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[11/26/15 Update] Say Hello to the Light-Green Group!


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Update Progress

I have gotten to the four light green bars (started at the top) Still going, don't know how far I can get tonight.

I've been very distracted with a soundtrack I've been making, but I've put that on hold till this is done.

O-O soundtrack? Please share when done! :D

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Update Progress

I have gotten to the four light green bars (started at the top) Still going, don't know how far I can get tonight.

I've been very distracted with a soundtrack I've been making, but I've put that on hold till this is done.

Don't forget that if you need any help/tips with either of your projects, I'm here to help. Don't be afraid to PM me. :)

I've been working on a certain soundtrack recently too. It's... so... close to being done! (And there's actually another one that I'm just starting planning on. But you'll learn about that one in a bit... ;) )


Oh, and regarding the Advice on How to Get Reputation:

Don't beg, don't spam-post your achievements, and don't create anything for the sole purpose of getting Reputation.

When Reputation comes, you have full permission to be as happy as you want to be. If you don't get as much Reputation as you feel you deserve, take comfort in the fact that it's just imaginary Internet points that don't actually do anything.

Above all, know that a lot of people probably enjoy your company and think you're a great person, even if you don't have the amount of Reputation you may wish you did. And isn't that more important than any number of little green bars?


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Oh, and regarding the Advice on How to Get Reputation:

I always do things to make people happy. :D

Selflessness is a thing I wish more people sported as a common practice... *pretends to sniffle*

Ehm. As I was saying, Upsilon is 100% right. Self promotion generally puts the populace against you, rather than for. Mah 2 cents on this.

Anyhoo Upsilon, I've been PMing Blizzy (I sent him on on July 4th and one this last week) about the song plugin but he hasn't responded. I'm not sure if it's still a plan. I'm hoping for a good song plugin to come out which can control soundtrack in more than just the stock scenes. I think the U5 update opens the doors for just that... :)

Now back to the main subject... Everyone is awesome! xD

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Don't beg, don't spam-post your achievements, and don't create anything for the sole purpose of getting Reputation.

People.. do that?

I've never really seen spam-posting, or for that matter, begging, other than "If you like my post, etc. Don't be afraid to rep me! :D" in their signatures. I don't find the latter really that annoying.

Edited by Columbia
Typos! Tons!
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Oh, and regarding the Advice on How to Get Reputation:

Well, we've already seen plenty of examples of these two methods:

The Tip Jar: I did this thing for you. If you liked it, click this star over here! Thanks!

The Panhandler: Hey man, can you spare a little rep? I just need 18 more and I get another bar. No? OK man, SQUAD bless.

But that only scratches the surface! There's also...

The Kickstarter: I'm working on a great new replica! 250 rep will be enough to motivate me to finish it and post it on the Forum. If you support this project with your +rep, you can get the craft file 30 minutes before the rest of the forum--plus a personal message from me, explaining the action groups!

The Public Radio Fund Drive: Wasn't that a fantastic cliffhanger? Well, your +rep supports our program--and as soon as we raise 83 more points, I'll post the conclusion!

Prosperity Theology: Friends, you deserve rep. LOTS of rep--all the bars and more, just like I have! And the way for you to get that rep...is to rep ME! When you do, I'll reply with a PM detailing my secret formula to attracting rep. (Hint: It is to rep me again!)

OK going away now. :)

Edited by Kuzzter
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The Kickstarter: I'm working on a great new replica! 250 rep will be enough to motivate me to finish it and post it on the Forum. If you support this project with your +rep, you can get the craft file 30 minutes before the rest of the forum--plus a personal message from me, explaining the action groups!

LOL, this one irks me the most. The spacecraft exchange is not early access! Just finish the craft then share it! I'm not going to rep craft anymore until I test them. I will try at least..

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The Kickstarter: I'm working on a great new replica! 250 rep will be enough to motivate me to finish it and post it on the Forum. If you support this project with your +rep, you can get the craft file 30 minutes before the rest of the forum--plus a personal message from me, explaining the action groups!

