nice alternative to the arguments and drama that has been permeating this community lately.

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Nah - the .26 Hype Train will be waiting. :)

It's just one more forum meme now - kinda like 'moar boosters.' And at least the hype-train tends to be confined to a couple of threads, so can be ignored fairly easily.

I don't think anyone could have said any better than that.

Well done. The arguments should stop there.

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Eh, I don't care for seeing all the hype silliness, but I'm also an old fuddy-duddy. If the kids are going to keep their fun to a handful of threads, so be it. I'd rather just wake up to an official announcement of the new release some morning without all the attention, but oh well.

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Eh, I don't care for seeing all the hype silliness, but I'm also an old fuddy-duddy. If the kids are going to keep their fun to a handful of threads, so be it. I'd rather just wake up to an official announcement of the new release some morning without all the attention, but oh well.

Incidentally, this kid (who quite enjoys the hypestuff) was born during the Nixon presidency.

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