*Eyes twitch

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People.. do that?

Not often, but yes. There are a few examples I've seen of people posting their craft in over ten different places, which gets just a wee bit annoying. I consider posting something along the lines of "Only three points and I'll have another Reputation bubble!" begging, though I'm ashamed to admit I've done it twice on this very thread. Times have changed, though :P

I didn't create my ships for rep, belut they did net me a lot of rep.Unintended. Don't kill me

No reason to kill you, Yukon! Reputation is nothing to be ashamed of.

But... But?

You're exempt from all of this, Felsmak. The stuff you create is simply on a higher, almost sublime plane, which means that Reputation (and really, everything else) is utterly insignificant compared to your work.

Well, we've already seen plenty of examples of these two methods:

The Tip Jar: I did this thing for you. If you liked it, click this star over here! Thanks!

The Panhandler: Hey man, can you spare a little rep? I just need 18 more and I get another bar. No? OK man, SQUAD bless.

But that only scratches the surface! There's also...

The Kickstarter: I'm working on a great new replica! 250 rep will be enough to motivate me to finish it and post it on the Forum. If you support this project with your +rep, you can get the craft file 30 minutes before the rest of the forum--plus a personal message from me, explaining the action groups!

The Public Radio Fund Drive: Wasn't that a fantastic cliffhanger? Well, your +rep supports our program--and as soon as we raise 83 more points, I'll post the conclusion!

Prosperity Theology: Friends, you deserve rep. LOTS of rep--all the bars and more, just like I have! And the way for you to get that rep...is to rep ME! When you do, I'll reply with a PM detailing my secret formula to attracting rep. (Hint: It is to rep me again!)

OK going away now. :)

Don't give them any ideas, Kuzzter. I'm worried someone's actually going to try these things now :huh:

That being said, I probably would have given you some Reputation for this if I didn't have to spread it around first. That was probably the funniest thing I've read today, and giving you Reputation for it would be deliciously ironic. I'm glad others have given you a couple of points for that, anyway...


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Aaaaand THIS is why the KSP forum fan base is so awesome XD

Reading these last few pages is hilarious. Be it in a strange sort of way. ^-^

I agree totally. And I will admit, I have had the "sour grapes" attitude, too :huh: when it comes to the rep points. Although I would love to get into the light green group, I am just glad now that I cannot get any lower than what I already have...

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Well, we've already seen plenty of examples of these two methods:

The Tip Jar: I did this thing for you. If you liked it, click this star over here! Thanks!

The Panhandler: Hey man, can you spare a little rep? I just need 18 more and I get another bar. No? OK man, SQUAD bless.

But that only scratches the surface! There's also...

The Kickstarter: I'm working on a great new replica! 250 rep will be enough to motivate me to finish it and post it on the Forum. If you support this project with your +rep, you can get the craft file 30 minutes before the rest of the forum--plus a personal message from me, explaining the action groups!

The Public Radio Fund Drive: Wasn't that a fantastic cliffhanger? Well, your +rep supports our program--and as soon as we raise 83 more points, I'll post the conclusion!

Prosperity Theology: Friends, you deserve rep. LOTS of rep--all the bars and more, just like I have! And the way for you to get that rep...is to rep ME! When you do, I'll reply with a PM detailing my secret formula to attracting rep. (Hint: It is to rep me again!)

OK going away now. :)

The first method isn't very annoying, I don't use it, but it's fair, and it feels like a reminder.

Panhandler: This is annoying. And I find that it often it isn't exactly like that, for example: how many rep points until your next bar thread. It probably wasn't even created as a fishing thread, but people made the decision to rep people who were very close to their next rep level.

The kickstarter: Never seen this, but sounds unbelieveably annoying.

PRFD: Ehh, kind of sounds like the kickstarter, except for a kind of interest gauging thing.

The last I have never seen, and probably never will.

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